
  • 网络HEAL;Healing;PCI;Cure
  1. 治疗术,快速治疗,强效治疗术,束缚治疗效果现在与他们的鼠标提示是一致的。

    Heal , Flash Heal , Greater Heal , and Binding Heal effects are now consistent with their tooltips .

  2. 强效治疗术,快速治疗,甚至是苦修都应该在恰当的时机施放。

    Greater Heal , Flash Heal and even Penance should still be cast as needed .

  3. 冠心病经皮冠状动脉介入治疗术前后C反应蛋白变化的临床分析

    C-reactive protein change with coronary heart disease after percutaneous coronary intervention

  4. CT、MR引导下肝癌介入治疗术后护理40例

    Nursing for 40 patients of liver cancer after interventional treatment under CT or MR

  5. Profile机用根管器械应用于根管治疗术的临床效果分析

    The clinical evaluation of root canal therapy prepared by Profile

  6. 目的报告应用主动脉内球囊反搏(IABP)治疗术后危重心脏病患者的疗效。

    Objective To report the Clinical results of intraaortic balloon counterpulsation ( IABP ) in application for critical patient after heart surgery .

  7. 1例ASD封堵器治疗术后7h发生溶血,治疗72h溶血无减轻迹象,外科开胸取出封堵器并行PDA结扎术。

    One patient with ASD occluder device was found hemolysis 7 hours after the procedure and was transferred to surgery 72 hours after procedure to do surgical emergency PDA closure .

  8. 比较单纯应用西药恩丹西酮和结合针刺内关穴治疗术后恶心呕吐(PONV)的效果。

    To evaluate and compare the curative effect of medicine alone and integration of acupuncture and medicine on treating postoperative nausea and vomiting ( PONV ) .

  9. 目的探讨自发性幕上脑出血患者行锥颅抽吸血肿治疗术后30d死亡的危险因素,建立其死亡概率预测模型。

    Objective To determine the important risk factors of 30 day death in patients with supratentorial cerebral hemorrhage after stereotaxic aspirate hematom , and to develop a model for predicting the mortality .

  10. 压力递减压迫止血法在经股动脉介入治疗术后的应用

    Clinical Application of Gradual Pressure-decreased Hemostasis After the Femoral Artery Intervention

  11. 认为单纯激光照射对根尖封闭能力的影响并不明显。激光照射在根管治疗术中的作用可能是通过其它途径。

    Simple laser irradiation can not improve the canal sealing ability .

  12. 电针治疗术后胃潴留肠麻痹91例

    Electroacupuncture Treatment of 91 Patients with Postoperative Gastric Retention and Enteroparalysis

  13. 心脏再同步治疗术中一些特殊情况的处理

    Management to special condition in operation of cardiac resynchronization therapy

  14. 离体上颌第一前磨牙解剖因素对根管治疗术难度的影响

    Effects of maxillary first premolars tooth anatomy on root canal treatment difficulty

  15. 应用机用镍钛锉行根管治疗术的护理配合

    The clinical nursing assistance for Nickel-Titanium rotary instrumentation in root canal treatment

  16. 心脏介入治疗术后所致迷走神经反射的护理

    Nursing Care of Patients With Vagus Reflex Induced by Cardiac Intervention Therapy

  17. 针刺治疗术后麻痹性肠梗阻疗效观察

    Observation on therapeutic effect of acupuncture on paralytic intestinal obstruction after operation

  18. 胸主动脉瘤外科治疗术式探讨

    A Discussion on Different Surgical Treatments of Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms

  19. 心脏介入性治疗术前备皮是否剃毛的研究

    To Study the Preoperative Shaving Necessity in Cardiac Interventional Therapy

  20. 机动镍钛器械预备根管治疗术的护理

    Nursing of root canal therapy with nickel titanium mechanical instruments

  21. 四手操作在现代根管治疗术中的护理配合

    The Four-Handed Operation of Dentistry Nursing in the Modern Root Canal Therapy

  22. 心脏再同步治疗术后房室延迟和室间延迟参数的优化

    Determination of the optimal atrioventricular and interventricular delays in cardiac resynchronization therapy

  23. 心脏介入治疗术后低血糖反应相关因素探讨

    The study of the related factors cawing hypoglycemia after heart coronary Intervention therapy

  24. 经瘘道硬性胆道镜治疗术后胆管残留结石

    Treatment of postoperative bile-duct residual stones with rigid cholangioscopy

  25. 氢氧化钙-ZOE糊剂用于乳牙根管治疗术的疗效

    Clinical evaluation of calcium hydroxide-ZOE as root canal filling material in primary teeth

  26. 212例根管治疗术疗效分析

    An analysis of the curative effect of root canal therapy in 212 cases

  27. 纤维胆道镜治疗术后胆管残余结石1120例

    Choledochofiberscope for 1120 cases of removal remnant stones of bile duct after operation

  28. 腰蛛网膜下腔持续引流治疗术后颅内感染的研究

    Continuous drainage from lumbar subarachnoid space for the treatment of postoperative intracranial infection

  29. 自体骨髓血干细胞移植治疗术治疗糖尿病足2例护理体会

    Nursing of autologous marrow stem cells transplantation treating 2 cases of diabetis Foot

  30. 穴位注射法治疗术后呃逆40例

    Point-injection Therapy for 40 Cases of Post-operation Hiccup