
zhōnɡ ɡuó dà xué shēnɡ tǐ yù xié huì
  • University Sports Association of China
  1. 中国大学生体育协会发展研究

    Research on the Development of Federation of University Sports of China

  2. 两个联赛的开办都是由中国大学生体育协会组织实施的,都是为了通过学校课余时间训练来培养篮球人才而开展的篮球联赛。

    The two Leagues are organized by Chinese College Students Sports Association , which aims to cultivate basketball talent in spare time training .

  3. 中国大学生体育协会作为我国唯一的高等学校体育社会团体,在大学生综合素质培养中的作用日益彰显。

    FUSC , as the sole social organization of university sports in China , has played a more and more important role in the cultivation of university students .

  4. 中国大学生体育协会成立三十五年来,经历了从创立、普及、提高到全面参与国际交往的发展历程,在较短时间内取得了长足的进步。

    The Federation of University Sports of China ( FUSC ) has undergone 35-year fast development , from its establishment to its popularization and to its fast growth and now it has been all-around involved in international affairs . FUSC has made a remarkable progress in past 35 years .

  5. 该项目由中国国家留学基金管理委员会出资,中国大学生体育协会组织。后者类似于中国的NCAA,由政府资助。该机构认为这些教练的美国之旅远远不只是轻松的公费旅游。

    The program is financed by the Chinese Scholarship Council and organized by Federation University Sports China - a sort of state-sponsored Chinese N.C.A.A. that saw the coaches " trips as much more than relaxed junkets .

  6. 中国大学生男子篮球超级联赛(简称为大超联赛)和CUBA同属于中国大学生体育协会,但它们是不同水平层次的两大大学生篮球联赛,两者的最大区别在于办赛目的和运动员的参赛资格不同。

    China University Basketball Super League ( shart for : University Super League ) and CUBA are two tipical games on different level of China University Physical Education and Sports association . The big difference between them lies to their purposes of holding games .