
  • 网络primary brain injury;primary cerebral injury
  1. 将原发性脑损伤分为局限性和弥漫性损伤两大类似乎更为简单实用。

    Therefore , it is very simple and practical to divide primary brain injuries into localized and diffused ones .

  2. 为了进一步观察由犬瘟热病毒所致的原发性脑损伤和包涵体形成;进一步研究脑损伤与临床上神经症状的关系,对10只患有急性犬瘟热的自然病例进行了详细的研究。

    In order to further observe the features of primary brain lesions and inclusion body induced by Canine distemper virus ( CDV ) and investigate the relation clinical neurological signs to brain lesions 10 dogs with acute canine distemper were detected in detail .

  3. 对于颅脑创伤的治疗,人们一直致力于对损伤脑组织保护的研究,以减轻原发性和继发性脑损伤。

    For the treatment of traumatic brain injury , people have been committed to the protection of brain tissue damage in order to reduce primary and secondary brain injury .