
  • 网络Charge structure;charging construction
  1. 分装大批重的操作实践光面爆破软垫层装药结构参数理论分析

    Theoretical analysis on the parameters of smooth blasting soft mat layer charging construction

  2. 装药结构对爆炸能量传递的影响

    Influence of Charging Construction on Energy Transmission of Explosion

  3. harrise数学模型进行了理论分析,采用Delphi语言编制计算机程序计算装药结构参数,爆破试验结果分析证实装药结构优化可以为矿山带来经济效益;

    Harries 's mathematics model theoretic and calculating the parameter of explosive Construction by using Delphi programmable language programming the program .

  4. V形刻槽爆破是指在炮孔孔壁上按爆破开裂方向,切出一定深度的轴向对称V形槽,采用不耦合装药结构进行的一种断裂控制爆破。

    V-shaped notch blasting is that cutting slots with certain depth along axis - direction of the hole is determined according to the blast-crazing , and then load uncoupled charge and detonation .

  5. 固液装药结构的FAE爆炸抛撒试验研究

    TESTING Experimental Study on Explosive Dispersion of Solid - Liquid Fuels For FAE Devices with a Special Charge Structure

  6. 本文针对一种线性圆缺罩的线性聚能装药结构,基于爆轰波对撞理论,开展其在爆轰波对撞条件下对撞压力、新型EFP的成型及侵彻研究。

    Aimed at liner charge and based on detonation wave collision theory , the collision pressure , formation of new EFP and penetration capacity was studied .

  7. 详细介绍了铜绿山矿VCR深孔采矿法的爆破工艺,布孔参数,装药结构,起爆顺序及网络设计,并分析了安全影响因素和爆破效果。

    The blasting technology , holes pattern , charging structure , firing sequence and network design of VCR method are introduced . The influential factors of safety and blasting effectiveness are analyzed .

  8. 通过几种常见的成形装药结构和不同装药的特性比较。介绍了国内外在爆炸成形弹丸(EFP)的形成机理和装药设计及其结构优化等方面的研究进展。

    By comparison of some structures of shaped - charge ammunition and their characteristics , the newest achievements in the mechanism and optimized design of EFPs ' structures are introduced .

  9. 试验结果表明FAE装药结构可行,满足设计要求,为高威力FAE战斗部设计提供了依据。

    The results show that the structure design is reasonable and meet the requirements of FAE . The research provides a reliable basis for the design of high power FAE warhead .

  10. 应用C++Builder和ANSYS的APDL语言编制了输入界面友好的装药结构参数化程序,程序可以对典型的二维装药结构和几种简单的三维装药结构进行参数化结构分析。

    The grain structural parametric program which has a very convenient interface is made with C + + Builder and APDL in ANSYS . The program can make parametric analyses for typical tow dimensional grains and several simple three dimensional grains .

  11. 本文介绍了适用于安庆铜矿矿体条件的VCR法快速拉槽技术、高阶段采矿的试验方案、爆破参数、装药结构、爆破作用控制技术等。

    VCR high-speed cutting , test scheme of high-bench mining , blasting parameters , structure of loading charge and blasting-effect control , etc. applicable to the ore body of Anqing Copper Mine are introduced in this paper .

  12. 本文根据Hawkes应力波理论,采用图解法对南芬露天铁矿孔内不同装药结构、装药品种及不同起爆方法条件下的炮孔周圈爆炸应力场作了图解分析和计算。

    Based on Hawkes stress wave theory , the stress field around the blastholes at Nen Fen open pit Mine was analysed and calculated using graphic analysis by varying priming methods and blasting charges .

  13. 针对一种FAE装药结构,对燃料进行了爆炸抛撒的试验研究,得到了装药结构参数对固液混合燃料抛撒和分散的影响规律。

    The experimental study on explosive dispersion of fuels was made for FAE devices with a special charge structure . The effects of charge structure parameters on the dispersion and dissemination of solid-liquid mixed fuels were obtained .

  14. 发展了一种粘弹性谱随机有限元法(VSSFEM),并将其用于固体火箭发动机装药结构随机分析。

    A kind of viscoelastic spectral stochastic finite element method ( VSSFEM ) was developed and stochastic analysis of solid rocket motor grains was presented .

  15. 用新型耐热火药为化学动力源构建的桥塞座封工具装药结构,在高温、常温条件下能可靠完成桥塞座封操作,其使用性能与美国Baker公司相应产品相当。

    Using the new heat-resistant propellant as the chemical motivity of the bridge plug sitting tool , the charge configuration is designed , the bridge plugging operation is reliably accomplished in high and normal temperature condition , and the usage property corresponds with the product of the Baker corporation .

  16. 实验结果和分析表明,所设计的EFP具有较为理想的飞行稳定性,对多层间隔靶的侵彻能力强,为设计攻击舰艇等装甲目标的战斗部装药结构提供了较重要的参数。

    The results obtained from the analysis of the experiments indicate that the EFP designed has good stability of flight and penetration against spaced targets and provide important parameters for designing charge configuration of warheads against armour targets such as naval ships .

  17. 查阅、检索到相关资料,未找到超过57m抵抗线、类哑铃形装药结构和喷雾器硐室大爆破的相关报道。

    No related data , the similarity dumbbell charges form construction with the related report , are found to exceed 57 m holdout line , this is minority in material data indexed and consulted .

  18. 结果表明SPH和SPH-FEM方法是比较理想的适合于模拟此类大变形和多物质问题的方法。基于能量利用原理,设计和优化不同装药结构,并对不同起爆方式对于射流速度大小的影响进行研究。

    The research results show that the SPH method and SPH-FEM coupled method are adapted to simulate this kind of large deformation and multi-material problems . Based on energy principle , design and optimize different shaped charge structures and different initiation ways .

  19. 不同装药结构条件下爆炸能量的理论计算

    Theoretical Calculation of Explosion Energy Under the Conditions of Different Charges

  20. 基于数论方法的固体推进剂装药结构可靠性分析

    Analysis on reliability of solid rocket motor based on number-theoretic method

  21. 宽波段烟幕干扰战斗部装药结构研究

    Research on the Charge Structure of a Wide-band Smoke Jamming Warhead

  22. 特别是对该技术中的起爆网络及其装药结构进行了深入的研究。

    Especial , the theses study the blasting net and charge structure .

  23. 装药结构与压力波关系实验研究

    Experimental study on relation between charge structurs and pressure waves

  24. 扼制可燃药筒装药结构的压力波实验研究

    Test Research Deterring Pressure Wave in Gun Bore With Combustible Cartridge Cases

  25. 基于侧装药结构的金属风暴武器内弹道机理分析

    Analysis of Interior Ballistic Mechanism of Metal Storm Weapon with Side Chambers

  26. 双月形装药结构定向劈裂作用分析

    Analysis on Directional Split Effect of Bi crescent Charging Structure

  27. 光面爆破装药结构空气柱长度理论计算

    Theoretical calculation of air column length of charge structure for smooth blasting

  28. 炮孔复合装药结构对混凝土作用的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of blasting effect of compound charge in a concrete block

  29. 巷道掘进中新型装药结构试验研究

    The Test Study of New Powder Charge Structure in Drifting

  30. 凹球型传爆药装药结构研究

    Study on the Concave Spherical Structure of the Booster Pellet