
  • 网络fracture system
  1. 鄯善油田地应力、裂缝系统与油田开发

    In-situ stress , fracture system and oil-field development Shanshan oilfield

  2. 论水平扭剪应力场对大裂缝系统的控制

    On Horizontal Shear Stress Control over Large Fracture System

  3. 千米桥潜山储层属于裂缝系统,储层复杂、气水关系复杂、流体分布复杂,在原上报305×108m3储量研究的基础上,对重点区块进行储量复算,并有较大的缩减。

    We re-estimated the reserves of the key blocks based on the original 305 × 108m3 reported reserves and found there were big contraction in reserves .

  4. 气井高能气体压裂裂缝系统动力学模型研究

    The study on fracture system dynamics models of HEGF in gas wells

  5. 彩南油田九井区人工裂缝系统研究

    Study on artificial fracturing system of WELL-BLOCK 9 in Cainan oil field

  6. 用神经网络方法识别碳酸盐岩裂缝系统中的气与水

    Gas water recognition in carbonate rock fracture systems by use of neural network

  7. 位移转换所产生的裂缝系统是勘探的有利部位。

    The fracture systems formed by displacement conversion are the favourable position for exploration .

  8. 压裂水平井多裂缝系统不稳定压力动态特征

    Pressure behavioral characteristics of multi-fractures system of horizontal well of post-fracturing in gas reservoir

  9. 压裂水平井多裂缝系统的试井分析

    Well Testing Analysis of Fractured Horizontal Well

  10. 并且该模型对裂缝系统的相对渗透率不作取对角线的假定。

    Relative permeability curve in fracture system without simplifying assumption is adopted in the model .

  11. 川南地区隐伏裂缝系统成藏模式及勘探前景

    Reservoir formaed patterns and explorative prospects of hidden fractured systems in area of South Sichuan

  12. 建立低渗透砂岩油藏储集层模型以建立裂缝系统的数值模拟模型为重点。

    The modeling of fracture system is the key of modeling a low permeability sandstone reservoir .

  13. 裂缝系统不但对储层渗流能力有较大程度的改善,而且也具有一定程度的储集能力。

    The fracture systems not only improve mainly the permeability , but also increase the porosity .

  14. 裂缝系统与天然气分布;

    Fissure and gas distribution ;

  15. 四川二叠系碳酸盐岩裂缝系统成因模式探讨

    A discussion on the genetic model of crack system in the Permian carbonate rocks of Sichuan Province

  16. 卸荷-风化裂缝系统较底砾岩连通孔隙有更强的输导油气的能力。

    The discharge-weathered fracture system has a stronger transportation capability than the communicating pores of the bottom conglomerate .

  17. 我们还讨论了裂缝系统与弯曲,断层和剪切带之间的关系。

    We have also discussed the relationships between these fracture systems with curvature , faults and shear zones .

  18. 结合具体地质特征对两类裂缝系统作了对比,并讨论了其形成机制。

    The comparison has been made of the fractures of these two intrusions in geological features and formation mechanism .

  19. 这就为在塔里木盆地碳酸盐岩储集层中寻找有利的裂缝系统提供了条件。

    In addition , this study can provide basis for seeking favorable fracture systems in Tarim 's carbonate reservoirs .

  20. 四川大足&隆昌二叠系碳酸盐岩储层裂缝系统的研究

    Development and distribution of crack system of carbonate rocks of Yangxin Series Permian in Dazu area , Sichuan Basin

  21. 在裂缝系统中,影响油藏动态的最主要的裂缝性质是裂缝形态。

    In the fracture system , the main nature of cracks that impacts the reservoir performance is fracture morphology .

  22. 裂缝系统主要是在早第三纪及中生代拉张构造应力场作用下形成的,裂缝在垂向上的分布具有分带性。

    Mainly formed in the Mesozoic and Paleogene tensional stress fields , the fracture systems show some zones vertically .

  23. 岩石储集空间以密集发育的微观裂缝系统为主,宏观裂缝系统主要起渗流通道作用。

    The reservoir space is dominated by micofracture systems , but macrofracture systems play an important role in fluid seepage .

  24. 根据已知二维地震和岩心测试的数据,进行裂缝系统的识别和分类。

    Based on the available data from2D seismics and cores examination , fracture systems identification and classification were carried out .

  25. 本文基于储集层裂缝系统具有非线性特征,提出了裂缝非线性预测技术。

    Based on non-linear character having in fractured system of reservoir , the paper presented non-linear prediction technique of fracture .

  26. 由计算可得,在一定的围压作用下,水泥试样裂缝系统渗透率比激波作用前有很大幅度的提高。

    Through calculating , the permeability of fracture system after exploding is obviously higher than original sample at certain confining pressure .

  27. 其次为与地层局部挠曲变形有关的低角度构造裂缝系统。

    These regional fractures , formed in the same period of regional deformation , are mostly vertical fractures and high-angle tectonic fractures .

  28. 天然裂缝系统是一个分形体系,可用分形理论建立裂缝分布的实际模型。

    Natural fracture system is a fractal system , and an actual model can be built up by means of fractal theory .

  29. 酒泉盆地青西油田泥砾岩储层中发育的次生孔隙和裂缝系统构成了油藏主要储集空间和渗流通道。

    The secondary pores and fractures constitute the major storage space and percolation path in muddy gravels in Kulongshan oilfield , Jiuquan Basin .

  30. 该文从最基本的裂缝系统几何性出发,利用解析技术,提出了建立非常规裂缝系统中非均质和分形两种裂缝几何条件下裂缝与基岩之间的窜流关系式。

    The interporosity flow expressions between fracture and matrix under both heterogeneous and fractal geometric conditions have been put forward using analytical technique .