
  1. 全党要坚定这样的道路自信、理论自信、制度自信!

    The whole Party should have every confidence in our path , in our theories and in our system .

  2. 十九世纪末二十世纪初,时代的急剧变化动摇了西方文明及其价值标准,摧毁了理论的自信和理性的信仰。

    The late nineteenth and early twentieth century , shaken by dramatic changes in the times of Western civilization and its values , destroying the theory of self-confidence and rational beliefs .

  3. 本文基于代理理论和过度自信理论研究企业多元化的动因,避免了可能存在的替代解释问题。

    Based on the theory of agency and overconfidence , the paper probes into the motivation of diversification and it avoids the problem of potential ' substituting explanation ' .

  4. 首先,根据多元化绩效的研究结果,基于代理理论和过度自信理论,对公司财务特征、公司治理特征与企业多元化行为的关系进行分析并形成假设。

    First , according to the study results , it analysis the relationship of firms ' financial character , the corporate governance character and acts of firms ' diversification , and then it forms hypotheses based on the theory of agency and overconfidence .

  5. 将行为金融理论中过度自信这一重要的认知偏差纳入经典的最优消费投资问题中考虑,建立了部分信息下的最优消费投资决策模型,并运用随机动态规划原理得到了最优消费投资策略。

    Taking the overconfidence as an important cognitive bias into the consideration of classical optimal consumption and investment problem , an optimal consumption and investment model is set up with incomplete information . Then , an optimal consumption and investment strategy is given by use of stochastic dynamic programming theory .

  6. 信息差异理论是解释过度自信现象的一种新理论。

    Then , it introduces and explains the theoretical model of differential information .

  7. 他对自己理论抱有那样的自信简直明天就要拿去实行一样。

    He has that confidence in his theory that he would put it into practice tomorrow .

  8. 在这一意义上,马克思仍然具有吉登斯所无法超越的理论彻底性,我们应具备这一理论自信。

    In this sense , Marx still possesses the theory thoroughness that Giddens can not surpass .

  9. 其中对于非效率投资驱动理论又分别通过委托代理理论、信息不对称理论和过度自信理论进行划分总结。

    One theory of inefficiency investment driven summarizes through the principal agent theory , asymmetric information theory and the theory of overconfidence respectively .