
  • 网络Armored tank;Armor Plating
  1. 装甲、坦克车辆空调的概况及进展

    Progress of air conditioning of tank & armored vehicles

  2. 在介绍了了装甲车坦克电台数据传送加密的工作原理和工作过程之后,分析了现有设备在加密过程中存在的不足;提出了利用数字水印对秘密数据进行加密的应用方案。

    Analyzes the lack of encrypting with current equipment after describing the working principle and working process of armor tank transceiver ;

  3. 但是在战争期间,两项革M性的武器系统被发明并初步投入了战斗,它们是:披挂装甲的坦克和战斗用的飞机。

    But during the war , two new revolutionary weapon systems were invented and saw initial combat use , the armored tank , and the combat aircraft .

  4. 外形低矮、配置特种装甲的新型坦克。

    The new tank with a low silhouette and special armour .

  5. 装甲精英反坦克炮半履带的集中射击技能弹药消耗由30增加到40。

    Panzer Elite AT Halftrack Focused Firing ability increased in cost from30munitions to40munitions .

  6. 反装甲武器对坦克内绵羊杀伤效应试验研究

    Investigation of the lethal effects of anti-armour weapons on the sheep in tank cabin

  7. 被广泛应用于装甲车、坦克等武器防弹装备中。

    It is widely used in armored vehicles , tanks and other weapons equipment .

  8. 上个世纪70年代,苏联拥有超过我们两倍多的装甲部队(坦克)。

    During the1970 's the USSR had more than double our armored forces ( tanks ) .

  9. 这是一艘几乎装满了卡车和装甲车的坦克登陆艇。

    It was an LST , and it was already nearly loaded with trucks and armored cars .

  10. 装甲车、坦克、舰船等带有舱室的兵器在现代战争中具有举足轻重的作用。

    In modern wars , enginery with cabins such as panzers , tanks , naval vessels plays an important role .

  11. 它凭借强大火力和厚装甲在盟军坦克没能有任何对手。

    With its great firepower and thick armor , it proved to be more than an opponent for any tank the allied forces could field .

  12. 有一天,他很晚才回家,发觉路上尽是苏联装甲师,坦克、火箭炮、机动步兵团在深夜中隆隆前进。

    Returning home late one night he found the road crowded with Soviet armoured divisions ; tanks , rocket launchers , motorised infantry , rumbling along in the deep dead of night .

  13. 街上有装甲运兵车和坦克。

    There were armoured personnel carriers and tanks on the streets

  14. 海军陆战队的装甲车和主战坦克日益老旧,新式武器和小型装备的需求呈现,另外海军工程部队的装备也需要尽快更新。

    Marine Corps vehicles and battle tanks are being ground to dust , new types of weapons and small craft are needed , and equipment for the Navy Seabees must be replaced quickly .

  15. 结论反装甲武器侵彻坦克后,致绵羊受伤率极高、伤情复杂、伤势严重,死亡率高,加之舱室类兵器机动性强,内部空间小等特点,给救治带来困难。

    Conclusion After the tank was pierced by anti-armour ammunition , injury rate of sheep was extremely high , the injuries were complicated and serious with a high death rate . The high mobility and the small inner space in the cabin made the treatment more difficult .

  16. 反坦克装甲车:增加装甲部队反坦克能力。

    Tank Destroyers – Increases the Anti-Tank bonus of Armor units .

  17. 概述伸直链聚乙烯纤维增强复合材料的优良性能,着重介绍了它在人体装甲、头盔、装甲车辆、坦克内衬、直升机装甲及承力构件等领域中的应用。

    The paper introduces all kinds of excellent performances of ECPE ( extended chain polyethylene ) fiber reinforced composites , emphasizes their applications in body armour , helmet . armoured vehicle , tank liner , helicopter armour and load-earring member , etc.

  18. 坦克歼击车105毫米主炮能够打击轻装甲车辆和防御工事,但是不能摧毁一辆全装甲主战坦克(MBT)。

    The105mm main gun of the tank destroyer is capable of engaging lightly armoured vehicles and fortifications , but is unable to destroy a heavily armed main battle tanks ( MBT ) .