
  • 网络decorative coating;decorative paint
  1. 2006年全球室内建筑与装饰涂料市场分析

    Analysis of the Global Interior Architectural and Decorative Coatings Market in 2006

  2. 蜡粉在高档装饰涂料中的应用

    Application of Wax Powders in High-grade Decorative Coatings

  3. 试验结果表明,该弹性装饰涂料各项性能指标达到并超过了日本JIS国际标准。

    The results show that all of the property index of the decorative coating has come up to and surpassed the international standard JIS of Japan .

  4. 醋酸乙烯共聚乳胶装饰涂料的研制

    Study on the decorative coating of vinyl acetate copolymer latex

  5. 玻璃包装耐磨防破碎装饰涂料技术研究

    Technical Research on the Durable Grinding and Anti-breaking Decorating Coating of Glass Packaging

  6. 建筑装饰涂料的色彩配置效应

    Effect of color allocation for architectural decorative pigment

  7. 一种新型装饰涂料的研制

    Study on a new type of decorative coating

  8. 国内装饰涂料零售市场的调色方式及分析

    Several Color Matching Methods and Analysis in Sales of Decorative Coatings Market of China

  9. 环保型弹性建筑防水装饰涂料

    Environmental protection type elastic building waterproof decorative coating

  10. DY-1仿壁毯内装饰涂料

    DY-1 Tapestry-Imitation Decorative Coating

  11. 普通涂料、弹性涂料、特种装饰涂料、厨卫涂料、水性清漆等。

    General coatings , flexible coating , special decorative paint , kitchen and toilet paint , varnish and other water-borne .

  12. 像普通的室内装饰涂料一样方便使用,一旦固化性能极高。

    Easy to apply just like conventional interior decorative paints . Once cured , its epoxy resin strength ensures high performance .

  13. 利用有机硅乳液与有机高分子乳液复配,配制以有机硅改性的弹性装饰涂料。重点介绍其生产工艺和施工应用。

    The preparation , processing technology and operation application of modified silicone elastic decorative coating , which is a compound of silicone and polymer emulsion , are introduced in this paper .

  14. 温泉水保湿滋润面霜水性聚氨酯防水隔热装饰涂料在聚氨酯喷涂硬泡保温系统的保护装饰利用的研究

    Thermal Spring Nourishing Cream The research about the protective and decorative functions of water based , waterproof and heat-resistance polyurethane ( PU ), which is used in the construction of spraying , forcedly dunking and heat preservation system

  15. 建筑内墙装饰仿瓷涂料的研究

    Study of an Copying Enamel Paint for Ornamenting Interior-wall of Building

  16. 8652丙烯酸涂料为装饰防腐涂料中最佳者,是我国涂料的新品种。

    8652 Acrylic Coating is one of the best coatings for decoration and corrosion , which is quite new in our country .

  17. 以甲壳糖为成膜剂,通过掺入彩色短纤维后混入交联剂,得到室内装饰彩色涂料。

    A interior decorative multicolor paint is obtained by chitosan , as paint membrane , mixing with short color fibers and crosslinking agent .

  18. 浅橡木地板,暴露横梁,白色的装饰和blue-toned涂料有助于沿海风格他们想要的。

    Light oak floors , exposed beams , white trim and blue-toned paints contribute the coastal style they wanted .

  19. 建筑物外墙装饰应以涂料为主。

    The exterior wall decoration of buildings should focus on coatings .

  20. 涤/棉装饰布夜光涂料起绒立体印花工艺研究

    Technology of Stereoscopic Printing on T / C Furnishing Fabrics with Luminous Pigment

  21. 新型高装饰性绒面涂料的研制

    Manufacture of Novel High Decorative Suede Coatings

  22. 建筑装饰彩釉砂涂料

    Colour-glazed sand paint for building decoration

  23. 苯和二甲苯主要来源于室内装饰用的涂料和油漆等化学品。

    As far as toluene was concerned , the main source was gooey used in indoor decorating .

  24. 硼氢化钾还原-原子荧光光谱法测定室内装饰装修用涂料中汞

    Determination of Mercury in Coatings of Indoor Decorating and Refurbishing Materials by Potassium Borohydride Reduction-Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry

  25. 研制成一种兼具壁纸、涂料功能的新型装饰性多彩涂料,适用于内墙涂装。

    A new type of decorative multicolor paint with the functions of both wall paper and wall paint has been developed , which can be used for interior application .

  26. 我国三聚氰胺的消费量在6万t/a左右,主要集中在木材加工、装饰板、涂料、模塑料和纸张等行业,并且在建筑、涂料和油漆业的应用将不断增加。

    China 's melamine consumption is about 60000t / a , mainly concentrating in wood processing , decorative sheet , coating , moulded plastic and paper industries . The application of melamine in building , coating and paint will be increasing in China .

  27. 铁路设施,为保护和装饰用的露天涂料系统。

    NF F19-290-2002 Railway applications-outdoor paint systems for conservation and ornamentation .

  28. 高装饰性聚氨酯家具涂料

    High performance decorative polyurethane furniture paint

  29. 而室外装饰主要是以涂料及水泥涂层为主,外形单一,美感差。

    Outdoor decoration mainly adopts coating and cement coating , which has the disadvantages of single appearance and poor aesthetic sense .

  30. 纸品上光油是用于印刷后精加工和包装材料的一种装饰和保护性涂料,在现代包装行业应用较广。

    Paper glazing oil is a kind of coating used widely in printing finish machining and packaging area , which can decorate and protect the paper .