
  • 网络crack width;width of crack
  1. 疲劳荷载作用N次后构件的裂缝宽度,可根据初始裂缝宽度和受压区混凝土应变增长系数来计算。

    The relevent crack width can thus be calculated by preliminary crack width and increasing coefficient of concrete compressive strain after fatigue loading operation N times .

  2. 最后,提出了粘贴纤维布加固RC梁的受弯裂缝宽度计算方法。

    Finally , an improved method of calculating crack width of RC beams strengthened with FRP was suggested .

  3. 应用BP网络预测部分预应力矩形截面梁的裂缝宽度

    Predicting the Crack Width of Partly Prestressing Concrete Square-section Beam by BP Neural Network

  4. 本文利用BP神经网络模型,对部分预应力混凝土矩形截面梁裂缝宽度的计算方法进行了探讨。

    In this paper , the crack width of partly prestressing concrete square-section beam under the bending moment is explored by BP neural network .

  5. 提出了基于Cl,图像求解砂岩试样裂缝宽度的计算公式;

    The formula for calculating the crack width of sandstone sample cracks is presented on the basis of CT number images ;

  6. 本文重点研究CFRP加固钢筋混凝土梁裂缝宽度和变形的计算方法,为裂缝验算和变形验算奠定基础。

    To lay the foundation of cracks and deformation checking , the calculation of crack width and deformation of reinforced concrete beams strengthened with CFRP is the research priorities .

  7. 本文以12个型钢钢筋混凝土(以下简称SRC)梁受弯试验为基础,对SRC梁的刚度、裂缝宽度和受弯承载力进行试验研究和理论分析。

    Based on the experiments of the 12 SRC flexural member-s , the stiffness , crack width and ultimate bending strength of the SRC beams are analysed .

  8. 用ANSYS软件,建立三维有限元模型分析不同钢筋布置方式、不同配筋率对蜗壳结构受力以及裂缝宽度和裂缝分布的影响,从而确定最优的配筋率和钢筋布置方式。

    Applying ANSYS program , establish the whole 3D finite element model , analyze the stress , crack width and crack distribution of structure with different reinforcement ratio and arrangment , select the best reinforcement ratio and arrangment .

  9. 根据传统的钢筋混凝土裂缝宽度计算理论,对CFRP布加固混凝土梁的裂缝宽度计算方法进行了分析研究。

    Based on the traditional crack theory of reinforced concrete ( RC ) beams , the crack width prediction for RC beams strengthened with carbon fiber reinforced polymer ( CFRP ) sheets is studied .

  10. 裂缝宽度、水压力和水的种类对CCCW水化产物有较大影响。

    Crack width , water pressure and category have large influence on hydrated product .

  11. 可用《混凝土结构设计规范》(GB50010-2002)的公式估计其裂缝宽度,安全性高。

    The formula in Code for design of concrete structures ( GB50010-2002 ) can used to estimate the width of crack .

  12. 开裂后,再次涂刷防水剂,试件的裂缝宽度稍有减小。(6)通过SEM微观分析表明,与基准组相比,内部的孔隙有所减少,无机防水剂对于混凝土试样有填充密实的效果。

    After cracking , coating inorganic waterproofer on experimental specimens again , the width of crack reduces slightly ( 6 ) SEM microscopic analysis shows that , compared with the baseline group , the internal porosity decreases , inorganic water proofer has filling and close-graining effect .

  13. 在静载试验中对混凝土裂缝宽度的量测采用HJ系列混凝应变计,获得了较精确的试验结果。

    On the static loading test , to obtain a more precise result , the HJ series of concrete sensor was used to measure concrete crack width .

  14. 研究表明:①温度裂缝宽度计算时,宜将单元长度尺寸控制在100mm左右,基岩深度至少取20m。②在年气温作用下底板一般不出现裂缝。

    It is indicated that , firstly calculating the width of temperature cracks , we should limit the length of the concrete element to about 100 millimeter and choose the depth of the bedrock at least 20 meter ;

  15. 本文针对CRCP的特点与常规测微镜检测裂缝宽度的困难及裂缝宽度检测的迫切需要,提出了利用计算机图像处理技术进行裂缝图像的采集和分析的方法。

    According to the character of CRCP , the testing difficulty of crack width with conventional measuring microscope and the urgent demand of the crack testing , the paper puts forward the method of picking and analyzing the crack image with computer image processing technique .

  16. 对电力主厂房超长混凝土框架结构梁的裂缝宽度采用混凝土结构设计规范(GB50010-2002)和美国混凝土规范(ACI318-2002)两种规范计算比较分析。

    The crack width of the beam of the over-long concrete frame structures is analyzed using the code for design of concrete structures ( GB50010-2002 ) and the building code requirements for structural ( ACI318-2002 ), respectively . 4 .

  17. 该模型可以使系统对裂缝宽度的理论计算与实验测量误差小于0.02mm,在重点监测区误差少于0.01mm;

    With the calculation model the fiber optical remote sensing error is less than 0.02 mm compared with the directly measured crack width , and in some key monitored points the error could be even less than 0.01 mm .

  18. 大坝背管裂缝宽度计算公式的改进

    Improvement in Formula for Calculating Cracking Width of Back-Pipeline of Dam

  19. 裂缝宽度随地热提取变化的规律。

    The variation of aperture of fracture with the heat extraction .

  20. 部分预应力混凝土梁斜裂缝宽度计算的探讨

    Inquiry of Diagonal Crack Width Calculation of Partially Prestressed Concrete Beams

  21. 裂缝宽度对磁记忆信号的影响的研究

    Research of Effect of Crack Width on the Magnetic Memory Signal

  22. 混凝土(RC/PC)开孔梁抗裂性能与裂缝宽度验算

    Checking Computation of Cracking in RC / PC Beams with Opening

  23. 混凝土结构裂缝宽度尺寸效应的分形行为

    Fractal Behavior on Size Effects of Crack Width of Concrete Structures

  24. 应力对煤岩裂缝宽度及渗透率的影响

    The effects of stress on fracture and permeability in coal bed

  25. 基于最大裂缝宽度的钢筋混凝土桥梁可靠度分析

    Reliability of reinforced concrete bridge girder based on maximum crack width

  26. 探讨部分预应力砼梁裂缝宽度分析法

    An Analysis Method of Crack Width of Partial Prestressed Concrete Beams

  27. 低配筋率钢筋混凝土构件裂缝宽度计算的讨论

    Discussion of computation of crack width of low reinforcement ratio members

  28. 冷拔丝束配筋混凝土梁的裂缝宽度问题

    Crack width of RC Beams of Pullout Mild Steel Bundle

  29. 高强钢筋混凝土梁在疲劳荷载作用下的裂缝宽度计算

    The Crack Width Calculation of High-strength Reinforced Concrete Beam under Fatigue Load

  30. 基于数字光测的表面裂缝宽度图像分析法

    Image Analysis Method on Surface Cracking Width Based on Digital Optical Test