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  1. 论越窑青瓷的装烧工艺

    Discuss the Technology of Laying up and Burning in the Celadon of Yue Kiln

  2. 入宋以后,景德镇窑抛弃了五代时期落后的装烧方法,改为匣钵为主的装烧方法,这样就节约了燃料,提高了青白瓷成品率和质量。

    Song into the future , abandoned kiln in Jingdezhen during the Five Dynasties installed backward burning methods , firing technology , changed burning method-based equipment , thus saving fuel , increased the yield white green and quality .

  3. 作者以实物资料为依据,总结了越窑瓷器的主要装烧工艺,并指出装烧工艺在越窑青瓷制作中所起的独特作用。

    The author summarizes the main technology of laying up and burning in the celadon of Yue kiln in terms of material in kind , points out that the technology has the special effect on making the celadon of Yue kiln .

  4. 其中第一部分分析了唐宋时期三峡考古发现所见的两种窑炉类型&半倒焰和龙窑的发展演变情况,并对其中半倒焰窑的装烧工艺进行了介绍。

    The first part analyses the development situation for two kinds of ceramic kilns half pour flame kiln and bank kiln which was discovered at Tang Song dynasties at Three gorges area , and this paragraph introduces the Outfit burn process of half pour flame kiln .

  5. 本文对宋景德镇青白瓷器物盛行现象的探究主要沿着以下三个部分展开:第一部分,介绍宋代景德镇窑逐渐成熟装烧工艺对于青白瓷盛行的影响。

    Broadly speaking , this paper study greenish white porcelain objects to explore the prevalence of the phenomenon along the following three main parts : Part ⅰ on the maturation of the Song Dynasty Jingdezhen kiln firing process equipment for the impact of the prevalence of green white .