
  1. 基于Petri网的集团军装备指挥流程建模

    Mathematic Model of Command Information of Army Equipment Based on Petri Net

  2. 高可用性系统软件HHA是装备指挥技术学院自主研究开发成功的软件产品。

    High Available System Software HHA is developed by Institution of Command and Technology of Equipment .

  3. 浅析联合作战装备指挥协同

    Primary Analysis on the Equipment Command Cooperation Issue in Joint Operation

  4. 论高技术战争条件下装备指挥所

    On Equipment Command Post Under the Condition of High Technology Warfare

  5. 装备指挥训练模拟需求概念模型研究

    Research on Conceptual Model of Requirements Analysis for Equipment Command Training

  6. 装备指挥自动化平台总体分析

    General Analysis of the Platform for Equipment Support Military Automated Command

  7. 装备指挥模拟想定生成与分发系统研究

    Research on Scenario Generation and Distribution System for Equipment Command Simulation

  8. 进而,研究明确了联合作战装备指挥协同的具体内容;

    Secondly , it studies and confirms the detailed content ;

  9. 试论一体化联合作战装备指挥体系

    Discussion on the Equipment Command System of Integrated Joint Operation

  10. 装备指挥想定生成方案规范化描述

    The Normative Description of Scenario Generation Project for Equipment Command

  11. 分析了装备指挥训练模拟数据的内容;

    The contents of the equipment command training simulation data were analyzed ;

  12. 野战装备指挥保障综合系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Battlefield Equipment Support Command and Management Visualization System

  13. 装备指挥技术学院学报2005年第16卷总目次

    Journal of the Academy of Equipment Command & Technology 2005 Vol.16 total contents

  14. 新一代装备指挥训练模拟系统总体分析与设计

    The General Analysis and Design of New Military Equipment Command Simulation Training System

  15. 未来作战航天装备指挥控制环节分析

    Analysis of the Command and Control of Aerospace Equipment in the Future Operations

  16. 装备指挥人才培养的若干理论问题

    Theory of Personnel Training on Equipment Command Officer

  17. 装备指挥任职教育教员队伍建设的思考与对策

    Reflections on the construction of teaching staff concerning the post oriented education for equipment command

  18. 首先,分析了联合作战装备指挥协同的主要依据和基本特点;

    For the equipment command cooperation in the joint operation , firstly , it analyzes its main gist and basic characteristic ;

  19. 装备指挥模拟训练平台建设经费管理存在的问题及对策研究

    The Research on the Existent Problems and Countermeasures in the Outlay Management of the Equipment Command Simulation and Training Platform Construction

  20. 探讨了装备指挥模拟想定生成与分发系统在装备指挥模拟过程中的作用,划分了装备指挥模拟想定生成与分发系统的功能,提出了装备指挥模拟想定生成与分发系统框架。

    The function in the equipment command simulation is discussed ; at last , the framework of the system is put forward .

  21. 作战需求分析是装备指挥信息系统建设的关键环节,为系统建设提供可靠依据和理论支撑。

    As an important basis for command information system construction , the Operational Requirement Analysis ( ORA ) offers reliable foundation and theoretic support to C4ISR system .

  22. 集团军装备指挥信息复杂,涉及面广,普通的数学建模方法很难仿真。

    The command information of army equipment is complex , and it involves a groups of aspects , so it is different to simulate the result by the common mathematic method .

  23. 装备指挥训练模拟数据收集系统是装备指挥训练模拟系统的重要组成部分,其作用是完成装备指挥训练模拟过程中产生的各种数据的收集。

    The DCSECTS ( Data Collection System for Equipment Command Training Simulation ) is one important part of Equipment Command Training Simulation System ( ECTSS ), and is to collect all kinds of data during the equipment command training simulation .

  24. 装备指挥协同,是保持装备指挥系统内部与外部平衡的重要措施,也是当前我军联合作战装备指挥理论与实践发展所面临的重要课题。

    The equipment command cooperation is not only an important measure to maintain the internal and external balance of the equipment command system , but also a significant task that the joint operation equipment command are facing both in practice theory .

  25. 基于AHP的电子战装备保障指挥系统评估模型

    Based on AHP the Model of Evaluating the ECCM Equipment Support Command System

  26. 遗传神经网络在装备保障指挥系统效能评估中的应用

    Application of GA-ANN in Effectiveness Evaluation for Equipment Support Command System

  27. 一体化装备保障指挥体系的内涵及结构模型

    Connotation and Structure Model of Integrated Equipment Support and Command System

  28. 基于博弈链的装备保障指挥决策建模研究

    Research on Equipment Support Command Decision Based on Game Chain

  29. 运用工作流管理系统的装备保障指挥模型

    Model of Equipment Support Command Based on Workflow Management System

  30. 信息化条件下地空导弹装备保障指挥体系

    Command System of Equipment Support Based on Ground-Air Missile Under Information Conditions