
  • 网络experimental teaching method
  1. 强调激活学生自主意识、落实学生自主地位,以教会学生学习为目标,结合学案导学法、实验教学法、网络教学法等多种手段,培养学生的自主学习能力。

    The teachers should activate the students ' independent consciousness , put them into independent status , help them acquire learning methods . The learning plan guiding method , experimental teaching method , and networks teaching method could be applied to improve the students ' learning capacity .

  2. PLC实验教学法探索

    The Exploration of Teaching Methods by Experiments in PLC

  3. 物理演示实验教学法初探

    Preliminary Discussion on Demonstration Teaching Method in Laboratory of Physics

  4. 问题式临床模拟实验教学法的效果观察

    Observation on the result of the question-based simulated clinical experiment teaching method

  5. 高师物理实验教学法课程教学模式研究

    Teaching Model Study on Physical Experiment Course of Teaching Method in Normal University

  6. 房地产评估课程的实验教学法

    Experimental teaching on course of real estate appraisal

  7. 集模式实验教学法初探

    A research on experimental teaching of integrated modes

  8. 近代物理实验教学法研究

    Research about Teaching Methods of Neoteric Physics Experiments

  9. 传递式实验教学法的研究

    Research of the Transmission Experiment-Based Teaching Method

  10. 半开放式实验教学法对医学生创造性能力的培养

    Exploration of Half-Open Laboratory Teaching Method on Development of Medical College Students ' Creativity Ability

  11. 自主探索实验教学法&中学物理教学法实验课的教学改革

    Personally exploring teaching method of experiments & Reformation on experiment teaching method of physics in middle school

  12. 目的:探索设计性实验教学法在医学微生物学实验中的应用效果。

    Objective : To explore the effect of designed experiment teaching on the experiment of medical microbiology .

  13. 本文扼要阐述了改进根管治疗术实验教学法的建议。

    This article concisely elucidated the novice teaching methods for the lessons of Root Canal Therapy experiment .

  14. 国际法语实验教学法协会高职法律专业国际私法教学改革初探

    French-Language International Association for Experimental Pedagogics Exploration of Teaching Reform on Private International Law in vocational legal profession

  15. 结果:设计性实验教学法效果明显优于传统教学法。可以激发学生的学习热情,增强学生的综合能力。

    Results : Designed experiment teaching method , superior to traditional , can stimulate the students ' study enthusiasm and enhance their colligate abilities .

  16. 增强大学生知识与能力建构的案例实验教学法研究&以岩土工程实验教学为例

    Research on the Case-experiment Teaching Method of Strengthening the Building of Knowledge and Ability of College Student & Taking the Experiment Teaching of Geotechnical Engineering as an Example

  17. 研究型实验教学法将研究性学习的方法和手段应用于大学化学实验教学,通过压缩“照方抓药”式的验证性实验,增加研究型实验和改革实验教学方法;

    Researching experimental teaching will be applied in the experimental teaching of university chemistry by the means of research . Through compressing of verification experiment , we should increase research experiment and reform the method of experimental teaching .

  18. 本文结合当前电子商务专业教学出现的主要问题提出采用实验演示教学法来提高教学效果。

    This article , combining the main problems appearing in teaching , suggests adopting the practice demonstration teaching method to improve teaching quality .

  19. 中学化学教学中应广泛采用实验探究教学法,该教学法的核心是按问做议的程序去组织教学,关键是设置问题情境。

    The teaching method of " experiment-exploration " should be taken widely in chemical teaching of middle school , because the core of this method is to organize teaching according to the procedure of " asking-working-discussing ", the key is to set a question situation .

  20. 高职化学制药专业有机化学实验应用PBL教学法初探

    Application of PBL teaching method to the experimental course of organic chemistry for higher vocational education of chemical pharmacy

  21. 有机化学实验目标管理教学法的研究

    Study of Teaching Method of Aim Management in Organic Chemistry Experiment

  22. 遗传学实验三步教学法的尝试

    A Try for a Three-step Teaching Method in the Experiment Class of Genetics

  23. 试谈实验探究式教学法

    Discussion " Experiment Investigates " Teaching Method

  24. 实验表明这种教学法有利于调动学生的学习积极性,发挥他们的潜能。

    The experiment shows that the teaching method is helpful for motivating students ' study initiative and tapping their potentials .

  25. 实验表明交际教学法应用在中国高中英语语法课上是可行的,而且在提高学生语法能力方面,交际教学法比传统教学法更有效。

    We can conclude that applying CLT in grammar class in Chinese senior middle school is feasible , and that CLT is more effective than the traditional method in promoting learners ' grammatical competence .

  26. 实验证明整合教学法适合于中国大学英语专业的实际课堂教学,在口语课堂上使用整合后的教学法在一定程度上收到了积极地效果。

    The experiment showed that the integrated method is suited to the actual classroom of English majors in China . It is proved to be effective when applied integrated teaching method in oral English classroom .

  27. 质性研究资料分析,学生对《基础护理学》实验课案例教学法的评价可归纳为4个主题:真实的实践体验、复杂的学习态度、强烈的求知欲、中肯的意见建议。

    The qualitative research shows that the evaluation about case method teaching could extract four themes : real practice experience 、 complex attitude towardslearning 、 thirst for knowledge and sound advice . Conclusions : 1 .

  28. 经过对比实验,新教学法能充分调动学生的积极性和主动性,有利于太极拳技能的掌握,提高教学效果。

    Through contrasting experiment , it turns out that the new teaching method can fully stimulate the undergraduates ' interest in learning and can be beneficial to their mastering the skill and improving the teaching effect .

  29. 另通过对调查结果分析,充分证实了物理实验探究式教学法的可行性,并根据我国当前物理实验教学的现状,提出实施实验探究教学的建议和避免走入探究教学的误区。

    Another through the results analysis , fully confirmed the feasibility of physical experiment teaching method recommended , and according to the current situation of physical experiment teaching , teachers how to deal with the challenges and avoid inquiry teaching into the inquiry teaching erroneous zone .

  30. 医学院校生物化学实验教学中PBL教学法的应用与评价

    Application and evaluation of PBL teaching model in experiment teaching of medical university