
  1. 你没有理由抛妻弃子。

    You have no justification for deserting your wife and children .

  2. 男人会为一个学生抛妻弃子吗?

    Would a man leave his wife and kid for a student ?

  3. 如果游行也出柜离家抛妻弃子的话

    If the parade decided it was gay and abandoned its family .

  4. 他抛妻弃子搬去和另外一个女人住了。

    He left his wife and child and moved in with the other woman .

  5. 我为什么要帮一个抛妻弃子的人?

    Why would I help someone who would run out on his family , abandoning his child ?

  6. 如果他还是那个抛妻弃子的浑球呢?

    I mean , what if , what if he 's just still the dirtbag who ran out on my mom and us ?

  7. 酗酒者抛妻弃子,凌虐,撒谎,给自己和他们的家庭造成经济坚苦,失踪失了老实和依靠,与官方有题目,等等。

    An alcoholic will abandon their family , children , abuse , breed a liar , bring financial disaster to themselves and their family , loss of honesty and dependency , have problems with authorities , etc.

  8. 佛教认为,不管是弃财捐货,抛妻弃子,剃发出家等行为并不阻碍大孝,真正的大孝在于是父母修持佛道并获得解脱。

    Buddhism believes that whether to abandon the money donated goods , left his wife and child and shaved his monk does not hinder the hateful , real " hateful " is is parents are practicing Buddhism and obtain relief .