
  • 网络intracranial pressure monitoring;intracranial pressure monitor;icp monitoring;monitoring of intracranial pressure
  1. 重型弥漫性轴索损伤持续颅内压监测的临床意义

    Clinical significance of successive intracranial pressure monitoring of severe diffuse axonal injury

  2. 出血性脑卒中术后颅内压监测及临床意义的研究

    Clinical significance of intracranial pressure monitoring in patients after surgical intervention of cerebral hemorrhage

  3. 结论:以运动障碍和尿失禁为首发症状且CT扫描显示单纯脑室扩大无明显脑皮层萎缩,连续颅内压监测出现A波者适宜行脑积水分流术。

    Conclusion : The patients being fit for shunt operation included those had the first symptom of gait disturbance and urinary incontinence , and their CT showing merely enlargement of ventricular without obvious cerebral atrophy , and intracranial pressure measuring showing a wave .

  4. 闪光视觉诱发电位无创颅内压监测的临床应用研究

    Noninvasive Measurement of Intracranial Pressure with Flash Visual Evoked Potentials

  5. 持续颅内压监测患者的护理

    Nursing Care in the Continuous Monitoring of ICP

  6. 颅内压监测的进展

    Progress on Monitoring Intracranial Pressure

  7. 结论重型弥漫性轴索损伤患者早期行持续颅内压监测对尽早发现病情变化,及时采取有效治疗措施,降低并发症、病死率及病残率,改善预后有重要意义。

    Conclusion The present study shows that early successive ICP monitoring is beneficial to reduce complication and mortality , it may also improve prognosis of severe DAI .

  8. 结论早期颅内压监测下腰大池持续引流能够有效地减少动脉瘤性蛛网膜下腔出血术后脑血管痉挛、慢性脑积水等严重并发症的发生率。

    Conclusion Continuous lumbar cistern drainage under the monitoring of intracranial pressure early can decrease the incidence of the post-operative CVS and chronic hydrocephalus complications of aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage .

  9. 本文结合肝衰竭/重型肝炎的发病机制阐述其抗病毒治疗、免疫调节治疗、颅内压监测和颅内压增高的特殊治疗及人工肝支持治疗。

    This article expound the antivirus treatment , immunity regulation treatment , encephalic pressure monitoring , special treatment and artificial liver supportive treatment for liver failure / heavy hepatitis on the basis of its pathogenesis .

  10. 治疗过程中应用经颅多普勒(TCD)监测脑血流动力学及应用颅内压监护仪监测颅内压。

    Cerebral haemodynamics was measured with transcranial Doppler ( TCD ), and intracranial pressure ( ICP ) was monitored by intracranial pressure monitor .

  11. 闪光视觉诱发电位对颅内压水平的监测及其与血压、心率的关系

    Clinical application of noninvasive monitoring of intracranial pressure by flash visual evoked potential

  12. 本文基于生物电阻抗法,研制颅内压无创监测仪器系统,对仪器系统实现过程中的原理和方法进行了深入研究。

    The theory and method in the realization of non-invasive ICP measuring system is researched in this paper .

  13. 医学上一般用颅内压监护仪来监测颅内压,对颅内压增高的病人一般作引流或灌注或置换处理。

    Intracranial Pressure Monitor is used to monitor intracranial pressure in hospital . Drainage , perfusion and alternation are treatment methods to the intracranial hypertension patient .

  14. 结论:ISEDP能准确地反映颅内压变化,持续监测稳定性好。但对脑疝或椎管梗阻者应用受限。

    Conclusion : ISEDP can reflect correctly variations of the intracranial pressure and has a good stability in the continous monitor , but is confined to cerebral hernia and vertebral canal obstruction .

  15. 材料与方法:CT扫描130例重型颅脑损伤患者,分析其脑室脑池形态、脑室/颅腔比率、中线结构移位等变化特征,对颅内压和预后进行估价,并与颅内压监测结果对照。

    Materials and Methods : 130 cases of severe brain injury underwent the CT scanning . The shape of brain ventricle and cisterns , ratio of ventricle / cranial cavity , shifting of middle structure as well as the monitoring results of ICP were analyzed .

  16. 目的:研究在不同颅内压水平时闪光视觉诱发电位(flashvisualevolcedpotentials,fVEP)和有创颅内压监测的相关性和一致性,探讨fVEP无创监测颅内压的可行性。

    AIM : To study the correlation and concordance between flash visual evoked potential ( fVEP ) and monitoring of invasive intracranial pressure ( ICP ) under different ICP levels , and to explore the feasibility of fVEP monitoring ICP in a noninvasive way .

  17. 如果以无创方式监测颅内压将会极大减少这些弊端,闪光视觉诱发电位(fVEP)技术是无创颅内压监测的研究方向之一。

    The fVEP technique is just direction of non-invasive technique to monitoring ICP .