
  • 网络Equipment Department
  1. 总装备部直属部队基本建设管理改革的若干问题研究

    A Study on the Capital Construction Administration in the Army Directly Subordinate the General Military Equipment Department

  2. 为加强设备管理,济钢装备部通过实行隐性工期和显性工期管理,探索出了争创设备检修效益最大化的工期管理新模式,缩短了济钢主要设备的停产检修时间。

    In order to strengthen equipment management the equipment department of Jinan iron and steel group has explored out new project time management model with biggest profit in check and repair of equipment by means of adopting recessive project time management and dominant project time management .

  3. 结合国家总装备部十五预研课题嵌入实时Linux应用技术研究,本文研究了嵌入式Linux内核实时化问题,并将嵌入式实时Linux应用于远程监控系统中。

    Embedded Linux kernel real-timing methodology and the application of embedded real-time Linux in remote monitor system was studied in this thesis , which are parts of important research contents of the Defence Pre-Research Project of ' the Tenth Five-Year-Plan ' of China project " Embedded real-time application technology " .

  4. 鉴於此,海军装备部要求我们研制以工控机作为数字控制器、以KOLLMORGEN驱动器为放大器、以稀土三相永磁交流同步伺服电动机为执行电机的高炮数字伺服系统。

    The research of alternating current digital servo system with permanent magnetic electromotor and KOLLMORGEN drives based on industrial computer and windows operating system was required by the Weapon Department of the Navy .

  5. 本论文研究设计的综合导航显控台综合检测装置通过了海军装备部召开的专家会鉴定,并经过某型号舰船上综合导航显控台的整体维修实践。

    The Integrated Detecting Equipment has been appraised by some experts from the navy-equip department .

  6. 本课题是总装备部新型无机-高分子纳米复合可视屏蔽材料项目的一个子课题。

    This program is from general assembly department about new nano complex of inorganic-macromolecule shielded material .

  7. 全部航行设备已经试验完毕总装备部负责组织领导全军武器装备建设工作。

    All gear tested The General Armament Department organizes and leads the army 's work in military equipment .

  8. 本文课题内容来源于总装备部十一五装备预先研究计划项目《长寿命机械连接与高性能紧固件技术研究》。

    This article was based on the project " research on the joints that hold long life time and high quality " .

  9. 论文结合十一五总装备部跨行业预研项目二维弹道修正技术开展先期研究的,属于引信智能探测技术与智能控制技术研究领域。

    This article basing on pre-research project " Trajectory correct technology on range and direction " belongs to intelligent detecting technology and intelligent controlling technology .

  10. 辽宁曾被誉为新中国国民经济发展的装备部,在中国社会主义建设和国民经济持续发展中起到举足轻重的作用。

    Equipment manufacturing industry in Liaoning once played a pivotal role in the socialist construction of China and the long-term development of the national economy .

  11. 重点阐述了深化军事素质基础综合训练的教学改革特点和实践效果,为总装备部乃至全军院校进一步深化军事基础教学改革提供一些思路和参考。

    In this paper mainly discussed features and results of the educational reform and provided some ideas and reference for further deepening the fundamental military training in all military academies .

  12. 沈阳号称中国的工业装备部,曾被誉为东方鲁尔,其机械制造业在上个世纪曾辉煌一时。

    Shenyang is honoured as " Industrial Equipment Base " in China and " Eastern Raul " in the world , his mechanical producing industry is a wonder in the last century .

  13. 本文是结合海军装备部十.五重点研究项目水下修理平台对接装置的研制工作进行的。

    The paper is based on the important research project " Interfacing Apparatus of Underwater Repairing Flatform " among the " ten . five " Project of the department of the navel equipment .

  14. 论文以总装备部维修改革项目航空兵师装备维修保障信息系统研究为背景,从空军航空兵师装备维修保障管理的现状与信息化建设的需要出发,开展空军航空兵师装备维修保障信息系统研究。

    On the basis of maintenance innovation item , the article develops the research for Airforce Division of Maintenance and Support Information System from the need of information construction and the present situation of equipment management .

  15. 本论文题目来源于总装备部九五预研课题鱼雷武器系统规划发展数学仿真方法和中国船舶重工集团第七五零试验场课题水下多目标弹道对抗分布交互仿真系统。

    This dissertation derives from the National Ninth Five-year Plan Project " Torpedo Weapon System Development and Mathematic Simulation Methods Research " and China Shipbuilding Industry Group 's project " Sub-water Multi-target Trajectory Counterwork Distributed Interactive Simulation System " .

  16. 中央军委通过总参谋部、总政治部、总后勤部、总装备部对全军实施作战指挥和建设领导。

    Through the General Staff Headquarters , the General Political Department , the General Logistics Department and the General Armaments Department , the CMC exercises operational command over the whole PLA and leadership for the development of the PLA .

  17. 通过分析影响装备保障部(分)队机动状况的因素,建立了装备保障部(分)队的机动模型,研究了模型的计算流程。

    It analyzes the influential factors of mobile equipment support units ( elements ), establishes equipment support units ( elements ) mobile model , researches the computation flow of model .

  18. 系统的使用将大大提高船艇装备保障部的工作效率和质量。同时通过权限的严格管理满足了船艇装备保障部要求高度统一管理和保密的要求。

    The use of the system will greatly improve the work efficiency and quality , and the strict management of authority limits meets the need of unity management and keeping secrets in terms of watercraft equipment support .

  19. 起爆控制技术是装备定向战斗部的空空导弹的主要技术之一。

    The technology of the initiation control has been one of the chief technologies of the air to air missile equipped with the aimed warhead .

  20. 该局还与美国特种作战司令部合作研制用于诸如空中作战指挥一类任务的装备。司令部下令说要作好准备,进行一级战备侦察。

    The agency has also worked with the US Special Operations Command on equipment for missions such as combat air control . The word from headquarters is to stand by for war patrol number one .

  21. 花园里装备了多部安保摄像机,用以确保工作人员没有拍下彰显总统财富的证据&乌克兰新政府声称,这些钱基本上都来自国库。

    Security cameras embedded in the gardens helped to ensure that no staff member snapped evidence of the president 's wealth & money that was largely siphoned off from public coffers , according to Ukraine 's new government .

  22. 他们的生产单位是新建的,而且生产装备得到了工业部投资的帮助。

    The production unit is new - built and equipped with the help of investment from the Ministry of Industry .