
  • 网络equipment development
  1. 基于粗糙集的RBF神经网络在装备研制费用预测中的应用

    RBF Artificial Neural Network Based on Rough Set and Its Application in Equipment Development Cost Estimation

  2. 武警应急救护所装备研制

    Equipment development for emergency medical aid station of Armed Police

  3. 大型U形管热交换设备工艺装备研制

    Research for Craft Equipment of Large-scale U-tube Heat Exchanger

  4. 基于遗传BP神经网络的装备研制风险分析方法

    An Analysis Method of Weapon Research and Development Risk based on the Fusion of GA and BP Neural Network

  5. 应用SBA优化武器装备研制与采办过程

    Applying SBA to Improve Research and Acquisition Procedure of Weapon Equipment

  6. 基于DPSSL的千瓦级全固态激光加工装备研制

    Development of All Solid-state Laser Machining Equipment Based on Kilowatt DPSSL

  7. 综合运用基于PERT方法、AHP法、灰色模糊综合评价等方法从进度、费用、技术性能三个方面对装备研制进行了深入的风险分析。

    On the other hand , The PERT , AHP and gray fuzzy evaluation are employed synthetically to analyze schedule risk , cost risk and technique risk .

  8. 本文结合我所IMMT-CIMS建设项目,对CIMS集成环境下,装备研制型企业产品加工车间的生产管理进行了系统的研究。

    Combined with IMMT-CIMS construct item , this paper studies systemically production management system of equipment developed enterprise production manufacturing workshop in CIMS environment .

  9. 论述CALS内涵的演变及其基本思想,结合虚拟运作组织方式、并行工程等技术,生成CALS集成武器装备研制系统,以提高我国军工企业的快速反应能力和社会适应能力。

    This paper discusses on the evolution of CALS connotation and its fundamental thought and creates integrated digital data environment of weapon equipment combined with virtual enterprise and collateral engineering with CALS to increase the quick-response and the adapting-social ability of the war industry in our country .

  10. 常规武器装备研制程序的不足与改进

    Deficiency and Improvement on the Common Development Process of Weapon Materiel

  11. 基于小波神经网络的导弹武器装备研制费用预测

    Development Cost Predicting of Missile Equipment Based on Wavelet Neural Network

  12. 关于我国现行装备研制生产管制的思考

    Thinking of the management and control of weaponry research and production

  13. 航空压气机叶片型面在线测量新型装备研制

    Development of Novel On-Line Measurement Machine for Aeroengine Compressor Blade Profile

  14. 最后,提出了提高武器装备研制经费分配效能的管理设计。

    Finally is to propose measures to improve fund distribution performance .

  15. 装备研制项目技术风险评估模型

    The Model of Technical Risk Evaluation for Weaponry Development Programs

  16. 装备研制可靠性工作项目风险模糊综合评估

    Fuzzy Evaluation Approach on Risk of Reliability Programs for Weapon Equipment Development

  17. 武器装备研制项目的经费分配是一个复杂的过程。

    Funds distribution in research program on weapon equipment is very complicated .

  18. 安全阀在线检测技术与装备研制

    Development of Safety Valve Checking Technology and Equipment in Service

  19. 首先,分析了武器装备研制项目经费分配问题的产生原因及其影响其有效分配的三个主要因素;

    Firstly as about reasons and factor analysis is the fund distribution ;

  20. 武器装备研制阶段费用预测方法及仿真

    Forecast and Emulation Research on the Cost of Development for Military Equipment

  21. 武器装备研制项目管理知识体系框架

    The Frame of the Weapon and Equipment Project Management Body of Knowledge

  22. 提出了武器装备研制项目风险影响图的评估方法。

    The evaluation algorithm was given to evaluate the amended Influence Diagram .

  23. 武器装备研制项目重要度评估模型研究

    Research on Evaluation Model about Important Degree of Weapon System Development Item

  24. 基于威布尔分布的装备研制时间-费用模型

    Time-cost Model of Weapon Systems RD Based on Weibull Distribution

  25. 关于政府对装备研制生产管制的研究

    Research on the Regulation of Government for Equipment Manufacture

  26. 武器装备研制和发展的瓶颈与对策

    The Bottleneck of Weaponry Development and the Way to Deal with the Situation

  27. 武器装备研制合同定价存在的问题及对策

    Weaponry development contract price fixing : problem and solution

  28. 陆军武器装备研制费用数据筛选与处理方法研究

    A study on the screening and processing of army weaponry development cost data

  29. 装备研制合同信息不对称博弈模型

    The Asymmetric Information Game Model of Equipment Development Contract

  30. 加强装备研制经费管理的经济学思考

    Economics Analysis on Strengthening the Management of Weapons ′ R & D Funds