
  • 网络polish tools;Polishing tool
  1. 应用传递矩阵方法设计超声抛光工具

    Design of the polishing tool using transfer matrix method

  2. 气囊抛光工具的研制及特性测试

    Development and property test of bonnet polishing tool

  3. 超硬材料在工业上有很多应用,比如切割抛光工具,表面涂层等等。

    Superhard materials are used in many applications , from cutting and polishing tools to wear-resistant coatings .

  4. 针对此抛光工具,使用刚体润滑理论获得理论去除轮廓,通过实验获得其在单自转状态下的去除轮廓,与理论分析吻合。

    The theoretical removal profile predicted using the lubrication theory of rigid bodies agrees well with experimental results .

  5. 目的研究各种抛光工具的抛光效果,寻求光固化复合树脂抛光的最佳途径。

    Objective To investigate polishing effects with different devices and explore the best polishing methods of light cure composite resin .

  6. 气囊抛光工具的进动由一类特殊的2自由度空间机构实现。

    Precession movement of bonnet tool polishing is realized by a spatial mechanism with 2 degrees of freedom ( DOF ) .

  7. 利用六自由度机器人控制气囊抛光工具应用于模具自由曲面,可以有效的提高模具曲面的质量。

    The gasbag polishing tool controlled by the 6-DOF robot is used to improve the quality of the mold surface effectively .

  8. 介绍了抛光工具超声椭圆振动产生的基本原理,并实际测试了抛光工具的椭圆运动特性。

    The principle of the ultrasonic elliptic vibration produced by polishing tool is introduced and elliptic motion characteristics of the polishing tool are tested .

  9. 方法以古莎公司生产的光固化复合树脂的修复体为实验对象,用各种抛光工具进行抛光,再用扫描电镜观察抛光的效果。

    Methods In this research the prosthesis with the light cure composite resin was used and the polishing effects with different devices were observed using SEM .

  10. 在假设抛光工具与模具自由曲面的接触服从椭圆赫兹接触的前提下,利用提出的抛光去除系数推导了表面去除廓形的理论方程。

    Assuming that the contact between the tool and the mold free-form surface is the elliptical Hertzian contact , the theoretical equation of the material removal profile is derived based on the presented material removal coefficient .

  11. 待加工薄壁件被抛光工具包围,薄壁件的待加工表面与抛光加工工具直接接触;

    When a thin wall piece to be machined is surrounded by a polishing tool , the surface of the thin wall piece , which is to be machined , directly contacts the polishing and machining tool .

  12. 抛光工具设计和控制的目标,都是为了在抛光时得到理想磨粒场,因此,研究气囊工具与不同曲率工件接触时,磨粒场的形态十分重要。

    All the polishing tools are designed to obtain the perfect abrasive particle field . So the form of abrasive particle field is very important when researching the contact between gasbag tool and working surface with different curvatures .

  13. 磨具是用以磨削、研磨和抛光的工具。

    Grinding is used to grinding , grinding and polishing tools .

  14. 用来磨平打磨或抛光的工具或机器。

    A tool or machine used for wearing down or smoothing or polishing .

  15. 磨损处(如织物上的)磨散或磨光绒毛之处用来磨平打磨或抛光的工具或机器。

    A frayed or threadbare spot , as on fabric . a tool or machine used for wearing down or smoothing or polishing .

  16. 研制了用于硅片表面及其边缘抛光的抛光工具,并实际测试了抛光工具的频率-阻抗特性和椭圆运动特性。

    A polishing tool used in silicon wafer top surface and edge treatment was studied , then frequency-impedance and elliptical motion characteristics of polishing tools were tested . 2 .

  17. 研制了能够实现传统化学机械抛光,抛光工具做超声纵向振动、超声切向振动和超声椭圆振动等不同振动方式的复合抛光方法的试验系统。

    The experimental equipment of integrate polishing was developed based on traditional CMP , in order to realize different vibrations , such as ultrasonic longitudinal vibration , ultrasonic shear vibration and ultrasonic elliptic vibration . 3 .

  18. 结果表明,通过数控车床车削、SiC超细粉和金刚石研磨膏分级抛光并用特制工具修正其尺寸,可以得到具有一定表面光洁度并与股骨柄配合良好的Al2O3陶瓷髋关节股骨头假体。

    The results showed that after being processed on numerical control lathe , grade polished by SiC micro-powder and diamond abrading agent and size corrected by special tools , the Al_2O_3 ceramic hip joint femur ball has good surface degree of finish and it matches well with the femur handle .

  19. 介绍了电化学&机械抛光的原理、工具及特点。

    The principle , tools and characteristics of the electrochemical-mechanical polishing were introduced .

  20. 用来抛光表面的能量工具。

    A power tool used to buff surfaces .

  21. 玻璃复盘,用于皮革抛光圆盘月形孔抛光工具

    Disc , glass , for glazing hides or skins roller crescent tool

  22. 冰盘纳米抛光技术正是近年来在先进制造领域应运而生的一种全新的、超精密加工方法,它是以不含任何磨料的冰盘作为抛光工具对试件进行抛光。

    The nano-polishing technology of ice dish is a kind of completely new superfinishing processing method in the advanced manufacturing filed in recent years , which is a polishing method that uses ice dish without any abrasive as polishing tool and polishes on the work pieces .