
  • 网络assembly line;assemble product line;FESTO-MPS
  1. 发动机装配生产线工艺设计

    Technological Process Design of Assembly Line of Internal Combustion Engine

  2. 应用这种方法进行Li/MnO2电池自动装配生产线技术系统的设计研究,取得了满意的效果,达到了预期的目标。

    The research of technical automatic assembly line system for Li / MnO2 batteries relied on this method has gotten satisfactory effects and attained expected objective .

  3. 现场总线与Ethernet在汽车柔性装配生产线中的应用研究

    Application of Field Bus and Ethernet in Flexible Assembly Production Line of Trucks

  4. RFID产品识别及信息处理在汽车离合器装配生产线中的应用

    The RFID-Based Product Identification And Information Processing in the Auto Clutch Assembly Line

  5. 以某汽车变速器装配生产线为研究背景,应用多Agent制造机理实现装配线的柔性和重构问题。

    Assembly line for automotive transmission was made as research background , and multi agent manufacturing philosophy was applied to implement this goal .

  6. 基于MES的发动机装配生产线管理系统的开发

    Management system development for ENGINE-ASSEMBLING line based on MES

  7. 本文运用工作研究的原理和技术对某飞机制造公司某型号飞机n油箱段铆接装配生产线进行分析研究。

    This thesis makes research on the n # fuel tank section of some model plane in some company with the principle and technology of Work Research .

  8. ProFiBus在炮弹弹药自动装配生产线中的应用

    Application of ProFiBus in Automatic Assembling Production Line for Charging

  9. 第三,具体分析了n油箱段铆接装配生产线现行作业中存在的问题,针对存在的问题,提出了具体的改进建议,并形成了新的改进方案;

    Thirdly , paper analyses in detail problems which exist in the current riveted assembly of the n # fuel tank section , proposes the improve measures against the existent problems .

  10. 本文将智能Agent引入装配生产线质量监控系统,建立了基于多代理的装配生产线在线质量监控系统。该系统已在某汽车发动机装配车间得到应用。

    The intelligent agents are employed in the quality control system for assembling production line while a multi-agent based monitor system is successfully implemented at the engine assembling workshop in a automobile enterprise .

  11. 简要介绍了电器装配生产线的工艺流程和控制要求,详细介绍了利用PLC控制该生产线系统的硬件组成以及软件的实现。

    This article describes the process flow and the control requirement of apparatus assembly line . And the software implement and the system hardware compose of the PLC controlled line .

  12. 由于该装配生产线平衡问题是NP-hard问题,开发了相应的遗传算法。

    The balancing model is proven to be NP-complete , so a genetic algorithm is developed for the balancing problem .

  13. 将智能代理(Intelligentagent)技术引入装配生产线的计算机辅助质量监控系统,提出了基于智能代理的装配生产线在线质量监控的新方法。

    The intelligent agent technology is applied in the computer aided quality control system ( CAQCS ) for assembling production line ( APL ), and a novel method of APL quality control online based on intelligent agent is proposed .

  14. 基于ProFiBus现场总线的炮弹弹药自动装配生产线控制系统,包括管理决策、控制和执行3层。

    The automatic assembling production line for charging based on ProFiBus local bus includes management decision layer , control layer and execution layer .

  15. 发动机装配生产线ANDON系统的关键技术实现

    Implementation Technique of ANDON System in Engine Assembly line

  16. 介绍了一个基于AGV的变速箱装配生产线的计算机控制系统的结构、设计思想、功能特点及应用。

    This paper introduces the composition , designing idea , main function and application of a computer control system for transmission assembly automation based on the AGV .

  17. 传动轴自动焊接装配生产线中输送贮料机构的设计

    Transfer Storage Mechanism Design in Transmission Shaft Automatic Welding Assembly Line

  18. 装配生产线集散式监控系统的研制

    Development of total distributive control and management system for assembly automation

  19. 汽车变速器装配生产线监控系统的设计

    Design of the Supervision Control System of Automobile Gearbox Assembly Line

  20. 主从分布控制在制动梁装配生产线的应用

    Application of Master-Slave Distributed Control System in the Brake-Beam Assembly Line

  21. 装配生产线任务完成时间延迟的响应策略

    The Response Strategies of Task Completion Delay in Assembly Line

  22. 图像处理在自动装配生产线质量检测中的应用

    Imagery Processing in Automatic Assembly Production Line Quality Detection Application

  23. 装配生产线物流配送系统优化的研究与应用

    Research and Application of Optimized Logistics Delivery System Based on Assembly Line

  24. 液晶显示器装配生产线平衡优化研究

    Balancing Improvement Study on Assembly Line of Liquid Crystal Display

  25. 挖掘机装配生产线设计与应用

    A study on the design and application of assembly line for excavators

  26. 论重型卡车装配生产线建设项目管理

    Study on Project Management for Building of Heavy Duty Truck Product Line

  27. 智能可重构汽车变速器装配生产线制造系统研究

    A Manufacturing System for Intelligent and Reconfigurable Assembly Lines for Automobile Transmission

  28. 装配生产线的平衡问题研究

    The research into the problems of assembly line balance

  29. 全自动小型球轴承后装配生产线的开发及创新

    Development and Innovation in the Fully-Automated Post Assembling Line for Small Ball Bearing

  30. 汽车装配生产线手工搬运作业的工效学分析

    The Application of Ergonomics-based Manual Material Handling Evaluation in SGM Vehicle Assembly Line