
  1. 方法:对70例上颌窦患者均摄有Water位、Caldwell位、部分患者加摄体层片、侧位片、颅底片及上颌窦造影片。

    Methods : All 70 cases were taken Water area and Caldwell area films , some added tomographic , profile , cranial base films and maxillary sinus radiography .

  2. 本文以99具在上海近郊出土的干颅骨,研究颅骨卵圆孔和相应之颅骨的颅底X线片卵圆孔测定值之间的相关关系。

    Analyses of correlations between the measured values of the foramen ovale of dry skulls and those of roentgenographic skull base films of the corresponding specimens were carried out in 99 male adult skulls collected from the vicinity of Shanghai .