
  • 网络telford;TestDaf;DAF;Dethleffs
  1. 如何准备德福考试

    How to prepare Test DaF

  2. 由具丰富医疗经验的医生主诊,德福皮肤中心为各种皮肤类型人士提供专业治疗。

    Consulted by experienced doctors , Telford Skin Centre provides professional treatments to people with all skin types .

  3. 和其他很多人一样,当看到15%的利率的阴霾随着那天的结束而散尽时,汉德福感到一阵欣慰。

    Like many others , Handford was relieved to see the spectre of 15 % interest rates evaporate by the end of the day .

  4. 来自中国武汉的常舒(音)是俄勒冈州梅德福市天主教学校圣玛丽中学(St.Mary'sschool)的70名中国留学生中的一位。

    Shu Chang , from Wuhan , China , is one of 70 Chinese students at St. Mary 's School , a Catholic academy in this Oregon city .

  5. 这些女性都曾被判定犯有谋杀罪,主要在威彻斯特县的贝德福德山惩教设施(BedfordHillsCorrectionalFacility)服刑,时间从17到35年都有。

    The women were all convicted of murder and served between 17 and 35 years , mainly at Bedford Hills Correctional Facility in Westchester County .

  6. 威廉?布莱德福?萧克利(WilliamBradfordShockley)出生于伦敦,他的父亲是采矿技师,母亲则为采矿勘测员。

    William Bradford Shockley was born in London , where his father , a mining engineer , and mother , a mineral surveyor , were on a business assignment .

  7. QUASAR模型是一维动态综合水质模型,是由英国Whitehead建立的贝德福郡乌斯河水质模型发展而来,并成功地应用于英国LOIS工程。

    QUASAR model , which was developed from a model of Bedford Ouse by Whitehead and has been applied as part of the UK LOIS project , is a dynamic river water quality model using 1D ordinary equation .

  8. 重塑德福一致的伦理信仰

    Reestablishing the ethical belief of the unification of morality and happiness

  9. 我经过那里执行德福林的一个命令。

    I came here to pass along an order from devlin .

  10. 我请求德福林由我来转达你。

    I asked Devlin if I could come tell you myself .

  11. 我觉得你需要告诉德福林关于雪梨的事。

    I think you need to fill Devlin in about sydney .

  12. 在贝德福街1406号莫里斯博物馆。

    I 'm at the Morris Museum at 1406 Bedford Street .

  13. 你必须去看一看新贝德福的阔绰的婚礼;

    You must go to New Bedford to see a brilliant wedding ;

  14. 你真的准备好去见德福林了吗?

    You sure you 're ready to meet with devlin ?

  15. 肯定是德福想办法阻止你进来。

    Dreyfus must have made sure you cannot get in .

  16. 海德福和多乐有夙仇吗?

    Did hi-def and dollar have a beef before this ?

  17. 迈克:在贝德福街有幢新公寓楼,贝德福德庄园。

    MIKE : There 's that new apartment building on Bedford Street .

  18. 但是德福林还没有行动。

    But Devlin doesn 't want to move yet .

  19. 德福林说起码要数周来审核。

    Devlin says it could take weeks to verify .

  20. 回到德福林的办公室你自己去劝吧。

    Go back to devlin 's office and convince him on your own .

  21. 至善:德性与幸福的合题&论康德伦理学中的德福观

    Categorical Good : the Combination of Virtue and Happiness

  22. 这是俄克拉荷马中北部的梅德福附近。

    This was in north central Oklahoma near Medford .

  23. 而在新贝德福,却看到了真正的吃人生番在街角聊天;

    but in New Bedford , actual cannibals stand chatting at street corners ;

  24. 德福林知道你要去澳大利亚。

    Devlin knows you 're going to australia .

  25. 新贝德福究竟是个奇妙的地方。

    Still New Bedford is a queer place .

  26. 天津市瑞德福轴承贸易有限公司,坐落于美丽的滨海开发区。

    Tianjin Ruidefu Bearing Co. , Ltd. , located in the beautiful coastal zone .

  27. 德福林需要一个更高级的官员。

    Devlin wants a more senior officer .

  28. 把骨灰送给那个海德福!

    You send her ashes to hi-def .

  29. 离开了古老的曼哈托城,我及时抵达新贝德福。

    Quitting the good city of old Manhatto , I duly arrived in New Bedford .

  30. 至于新贝德福的女人,她们可真象红玫瑰一般鲜艳。

    And the women of New Bedford , they bloom like their own red roses .