
pāo ɡuānɡ pán
  • polishing disk;polishing runner
  1. 这种新工艺可使光学材料获得Ra<1nm的原子级超光滑表面,通过大量的试验,系统研究了抛光盘水质、抛光前修盘时间、抛光压力和偏心等对已加工表面粗糙度的影响规律。

    This new process gains super-smooth surface on optical material with angstrom dimension ( Ra < 1nm ) . By various experiments , the effects of water quality of polishing disk , time of modifying ice disk , polishing pressure and eccentricity on surface roughness are studied .

  2. CVD金刚石膜热化学抛光盘的研制

    Development of Wheel for CVD Diamond Thermo-Chemical Polishing

  3. 基于PZT的非球面能动抛光盘设计优化

    Optimization design of PZT actuated deformable aspheric polishing lap

  4. 本文叙述F(46)抛光盘的制作与使用,以及该抛光盘在加工精密光学平面时所显示的独特优越性。

    This paper describes the making and use of Teflon F_ ( 46 ) polishers and their unique and superior performances in the processing of precision optical flats .

  5. 基于PZT压电陶瓷驱动器的非球面能动抛光盘,能够在PZT驱动器的作用下改变面形,用于中小口径非球面镜加工。

    The deformable aspheric polishing lap based on PZT actuator can change the Iap surface continuously to fit the surface of middle aperture aspheric optical mirrors at any location .

  6. 3)主动抛光盘的变形量和它在差分变压器式线性微位移传感器(LVDT)测试架上所测得的测量量之间的关系;

    The relationship between reality deforming quantity of stressed lap and the measuring quantity using LVDT on measuring shelf .

  7. LBO晶体超光滑表面抛光的材料去除机理是抛光液与晶体表面的活泼原子层发生化学反应形成过渡的软质层,软质层在磨料和抛光盘的作用下很容易被无损伤的去除。

    The mechanism of material removal is that passing soft layer which the chemical reaction between polishing slurry and active atomic layer of crystal surface generates is easily removed .

  8. 主动抛光盘磨制非球面镜面控制技术的研究

    Study on control technology of active stressed lap polishing aspherical mirror

  9. 而主动抛光盘技术正好解决这些难题。

    The stressed lap is just enough to solve these problems .

  10. 给出了应力变形抛光盘的数学力学原理与结构特点;研究了机床的整体机械设计与电学系统设计原则;

    The mathematical , mechanical principles and the structural features are given .

  11. 数控抛光技术中抛光盘的去除函数

    Removing function of polishing pad in computer controlled optical polishing

  12. 宝石钻抛光盘的研制

    The New Development of Precious Stone Polishing Plate

  13. 主动抛光盘面形测试技术的研究

    Study on Measurement Technology of Active Stressed Lap

  14. 数控抛光中不同运动方式下小抛光盘抛光特性之比较

    Polishing Performance Comparison of Small Polishing Pad Worked in Different Motion Model in Computer Controlled Optical Polishing

  15. 研究了抛光盘尺寸对表面误差的影响以及误差收敛的控制方法。

    At last the effect of dimension of polishing pad on form error and controlling means of error convergence is studied .

  16. 表明只是抛光盘槽深和抛光液流动速率对试片下方的抛光液混合量起作用。

    The amount of mixing beneath the wafer was shown to be a function only of the pad groove depth and the slurry flow rate .

  17. 如果你将抛光盘贴到电钻上,也会有同样的结果发生。玻璃复盘,用于皮革抛光

    This same result can happen if you use a buffing pad attached to an electric drill . disc , glass , for glazing hides or skins

  18. 通过动力头电机驱动动力头向下运动压缩弹簧产生形变可以和抛光盘之间产生压力。

    Has the deformation through the power head motor-driven power head downward movement compression spring to be possible with to throw between the compact disc the pressurize .

  19. 简单介绍了抛光盘变形控制结构和面形检测机构,对深非球面度面形变形进行了精度分析,探讨了主动抛光盘的动态响应和校正,并对抛光盘的改造提出了一些建议。

    The deformation control construction and measurement method of the lap are introduced . The dynamic response and emendation problem are explored , and the lap improvement is proposed .

  20. 因此,亟待研究和开发一种兼备高温耐磨性和对金刚石石墨化催化能力的新型抛光盘材料。

    Therefore , it is urgent to develop a new type of polishing plate material with the quality of high-temperature wear resistance and strong catalytic graphitization ability on diamond .

  21. 实验证明,磁性磨抛光盘换取轻便,降低了噪声,提高了试件的磨抛光精度。

    The experiment verified the plate of the magnetism improved the precision of the grind and polish , reduced the noise , and made the interconvert of the plate easily .

  22. 在机械法抛光金刚石膜的研究中,证实金刚石抛光盘粗抛光金刚石膜时,提高抛光盘转速、增大抛光压力、使用大粒度的抛光盘有利于改善抛光效果;

    In mechanical polishing with diamond discs , the results from single factor experiments show that the increase of rotating speed and pressure and the use of coarser diamond disc are helpful to get a better polishing .

  23. 从电火花加工机理出发,描述了抛光盘平面度修整的方法,并研制了一种适用于电火花修整的专用脉冲电源,实现了精微修整过程中电极的微小模糊进给。

    Based on the mechanism of Electrical Discharge Machining ( EDM ), the method of plane conditioning is described , and a special pulse generator for EDM is developed to obtain the tiny fuzzy feed of the pole in the operation of delicate modification .