
  1. 全党要坚定这样的道路自信、理论自信、制度自信!

    The whole Party should have every confidence in our path , in our theories and in our system .

  2. 同时在与西方国家、其他社会主义国家、新兴市场经济国家比较中更加增强道路自信。

    At the same time , through the comparison with the western countries , other socialist countries and the emerging-market-economy countries , we will enhance the road confidence .

  3. 过去的我,是那么爱自己,总对前面的道路充满自信

    In the past , I love myself enough , with full confidence in my future life

  4. 在通向成功和幸福的道路上,自信发挥着重要作用。

    Our confidence plays an important role in ability to achieve success and happiness .

  5. 我从教多年,见证了数百名学生在预科学习中的进步。我看着他们从不成熟的,没有目标的学生变成目标导向型的学生,并在他们选择的道路上充满自信地享受成功。

    I 've watched them grow from immature students with no sense of direction into goal-oriented students , who are now enjoying success and are confident of the path they have chosen .

  6. 没错,我对我自己选择的道路有绝对的自信。

    That 's right . I 'm confident in the path I have chosen .