
shí zhì zhènɡ yì
  • Substantive justice;substantial justice;material justice
  1. 冲突正义与实质正义间的冲突及衡平

    On Conflict and Balance between Conflict Justice and Material Justice

  2. 冲突法并非仅仅追求冲突正义而不关注实质正义。

    Conflict law does not mean to pursue conflict justice only and thus disregards material justice .

  3. 为了实现实质正义,反向刺破公司面纱随之出现。

    To maintain justice , reverse piercing corporate veil was invented .

  4. 司法实质正义与司法自由裁量权功能研究

    Substantial Justice in Judicature and Function Expanding in Judicial Discretion

  5. 最后,惩罚性赔偿实现实质正义。

    Third , the punitive damages achieves real justice .

  6. 经济法以社会为本位,表现为实质正义、社会效益,针对社会责任在局部设置了特别加重赔偿,实行惩罚性赔偿制度;

    The economic law is based on society embodying compensation systems of punishment etc.

  7. 刑事侦查的正义价值分为实质正义和程序正义两种。

    Just value is devided into essential just value and procedural just value .

  8. 一.法律的形式正义先于、优于实质正义。

    A legal form of justice prior to , superior to substantive justice .

  9. 从形式上可以把正义分为程序正义与实质正义。

    May divide into justice formally the procedure justice and the essence justice .

  10. 而行政立法听证制度正是一种用以实现实质正义的公正的程序措施。

    Administrative legislative hearing system is a procedure way to realize the substance justice .

  11. 以往我们在刑事侦查中过分追求实质正义而忽略了程序正义。

    We excessively seeked the essential justice while ignoring the procedural one in the past .

  12. 但随着社会的发展,合同自由这种形式正义与社会实质正义的矛盾不可避免,意思自治与国家干预总是伴随着合同法制度的发展。

    But autonomy and state intervention is always accompanied by the development of contract law .

  13. 罗尔斯引入了实质正义,主张将程序正义与实质正义结合起来。

    He introduced the substantive justice into his theory and combined it with procedural justice .

  14. 西方的社会效果是指最大限度地实现法律形式正义之下的实质正义。

    Western social result mean maximally realize legal form the essence of justice under justice .

  15. 法律方法从技术上关切实质正义。

    Legal methods concern essence righteousness technically .

  16. 法治的实质正义塑造着和谐社会的内在精神;

    The virtual justice of ruling of law moulds the internal spirit of a harmonious society .

  17. 司法实践证明,规则之治应包括实质正义和程序正义两方面。

    Judicial practice demonstrates that the rule of provisions should include procedure justice and substance justice .

  18. 产权交易市场监管法的法律价值为经济秩序、社会整体利益与实质正义。

    Economic order , interests of the whole society and substantive justness are its major values .

  19. 回应性表述的正是这种实质正义的政府改革目标。

    The concept of " Responsiveness " just expresses this substantive justice goal of the government reform .

  20. 契约自由与实质正义

    Freedom of Contract and Essentialism

  21. 优先权制度以追求实质正义和秩序和谐为价值目标。

    Pursuing the essential justice and the harmonious order are two value targets of the priority system .

  22. 一审判决虽然维护了司法审判的形式正义,但实质正义却受到了损害。

    The judgement of the first trail maintained the formal justice , but it suffered the substance justice .

  23. 罗尔斯把正义分为实质正义、形式正义和程序正义。

    Rawls classified the justice into the substantive justice , the formal justice , and the procedural justice .

  24. 法的形式正义与实质正义的冲突是法不可回避的问题吗;

    Are legal conflict between legal essential justice and formal justice an issue that could not be avoided ?

  25. 元杂剧《窦娥冤》的法理解读&中国古代民众超现实的实质正义观简论

    Jurisprudence Explanation of Yuan Drama Doueyuan & On The Surreal and Substantive Notion of Justice of Ancient Chinese Crowd

  26. 既不能以实体的正义作为参照去评判程序的正义,也不能以程序的正义作为基准去决定实体的正义,实质正义才是唯一的选择。

    The procedural justice can be judged reference to the substantive justice . The material justice is the only choice .

  27. 体现了形式正义与实质正义、一般正义与个别正义的有机统一;

    Thirdly , they combine both the formal justice and essential justice , and both common justice and individual justice ;

  28. 从形式正义到实质正义的实现有待于法官自由裁量权的介入,完成静态规则到动态事实的转变。

    Thus it necessitates the interference of judge 's discretion to reach the transformation from static rules to dynamic truth .

  29. 形式正义和实质正义分别属于近代和现代法律分配权利和义务的价值观念。

    Formal justice and substantive justice are the values of rights and obligation distribution in modern and contemporary law respectively .

  30. 要实现保护社会利益的最大化,就必须实现社会的实质正义和效益最大化。

    In order to make the aim come true , we have try to maximize material justice and the benefit .