
  • 网络stoker boiler
  1. 对抛煤机锅炉存在的问题及其产生原因进行了详细的分析,对国内改造抛煤机锅炉的主要方法做出了系统的总结和详细的说明,并以实例说明了其效果。

    The problems and reasons in stoker boiler are analyzed . The methods for their solution in China are summarized and explicated .

  2. 介绍实现抛煤机锅炉掺烧高炉煤气的办法,从而降低烟尘排放浓度,达到节约能源的目的。

    Introduced the realizing method of spreader stoker boiler mixed burning high boiler coal gas for decreasing the smoke dust discharging thickness and for the purpose of saving energy .

  3. 35t/h抛煤机锅炉的消烟除尘

    The Smoke Abatement and Dust Removal for a 35t / h Chain Grate Stoker-fired Boiler

  4. AZD型抛煤机锅炉节能和环保改造

    Retrofit of AZD Spreader-Stoker Boilers for Energy Saving and Enviromental Protection

  5. 抛煤机锅炉燃烧不良原因剖析及改进方法研讨

    Causes of poor combustion and improvement in spreader fired boiler

  6. 抛煤机锅炉炉内增拱气固两相流研究

    Research of Gas-solid Two Phase Flow in Stocker Boiler Added Front Arch

  7. 抛煤机锅炉掺烧高炉煤气燃烧技术

    Blast Furnace Gas Admixing Technique for Spreader - Stoker - Coal Fired Boilers

  8. 印染废水和抛煤机锅炉烟尘是两大污染源。

    Dyeing wastewater and flue dust from coal boiler are two major Pollution sources .

  9. 抛煤机锅炉改造初探滚压技术在燃煤锅炉链条炉排主轴加工中的运用

    Application of Rolling Technology for the Spindle of the Stoker in Coal - fired Boiler

  10. 35t/h抛煤机锅炉增烧高炉煤气的系统改造

    Reconstruction Technology with Blast Furnace Gas Additive Combustion for 35t / h Boiler of Projector Charging Machine

  11. 解决耒阳电厂670t/h燃用劣质无烟煤锅炉稳燃问题的对策抛煤机锅炉燃烧不良原因的剖析和改进

    Countermeasures for Low Quality Coal-fired 670 t / h Boiler Sustained Combustion Problem for Leiyang Power Plant

  12. 35t/h抛煤机锅炉改造为40t/h循环流化床锅炉的设计方案

    Design for the Reform of 35 t / h Spreader-stoker-fired Boiler to 40 t / h CFB Boiler

  13. 本文介绍了将抛煤机锅炉改造为往复推动炉排锅炉的技术措施。

    The technical measures taken to transform a stoker - fired boiler into a reciprocating grate one are described in this paper .

  14. 利用其技术的先进性,改进抛煤机锅炉燃烧系统,提高锅炉效率,减少排放,保护环境。

    The advanced technology is utilized to improved the combustion system of spreader stoker boilers and the boiler efficiency , to reduce the emission and to protect environment .

  15. 证实了炉内增拱可较大的提高炉内燃烧强度,提高抛煤机锅炉的热效率和炉膛出口烟温。

    It is confirmed that , the operation level of stoker boilers can be improved such as enhancing the combustion intensity , boiler thermal efficiency and flue gas temperature of furnace outlet .

  16. 利用循环流化床燃烧技术对35t/h抛煤机锅炉进行技术改造,使用户能燃烧当地热值为3000kcal/kg左右的劣质燃料,企业收到了很好的经济效益和社会效益。

    T / h Spreader-stoker-fired boiler is transformed by using the CFB technology to make it fire poor fuel which the thermal value is about 3000kcal / kg , So that the enterprise can receive the better economic and social benefit .

  17. GEF中国高效工业锅炉抛煤机链条锅炉技术经济分析

    Technical & Economy Analysis of Spreader Stoker Chain Boiler of Chinese High Efficiency Industrial Boiler

  18. 35t/h抛煤机链条锅炉强化燃烧的研究

    Study on intensified combustion of 35t / h spreader stoker - travelling - grate boiler

  19. 抛煤机链条锅炉技术经济分析

    Economical Analysis of Spreader Chain Boiler

  20. 分析了抛煤机链条锅炉运行中存在的问题,提出了用复合循环燃烧技术把抛煤机链条锅炉改造成循环流化床锅炉的措施。

    In this connection , the authors has come up with a proposal to change the above cited boiler into a circulating fluidized bed one with the use of compound circulating combustion technology .

  21. 浅谈35t/h抛煤机链条炉增效节能消烟除尘的改造抛煤机锅炉燃烧不良原因的剖析和改进

    Removing Smog and Dust Improving Efficiency and Economizing Energy for In 35t / h Spreader Stoker Boiler Poor Combustion Problem of Spreader Stoker Boiler and Its Reform