
  • 网络road vehicle
  1. 基于WSN的视频与磁敏传感器道路车辆检测及其融合研究

    WSN Based Road Vehicle Detection and Fusion Study Using Video and Magnetic Sensor

  2. 同时推测,支撑高速陆地运输系统(hsgts)铁路通道内提供有防撞墙保护的跨越结构的所有既有和未来桥墩的整体性,将在受到铁路车辆或道路车辆撞击时仍维持结构完整性。

    It is also assumed that the integrity of all existing and future bridge piers supporting overpass structures that lie within the hsgts rail corridor and that are protected with crash walls will maintain structural integrity in the event of collision by a rail or road vehicle .

  3. 基于OpenCV的视频道路车辆检测与跟踪

    The Detection and Tracking of Video Road Vehicles Based on OpenCV

  4. 城市快速道路车辆跟驰模型研究

    Car - Following Theory in Urban Expressway CAR - FOLLOWING MODEL

  5. 基于视频的城市道路车辆自动检测与跟踪

    Study on Video-based Vehicle Detection and Tracking Techniques in Urban Road

  6. 道路车辆运行速度和运行费用模型体系

    A Systematic Model for Vehicle Speeds and Operating Costs Road Heating

  7. 大多数道路车辆仍无法通行。

    Most of the roads were still impassable to vehicular movement .

  8. 道路车辆实际行驶工况解析方法研究

    The Parse Method of Actual Driving Cycle of Vehicle on Road

  9. 西安市实际道路车辆行驶工况的研究

    Research on the Actual Driving Cycles Condition of Xi'an Road

  10. 城市分等级道路车辆运行速度对排放的影响

    Impact of driving speed on vehicle emission on four different graded roads

  11. 上海市高架道路车辆密度与污染物浓度的实测研究

    Experimental study on vehicle density and pollutant concentration on Shanghai elevated road

  12. 城市道路车辆分类及折算系数研究

    A Study on Vehicle Classifications of Urban Road and Their Conversion Factors

  13. 电动道路车辆用蓄电池的国标简介

    The National Standard for Battery of Electric Road Vehicle

  14. 实际道路车辆排放因子的测试方法

    Measurement for Emission Factors of in - road Vehicles

  15. 基于帧间差分方法的道路车辆检测系统

    A Highway Vehicles Detection System Based on Frames Difference

  16. 道路车辆监控系统中灯光补偿技术研究

    Research of Light Supply Technology for Vehicles Surveillance Compensation

  17. 城市道路车辆排放测试与模拟

    Testing and Simulation of Vehicle Emission on Urban Road

  18. 基于磁传感器的道路车辆参数检测系统

    Detection system for vehicle parameter based on magnetic sensor

  19. 道路车辆的电磁抗扰性试验技术

    The Testing Technology for Road Vehicle Electromagnetic Immunity

  20. 提出了地下道路车辆跟驰模型。

    Finally , the car-following model is presented .

  21. GB/T17349.1-1998道路车辆汽车诊断系统词汇

    Road vehicles Diagnostic systems for motor vehicles Vocabulary

  22. 一种道路车辆监控和信息采集装置。

    The utility model relates to a road vehicle monitoring and information collecting device .

  23. 典型城市道路车辆燃油消耗研究

    Fuel Consumption Research on Representative City 's Road

  24. 道路车辆电气和电子设备样品在振动冲击等动力学试验中的安装

    Mounting of Specimens for Electrical and Electronic Equipment of Road Vehicles within Dynamic Tests

  25. 道路车辆数字图象采集系统

    Digital Picture Acquisition System of Highway Vehicles

  26. 基于催化转化器起燃温度特性的道路车辆排放性能研究

    A Study on Vehicle Emission performance on Road Based on Light-off Temperature of Catalytic Converter

  27. 两轴道路车辆重心位置测定方法及数据处理

    Study on Measuring Method and Data Processing Analysis of Centre of Gravity for Two-axle Vehicle

  28. 任何有轮子的运载工具去年道路车辆的数量成长了30%。

    The number of motor vehicles on the roads rose by 30 % last year .

  29. GB/T17349.2-1998道路车辆汽车诊断系统图形符号

    Road vehicle Diagnostic system Graphical symbols

  30. GB/T17348-1998道路车辆会车光束倾斜角随载荷变化的测量

    Motor vehicle & Measurement of variations in dipped beam headlamp angle as a function of load