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  1. 汽车车身合装台设计研究

    Design of Main Dock of the Car Body Welding Producing Line

  2. 拼装车正倾倒一车甘蔗至转装台的漏斗。

    A lorry was dumping sugarcane into the hopper .

  3. 我们必须在卧室放一张床和一个梳装台。

    We have got to get a bed and a dresser for the bedroom .

  4. 我们正在把阁楼改装成一间额外的卧室.我们必须在卧室放一张床和一个梳装台。

    We 're making our attic into an extra bedroom . We have get to get a bed and a dresser for the bedroom .

  5. 电站装6台30万kW立轴、可逆、混流式水泵水轮机/发电电动机组。

    The power station has installed 6 sets of vertical shaft , reversible , Francis pump-turbine / motor-generator units , each with a capacity of 300 MW .

  6. 2014款Dart装了台动力更大的引擎,但这种后加的调料已不太可能满足评论家们挑剔的口味。

    The 2014 Dart gets a bigger engine , but the additional seasoning isn 't likely to be spicy enough to satisfy critics ' appetites .

  7. 我想在卧室里装一台并接话机。

    I 'm thinking of getting an extension in the bedroom .

  8. 现在装一台电脑并不难。

    Nowadays it is not difficult to assemble a TV set .

  9. 可惜这个价位的收银机不过是一个钱柜上面装了台计算器。

    These are unfortunately calculators on top of cash boxes .

  10. 谁想要在手机里装一台相机?

    Who would want a camera in their cell phone ?

  11. 他们准备让服务人员明天在办公室里装一台电扇。

    They are going to have the serviceman install an electric fan in the office tomorrow .

  12. 平压机:小型活版印刷机。纸张摆稳于压板上,然后压向垂直的装版台的机器。

    Platen : Small letterpress printing machine on which the paper is held in the platen and pressed up against the vertically-held type-bed .

  13. 我们希望在地铁10号线的每一站都装一台,今后将它推广到其它地铁线路、公交车站和居民小区。

    We hope to put one at every station on the route [ subway line 10 ] and later expand to other lines , bus stops and residential areas .

  14. 那么坐在餐桌对面的那个TA,就为你装了一台内置的智力推动器。

    You have a built-in brain - booster sitting right across the breakfast table .

  15. 两个1/10波长平面度的V形反射镜成直角地装在工件台上,正交度在1角秒之内。

    Two 1 / 10 wave V-shaped mirrors are mounted at 90 ° to each other on the stage . The orthogonality is within 1 ar (?)

  16. 将此模型进行推广,得到装设多台SVC和TCSC的多机系统模型。

    Then , the promotion model of multi-machine system with more than one SVC and TCSC has been given .

  17. 龙滩水电站共装设9台单机容量700MW的水轮发电机组,水头变幅达82m,在电力系统中担任调峰、调频和事故备用任务,机组设计、制造难度已达到甚至超过当今世界水平。

    The Longtan Hydropower Station is designed to install 9 hydro-generating units with an installed capacity of 700 MW each and a water head variation of 82m . It will play a role of peak regulation , frequency modulation and emergency standby in the power system .

  18. 他的一个朋友用备用零件装了一台收音机。

    One of his friends made a radio from spare parts .

  19. 我们在办公室里装了一台新电传机。

    We 've installed a new telex in the office .

  20. 机器人的大脑就是装在一台计算机主机中的决策系统。

    Robot 's brain is installed in a mainframe computer in the decision-making system .

  21. 四十二枚中程核导弹正在拼命加快地拆箱,准备装到发射台上。

    Forty-two medium-range nuclear missiles were being unpacked and prepared for launching pads with desperate speed .

  22. 水电站共两座,一在大江,装机14台;一在二江,装机7台,总容量271.5万千瓦。

    The two hydro-electric plants have 21 generating units with a total installed capacity of 2.715 million kw .

  23. 本文着重从焊接夹具方面对侧围总成装焊拼台的设计作介绍。

    This paper introduces the design of the bench of the assembling and welding of the lateral assembly with focus on welding jig .

  24. 长洲水利枢纽工程外江、内江厂房共装设15台大型灯泡贯流式水轮发电机组,单机容量42MW。

    There are15 large bulb tubular turbine-generator units with a unit capacity of42MW in inner and outer river plants of Changzhou Hydraulic Complex .

  25. 最终他决定做出点实际行动——他偷偷在教室装了一台屏蔽设备,在3月31日到4月2日这几天上课期间,该设备均处于开启状态。

    Liptak took matters into his own hands by secretly taking the disruptive device to school and activating it in his classroom from March 31 to April 2 .

  26. 他钟爱书籍,但表示各种现代科技设备他也都喜欢,并承认自己家里连卫生间都装了一台电视。

    Although he prefers books , he says he likes all the devices of the modern technology era and admits that he has a TV installed even in his lavatory .

  27. 没有熟人在附近偷看偷听周末休假不请朋友也不串亲戚就连我们装了一台电话,亲爱的也不让他们知道,亲爱的。

    Nobody near us to see us or hear us no friends or relations on weekend vacations we won 't have it known , dear that we own a telephone , dear .

  28. 如果齿条固定,小齿轮装在工作台的轴承上,而工作台所在的导轨与齿条平行,那么小齿轮的轴转动时,就会带动工作台平行齿条而移动。

    If the rack is fixed and the pinion is carried in Bearings on a table guided on tracks parallel to the rack , rotation of the pinion shaft will move the table parallel to the rack .

  29. 建立了由焊接机器人、上下料机器人、装焊工作台以及自动上下料系统组成的摩托车车把多机器人集成焊接系统。型材搬运上下料机器人研究

    A multi-Robots integrated welding system of the handle of motorcycle , which include a welding robot , two feeding robots , a assembly and welding positioner and auto feeding equipment , was established . Pre-study on Profile Steel Feeding Robot

  30. 一名技师把一盒录影带装进其中一台机器。

    A technician loads a video tape into one of the machines