
  1. 对上肢感染组织行清创术、截肢,并予以两性霉素B脂质体治疗3周。

    After 3 weeks of amphotericin B liposome treatment , swelling of the upper arm alleviated and pain disappeared .

  2. 1例TileA稳定型骨折行清创、保守治疗。

    One Tile A stable fracture case received conservative therapy after ostomy and debridement .

  3. 鞘内注射TAT、早期彻底清创、应用胃肠外营养及大剂量冬眠Ⅰ号均可提高疗效、改善预后。

    Intrathecal injection of TAT , early debridement and treatment with parenteral nutrition can improve the prognosis .

  4. 方法:外伤皮肤创面经清创后,创面暴露,并用MEBO外涂于创面。

    Method : 36 cases of traumatic skin injury were treated with MEBO in exposed way after wound debridement .

  5. 结论:颌面部爆炸伤软组织缺损经初期清创、72h二次扩创早期修复是可行的,吻合血管游离组织瓣移植是早期修复该种缺损的有效方法之一。

    Conclusions : Reconstruction in 72 h for maxillofacial soft defect with vascularized free flap is feasible in serious maxillofacial explosive injury .

  6. 4例术前损伤严重程度评分(ISS)≥22的患者出现骶尾部伤口感染,经清创后感染均控制。

    Four patients , whose preoperative Injury Severity Score ( ISS )≥ 522 , appeared postoperative infection . All the infection were healed by debridement .

  7. 5例合并肱二头肌长头腱复合体(SLAP)病损,采用肩关节镜下盂唇损伤处清创术,术后患肩零度位牵引;

    The injured glenoid labrum of five SLAP cases were treated with debridement under shoulder arthroscopy , and then the affected shoulder was immobilized by zero-degree traction .

  8. 有3例出现围手术期并发症:1例为假体取出时大转子骨折,1例为术后2d脱位并成功闭合复位,1例为伤口深部感染需要再次清创。

    Only 3 peri-operative complications occurred , including 1 great trochanter fracture during implant removal , 1 dislocation 2 d after operation with successful closed reduction , and 1 deep wound infection which necessitated reentry and debridement .

  9. FQ-I电脑清创机实验研究

    The experimental study of FQ-I computed machine for irrigating wound

  10. 方法:对32例开放性跟腱断裂患者术中认真清创,采用改良Kessler法修复跟腱;

    Methods : 32 cases of open rupture of Achilles tendon were treated by debridement and modified Kessler ′ s methods were used to repair injured Achilles tendon .

  11. 分别于伤后6h、24h清创,清创时肌肉组织的切除范围为0.5cm,创口初期缝合,一周内肌注抗生素预防感染。

    The debridement were performed at 6 h and 24 h after the wounding . The muscle tissues within 0 . 5 cm of the wound was performed . Antibiotics were used i. m.

  12. 3例合并Bankart病损,行肩关节镜下盂唇损伤处清创术后,通过有限切口进行改良的Bristow手术。

    The injured glenoid labrum of three Bankart cases also underwent debridement under shoulder arthroscopy , and then treated with improved Bristow operation through limited incision .

  13. 结论Fournier坏疽治疗的关键是早期诊断、及时广泛清创引流及广谱抗生素的应用。

    Conclusion The key to successful outcome includes timely diagnosis , early surgical intervention with multiple incision and drainage and wide debridement , and systematic antibiotics .

  14. 结果:U形管组和双套管组的引流管阻塞、再手术清创及脓肿治愈时间有显著差异(P<0.05),U形管临床效果优于双套管。

    Results : In all the cases , U-fashion tube and Bi-sleeve tube groups had significant difference in tube blockage , rate of reoperation and the time of abscess healing ( P < 0.05 ) . The clinical effects of U-fashion tube were better than that of Bi-sleeve tube .

  15. 清创后将Vacuseal材料覆盖在相应大小的创面上或创腔内,维持负压在50~60kPa,7~9d后二期缝合、植皮或皮瓣转移。

    Wound closure was performed with secondary suturing , and skin grafting or skin flap grafting after 7 to 9 days .

  16. 结论:高温高湿环境对颅脑火器伤6h内的细菌生长情况无显著影响,细菌繁殖未进入高速增长期,进行清创性修复仍是安全的。

    CONCLUSION : Hyperthermia and high-humidity does not impact significantly the bacterial growth of CMW in 6 hours and bacterial reproduction has not entered high-rate increasing stage yet , due to which , it is still safe for debridement repair .

  17. 目的分析穿透性颅脑火器伤(PMCCI)清创术后的预后因素。

    Objective To analyze the prognostic factors for the penetrating missile craniocerebral injuries ( PMCCI ) after debridement .

  18. 对5例胫骨干骨缺损小于5cm合并皮肤缺损及感染者和1例股骨干骨缺损4cm合并感染者行一期清创+短缩肢体+延长技术进行治疗。

    Tibias with 4 to 6 cm segmental bone defects and 1 femur with 4 cm bone defect combined with soft tissue defect and infection were managed with one stage shortening + lengthening technique .

  19. 【方法】全麻下,将撕脱头皮及颅面部创面彻底清创,于10-16倍显微镜下吻合右侧颞浅动脉和左侧颞浅静脉重建撕脱头皮血循环,手术历时7h。

    The right superficial temporal artery and the left superficial temporal vein were anastomosed under 10-16 × microscope after careful debridement for the avulsed scalp and head wound . Operative time was 7 hours .

  20. 对污较重且伴有节段性缺损大于5cm的开放性骨折伴骨缺损者,适用于早期清创,后期取带血管蒂的骨块伴载药自固化磷酸钙人工骨植入治疗。

    The open and severely contaminated fracture with more than 5 cm segmental defect was indicated for the treatment with debridement at early stage and with autologous bone grafting with vascular pedicle and ACPC impregnated with antibiotics at late stage .

  21. 结论利用Ender钉治疗胫腓骨开放骨折有良好的力学优势,同时在严格掌握清创的基础上行Ender钉内固定是完全可行的。

    Conclusion There is fairly good mechanical superiority in the treatment of open fractures of tibia and fibula with Ender 's nailing . The internal fixation with Ender 's nailing is completely feasible based upon mastering the strict debridement .

  22. 结论一期手术彻底清创、血沉和CRP监测及合适的二期翻修时机是成功控制THA后延迟感染的关键,可获得满意的临床疗效。

    Conclusions The success of the protocol to control the delayed infection after THA were three factors : complete debridement during the primary surgery , monitor of the serum levels of ESR and CRP , and the proper occasion of the secondary reimplantation . The clinical results are excellent .

  23. 方法:观测了30根干燥胫骨及30侧小腿标本,临床手术沿开放伤口作小切口彻底清创,Ender钉内固定胫骨。

    Methods : 30 dry tibia and 30 cms speciment were observed . Along tbe open wound , small cuts were made , and thorough extend wound excision was performed , then tibia was inner - fixed by Ender nail .

  24. 认为严重胫骨开放性骨折治疗宜尽早彻底清创,骨折暴露复位,采用SGD骨科多功能单侧外固定支架固定,既有利于骨折愈合,也有利于软组织修复及减少伤口感染。

    Cleaning wound early and completely , opening and reducing of fracture , fixing with SGD multi-purpose external bone fixing support to treat severe open fractures of tibias were not only useful to u-nion of fracture and soft tissue restoration but also to reducing infection rate of wound .

  25. 方法:2000年2月~2001年12月局部清创后随机对80例Ⅱ°烧伤创面和8例烧伤后残余肉芽创面作为治疗组,用rh-bFGF喷雾剂以150AU/cm进行局部喷涂,无菌敷料覆盖包扎。

    Methods : From 2000 to 2001 , eighty patients with second degree burn wounds and eight patients with postburn granulation tissue wounds were adopted in this study , and these patients were treated with rh-bFGF in the way of sprinkling locally ( 150AU / cm ) .

  26. 穿透性颅脑火器伤清创术后的预后因素分析

    Analysis of prognostic factors for penetrating missile craniocerebral injuries after debridement

  27. 开放性骨折清创期细菌培养的应用价值

    The Value of Bacterial Cultures in Open Fractures through a Debridement

  28. 臭氧水对烧伤创面的清创消毒作用

    The role of ozone solution on debridement and sterilization of burn wound

  29. 结论暴发性阴囊坏疽的治疗仍以清创及应用抗生素为主,术中多毋须切除睾丸。

    Conclusions Aggressive debridement and broad-spectrum antibiotics remain the hallmarks of treatment .

  30. 目的探讨显微清创治疗耳廓挫裂伤的效果。

    Objective To explore the effect of microsurgical debridement for auricle laceration .