
  • 网络treatment planning system;tps;treatment planning system, TPS
  1. 基于简化后的轮廓曲线,本文使用相邻轮廓线同步前进法实现了多断层轮廓间表面的重构。三维规则体素数据场是治疗计划系统的基础数据集。

    Surface is reconstructed with adjacent contours synchronous marching algorithm based on the simplified contours.3D regular volume data is the fundamental data set for TPS .

  2. 结果:治疗计划系统所显示图像的距离精度<1%,靶中心位置精度<2mm,等中心吸收剂量精度<1%。

    Results : The distance accuracy of images displayed by 3D TPS was < 1 % , and the location accuracy in isocenter < 2 mm . The absorbed dose accuracy in isocenter was < 1 % .

  3. 治疗计划系统中CT值及图像质量保证的若干问题讨论

    To discuss several question of quality assurance of CT value and image using by treatment planning system

  4. 三维适形放射治疗计划系统重建CT图像体积误差的研究

    Study on Volume Error of Rebuild CT Image on Treatment Planning System in Three Dimensional Conformal Radiation Therapy

  5. 从CT/MRI获得的诊断图象只是输入治疗计划系统的原始基础数据。

    CT / MRI diagnostic images are transferred to TPS , they are fundamental data set for TPS .

  6. 以计算机技术为基础的放射治疗计划系统(RadioTherapyPlanningSystem,RTPS)是实现精确放疗的根本保证。

    Radiotherapy planning system ( RTPS ), which is based on computer technology , is the fundamental access to precise radiotherapy .

  7. 放射治疗计划系统(TPS:treatmentplanningsystem)用于放射治疗的术前规划,对放射治疗的精度和效果有重要影响,是放射治疗的核心技术之一。

    Treatment Planning System ( TPS ) is used for pre-operative planning of radiotherapy and has a significant influence on the accuracy and effectiveness of radiotherapy . It is one of core technologies of radiotherapy .

  8. 随机分为加速超分割(AHF)和常规分次(CF)对照两组,均经CT或MRI检查及Plato治疗计划系统设计布野。

    All the therapeutic designs were performed on a Plato TPS after CT scanning or MRI .

  9. 管治疗计划系统(TPS)。

    Treatment planning system ( TPS ) was designed by Paris - II system .

  10. 方法:用CMS放射治疗计划系统设计调强适形放射治疗计划。

    Method : CMS radiation therapy planning system was used to provide optimized IMRT treatment plans for carcinoma .

  11. 本课题是为杭州华源伽玛医疗设备投资有限公司研制的CT机器人伽玛刀治疗计划系统的软件,本文主要涉及放射剂量计算模型的建立、快速剂量计算及治疗计划评估的研究等工作。

    This thesis studies Treatment Planning System ( TPS ) of radiation surgery , measured a mathematical model for dose calculation , rapid dose calculation , and the way of dose-evaluation .

  12. 本文从计算机可视化技术的角度,详细论述了放射治疗计划系统(TPS)的基本原理、实现过程及其中的关键技术。

    The basic principles and the key techniques of the TPS ( Treatment Planning System ) are highly detailed and discussed in this paper ;

  13. 主要介绍了一门新兴发展起来的学科&图像形态学的特点,基本算法以及在治疗计划系统(TPS)中的应用。

    This paper introduces a newly developed subject imagical morphology , its characteristics and basic algorithm as well as the application of morphology to TPS .

  14. 利用计算机三维立体定向治疗计划系统(TPS)计算布源.在CT引导下将125I粒子植入肺转移病灶内。

    Under CT guidance , 125I seeds were implanted into pulmonary metastases according to CT based computerized , treatment planning in radio-oncology the treatment planning system ( TPS ) .

  15. 治疗计划系统是适形调强放射治疗(IMRT)系统的核心。

    The Treatment Planning System ( TPS ) is the hard core of an Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy ( IMRT ) system .

  16. BNCT治疗计划系统综述

    A Survey of BNCT Treatment Planning System

  17. 同时部分容积效应也会导致三维治疗计划系统中数字重建影像(DRR)分辨率的降低。

    Also , partial volume effect can worsen the resolution of digitally reconstructed radiograph ( DRR ) in 3D TPS .

  18. 目的验证Pinnacle三维治疗计划系统数学模型拟和参数的剂量计算精度。

    Objective Objective To verify the accuracy of dose calculation and the precision of beam modeling in a Pinnacle three-dimension treatment planning system ( TPS ) .

  19. 方法回顾分析72例失去手术机会的中晚期肺癌,运用治疗计划系统(TPS)按处方剂量设计籽源分布,全部病例行经静脉化疗2 ̄6次。

    Methods 72 cases of metaphase or terminal lung cancer without the chance of operation had been analysed . The distribution of particles had been designed through TPS according to the dosages of prescription .

  20. 目的利用计算机三维治疗计划系统创建125I粒子平面植入条件下剂量分布特征与等剂量分布曲线。

    Objective To establish the isodose curves and dose calculation models of () ~ ( 125 ) I seed plane implantation using the three-dimensional treatment planning system ( 3D-TPS ) .

  21. 采用模拟头颅、模拟靶点、Leksell定位架固定、CT扫描定位,以及伽玛刀治疗计划系统验证的方法,判定换算结果的准确性。

    After fixing the Leksell stereotactic frame to a skull model with targets , performing the CT scan and stereotactic localization , then the accuracy of the conversion was tested with TPS of OUR rotating gamma knife .

  22. 方法用VarianCadplan三维治疗计划系统中Helios逆向计划系统对前列腺癌、鼻咽癌、脑瘤、胰腺癌、椎骨转移癌等设计并进行IMRT。

    Methods Helios inverse planning system was used to provide optimized IMRT treatment plans for brain tumor , nasopharyngeal carcinoma , pancreatic cancer , spinal metastatic tumor and prostatic cancer .

  23. 方法60Co后装机用梭形、椭圆形、柱形、扁梨形等剂量曲线相结合的治疗计划系统(TPS)优化方案治疗宫颈癌。

    Methods To treat cervical carcinoma with TPS superior scheme combining with isodose curve of rhombus shape , oval shape , cylinder shape and flat pear shape in () ~ ( 60 ) Co afterloading machine .

  24. 最后我们用Visualc成功开发了GA-IMRT/200基于遗传算法的调强放射治疗计划系统并获得国家计算机软件著作登记(2006SR02586)。

    Finally , we used Visual c # successfully developed a GA-IMRT / 200 intensity modulated radiotherapy planning system based on genetic algorithm , it received the national computer software registration ( 2006SR02586 ) .

  25. 方法37例确诊的非小细胞肺癌患者,由放射治疗计划系统(TPS)通过CT引导植入~(125)Ⅰ粒子,并行验证。定期进行复查。

    Methods ~ ( 125 ) I seed was implanted in 37 cases confirmed NSCLC by the treatment planning system ( TPS ) and guided by CT image , then the radiation dose was validated and all ca - ses were fellow up in certain duration .

  26. 本文分析了基于角色访问控制模型(RBAC)在放射治疗计划系统中应用的合理性,结合放射治疗计划系统的开发实践和放射治疗临床实际给出了RBAC在放射治疗计划系统中的应用和实现过程。

    This dissertation analyzes the role-based access control ( RBAC ) model , and integrating development practices of radiation treatment planning system and clinic condition of radiology treatment , gives application and implementation process of RBAC in radiation treatment planning system .

  27. 并从设备精度、焦点品质、入射角度、治疗计划系统(TPS)的功能、质量保证/质量控制体系等7个方面,就如何选择购买伽玛刀提出了几点参考意见。

    Besides , some suggestions for selection and Gamma knife purchase are put forward in terms of precision of device , quality of focus , angle of incidence , function of treatment planning system ( TPS ), quality assurance and quality control system .

  28. 目的应用三维治疗计划系统(3DTPS)对鼻咽癌常规外照射改进方案进行剂量学研究,探讨其临床使用价值。

    Objective To evaluate the dosimetric improvement of conventional external beam radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma ( NPC ) using three-dimensional treatment planning system ( 3DTPS ), and the value in clinical practice .

  29. 本文提出了基于图像的三维放射治疗计划系统(TPS-X)的设计方案、实现方法、以及功能验证方法和标准,建立了计划系统的基本框架和窗口界面。

    This article proposes the design , implementation methods , and the functional verification methods and standards of the image-based three-dimensional radiation treatment planning systems ( TPS-X ), and establishes the basic framework and window interface .

  30. 建立~(131)I-碘化油介入内放疗治疗计划系统的措施。

    To establish treatment plan system of 131I-iodinated oil internal radiation .