- director;member of a council;steward

(1) [member of a council]∶理事会的成员
(2) [steward]∶代表团体行使职权并处理事务的人员
These digital products aren 't just mechanisms for students to submit homework , they offer all kinds of features , David Anderson , the executive director of higher education with the Association of American Publishers , told BuzzFeed News .
She is the executive director of the National Association of School Nurses .
This policy could isolate the country from the other permanent members of the United Nations Security Council
The number , office term appointment and dismission of member representatives , directors and supervisors .
" You suspended Ray Rice after our video , " a reporter from TMZ challenged National Football League Commissioner Roger Goodell the other day .
The implication of the question is that a more curious commissioner would have found a way to get the tape .
A few years ago , the doughty trustees of the New York Public Library decided they needed an architectural upgrade .
Britain and France may have the nuclear weapons and permanent membership of the UN Security Council .
Judge Edwards currently serves on the Board of Great Western Terrier Association , which is the premier terrier show of the Western United States .
He served as a fed governor and chairman of the White House Council of economic advisors before becoming fed chief .
Governors of the International Monetary Fund posed for a group photo during their meeting in Washington .
Another potential future for parking spaces : mini-parks , says Mathieu Lefevre , executive director of the New Cities Foundation .
Other than being voted class president at high school and to the board of the National Rifle Association , Mr Norquist has never held elected office .
Mr. Friedlander and Ms. Skorupa , with other Teach for America alumni , were founding board members of a new Boys and Girls Club in Helena .
Russia has proposed a conference , which would broaden the group of outside powers involved in mediating the crisis beyond the five permanent members of the UN Security Council .
A governor of the US Federal Reserve , Gramlich warned publicly in 2004 of the risks inherent in the explosion of subprime lending that fuelled the housing boom .
Hawaii is a postcard from the future , said Adam Browning , executive director of Vote Solar , a policy and advocacy group based in California .
Her argument is reinforced by the recent findings of John Wilkinson , a former director of the British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem .
He is past President of the Golden State Bull Terrier Club and former board member of the national Bull Terrier Club of America , and of the BTCA Welfare Foundation .
In explaining what had happened , Ben Bernanke , when still a governor of the Federal Reserve rather than chairman , referred to the emergence of a savings glut .
Gary Weiner , owner of Saxon Shoes in Virginia and a board member of the National Shoe Retailers Association in the US , said shoe-sellers were " very concerned " about fit-lifting .
In this context , said Will Hutchings , an executive director at Goldman Sachs , the museum is " very long-term thinking . "
Laurence Meyer , a former Fed governor and now vice-chairman of Macroeconomic Advisors , says that the 2002 paper has been a roadmap for the Fed .
While Haiti remains a , UNICEF Deputy Executive Director , Hilde Johnson tells VOA there are many other emergencies that are critical and must be addressed .
Jens weidmann , Bundesbank president , has only one vote the same as all other council members .
We have to make co-parenting dads feel manly , argues Michael Feigelson , interim executive director of the Bernard van Leer Foundation . We mustn 't present the new fatherhood as a defeat or taming of men .
" With Jeff , what you see is what you get ," says Gerald Hawkins , director emeritus of the Caldwell Fellows program at North Carolina State and a friend of Williams 's.
' I recommend vitamin D and a flu shot to cover all your bases , 'says the council 's executive director John Cannell .
General Introduction of the 37th IALA Council Meeting
Like Duke , LBS launched its MiM in 2009 , and there is a very clear understanding of the product , says Julia Marsh , executive director of the programme .