
liè shāng
  • laceration;lacerated wound
裂伤[liè shāng]
  1. 整形外科技术在颜面部新鲜裂伤修复中的应用

    Application of orthopedic technigue to facial fresh lacerated wound

  2. 目的探讨脑挫裂伤的CT分型。

    Objective To explore the CT typing for the laceration of brain .

  3. 裂伤不再增加重殴和撕碎的伤害。

    Mangle doesn 't increase the damage of Maul and Shred anymore .

  4. 肺挫裂伤的CT与X线平片对照分析

    The chest CT and X-ray contrasting analysis of contused wound in lung

  5. 目的探讨胸部螺旋CT在肺挫裂伤中的诊断价值。

    Objective To explore the diagnostic value of thoracic spiral CT for pulmonary contusion .

  6. 目的:探讨肺挫裂伤的CT诊断价值。

    Objective : To explore the CT value in diagnosing the lung contused wound .

  7. 螺旋CT在肺挫裂伤诊断中的应用价值

    The evaluation of pulmonary contusion by spiral CT

  8. 中型15例,CT表现肾挫裂伤;

    15 patients in medium group had contusion of renal parenchyma on CT representation ;

  9. 肺挫裂伤CT表现

    CT manifestations of pulmonary contusion and laceration

  10. 脑挫裂伤的CT分型和预后

    CT Classification of Contusion and Laceration of Brain , A Follow-up Study of 151 Cases

  11. 界面征&迟发性脑挫裂伤的CT早期征象

    Interface sign : an early CT feature of delayed contusion and laceration of the brain

  12. 脑挫裂伤临床与CT表现121例分析

    An analysis of clinical and CT manifestation in 121 cases of cerebral contusion and laceration

  13. 肺挫裂伤的X线、CT诊断87例分析

    Diagnostic Value of X-ray and CT for Pulmonary Contusion : An Analysis of 87 Cases

  14. 方法:结合病理生理,分析肺挫裂伤的CT征象。

    Methods : The CT signs of the crack of lung were analyzed combining with pathology .

  15. 29例增强CT扫描后清楚显示裂伤部位。

    In addition , the enhanced CT scans of 29 cases demonstrated clearly the lacerative position .

  16. 方法:将1995年至1998年复杂性角膜裂伤分为A、B两组。

    Method : Complicated corneal laceration cases are divided into two groups ,( from 1995 to 1998 ) .

  17. 方法:回顾性分析22例脑挫裂伤的MR表现。

    Methods : The clinical MRI data of 22 patients with cerebral contusion and laceration were retrospectively analyzed .

  18. 结论:CT检查准确率高,是目前诊断肺挫裂伤的最有效的手段。

    Conclusion : CT accurat rate is higher than the others in diagnosis for the crack of lung .

  19. 目的探讨脑对冲性挫裂伤的低场MRI诊断价值。

    Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of low field MRI in bump brain contusion .

  20. 结果CT清楚地显示了肾创伤的三种基本类型:挫伤、裂伤、梗塞;

    Results CT could clearly define the 3 basic types of renal injury , contusion , laceration and infarction .

  21. 方法分析126例脑挫裂伤的临床和CT表现。

    Method Analysis was performed about the clinical demonstration and CT indications of 126 cases with laceration of brain .

  22. 方法回顾性分析了19例脑深部剪裂伤的CT和MRI影像表现和特点。

    Methods CT and MRI findings of shear - laceration of brain in 19 cases were analyzed retrospectively .

  23. 双侧硬脑膜外打击后形成双侧大脑半球脑皮层挫裂伤。设左半球为A侧(对照侧),右半球为B侧(治疗侧)。

    The left hemisphere was regarded as A side ( control side ), and the right was B side ( treaded side ) .

  24. MRIFLAIR对脑挫裂伤的诊断价值

    The diagnostic value of MRI FLAIR in cerebral contusion and laceration

  25. MartinBrown医生说,裂伤的长度不像深度那样重要。

    Dr. Brown says the length is usually not as important as the depth .

  26. CT观察脑挫裂伤时第三脑室及基底池形态改变的临床意义

    Clinical significance of morphological observation of third ventricle and basal cistern with CT scan in the patients with brain contusion and laceration

  27. CT动态观察环池变化对治疗脑挫裂伤并发颅内血肿的评价

    Review of the dynamic CT changes of ambient cisterna in treating the patients with cerebral contusions and lacerations accompanying with intracranial hematoma

  28. 结果胸部螺旋CT检查能良好地显示胸部外伤中的肺挫裂伤病变。

    Results The examination of thoracic spiral CT could discovery satisfactorily the foci of pulmonary contusion in the course of thoracic trauma .

  29. Ⅴ型:CT表现为广泛性混杂密度,可有脑室脑池闭塞和[或]多发性颅内小血肿,系广泛性脑控裂伤所致。

    Type ⅴ: CT indicates extensive mixed density with ventriculo-cisternal closing and / or multiple intracranial micro-hematoma resulted from extensive laceration of brain .

  30. 医用EC耳脑胶粘合修复半月板裂伤

    Effect of medical EC ear-brain glue on meniscus tear