
  • 网络tapping;slag tapping;deslagging
  1. 冲天炉连续出铁出渣装置及其使用

    The Continuous Tapping Device and Its Use for Cupola

  2. 影响隧道的快速施工主要是隧道的开挖、出渣和喷射混凝土等。

    The main reasons affected the rapid construction of the tunnel are excavation , tapping slag and sprayed concrete .

  3. TBM隧道掘进法出渣系统优化配置分析

    Analysis to Optimization Configuration for Slag-Tapping System of TBM Tunnelling Method

  4. 敞开式TBM施工出渣方式对比分析

    Comparative Analysis of Spoil Discharging Modes for Open Type TBM Construction

  5. TBM施工中列车出渣调度规划计算方法的研究

    Study on the Dispatch Layout of Transporting Slag by Train in TBM Construction

  6. 在两大平行洞室的右端顶拱处均设有排风兼出渣洞,断面为8×6.5m。

    There is mucking hole as well as aeration hole on the right side of the two parallel cave room , whose section is 8 X 6.5m .

  7. 连续出铁出渣冲天炉故障时的防护方法

    Failure Protection Measures for Continuous Metal - Tapping and Slagging Cupola

  8. 65吨锅炉出渣设备改造

    The take out scoria machine reformation of 65T / h boiler

  9. 液压加煤、出渣,机械化程度高,设备运行稳定。

    Hydraulic feeding , dregs , mechanization degree high , stable running .

  10. 冲天炉出渣口成型砖按压或挤压型制砖机

    Brick making machine of the press or extrusion type

  11. 全断面隧洞掘进机配套出渣列车优化调度的研究

    Study to Dispatch Optimization for Muck Removal Train that Matches Full Face Tunneler

  12. 燃煤工业锅炉出渣方式和设备的探讨

    The Discussion about Taphole Manner and Equipment of Coal - fired Industry Boiler

  13. 深埋长大隧洞施工出渣系统设计

    Design of spoil disposal system for construction of large and long deep-embedded tunnel

  14. 主洞斜井出渣施工方法的改进与应用

    Improvement and Application of Construction Method of Mucking Through Inclined Shaft of Main Tunnel

  15. 进水、出水、出渣、反冲洗连续运行,效率高。

    Work automatically and continual discharge filtrate and dregs , automatically flush , high efficiency .

  16. 论述了带有渣仓的斜井出渣系统的设计及其运行效果。

    The design of an inclined shaft mucking system with spoil tank and its operation are discussed herein .

  17. 它实现了进料到出渣全过程的机械化操作,降低了劳动强度;

    The chaff fired two phase boiler realizes overall process mechanized operation from feeding to tapping and reduces labor strength ;

  18. 斜井渣仓出渣系统在隧洞工程施工中的研究与应用

    Research and Application on the Mucking System of Inclined Shaft with a Muck Storage at the End in a Water Diversion Tunnel

  19. 简要介绍了转炉炼钢从上料开始到装炉料、吹炼、造渣、出钢、出渣的工艺过程;

    The process is briefly presented form loading material , charging furnace , converting , slagging to tapping of steel and slag .

  20. 介绍了连续出铁出渣冲天炉故障时的两种防护方法及其应用范围。

    : The metal tapping and slagging protection method and metal temperature keeping protection method as well as their application scope was described .

  21. 隧道挖装机是隧道施工的一种重要挖掘、出渣设备,目前主要依赖进口。

    Tunnel Backhoe Loader is an important equipment on excavation and mucking during tunnel construction , and is mainly depended on imports at present .

  22. 不会的。熔渣比钢水轻,所以,它浮在钢水上,并由较高的出渣口放出。

    No. The slag is lighter than the steel , so that it floats on top and is tapped off at a higher level .

  23. 简述重庆市快速轨道交通大坪出渣支洞爆破施工过程中爆破振动测试及建筑裂缝的监测方法及成果。

    The monitoring method and results for the vibration and crack induced by blasting for Daping mucking tunnel of Chongqing city express-railway are briefly presented .

  24. 第四部分详细的介绍了出渣方案的设计和施工,并给出了设计布置图、实施完成的工程图片等。

    The fourth part introduced the design and the construction of this mucking system , and the design drawings 、 the real condition pictures were given .

  25. 施工过程中,随着独头掘进距离的不断增加,爆破及出渣等施工作业过程中产生的大量有害气体不易排出,严重威胁洞内施工安全。

    As the single head driving distance increasing in the construction process , large amount of harmful gas because of the blasting and slag-out is difficult to overflow , which influences the construction safety seriously .

  26. 为了监测熔融铁渣流量和提高水渣质量,对出渣沟中流动的熔渣进行流量检测是非常必要的。

    To monitor the flow of the molten iron slag and improve the quality of the water residue , it is necessary to detect the flow rate of the floating molten slag in the slag ditch .

  27. 介绍了渣浆泵现场流量的测量和计算方法,重点阐述了在没有足够仪器、仪表的情况下如何分析、测量并推导出渣浆泵的实际流量值,并从理论上给出了计算公式。

    The paper introduces some measure and calculation methods of slurry pump capacity , and focuses on how to analyze , measure and deduce the capacity without enough instruments , putting forward the theoretical computing formula .

  28. 本文主要介绍了江口水电站左岸地下厂房系统布置的优化设计,主要包括安装场设计、主变开关站设计、副厂房设计、通风(出渣)洞设计等。

    The paper introduces the optimization design of underground chamber system in Jiangkou hydropower station , involving the design of erection bay , the main transformer switch station , the auxiliary plant and the draft or tapping hole .

  29. 高炉下渣温度由于测定环境恶劣,出渣时间短和渣层不稳定等,国内外未曾进行过测定。

    Because of the mal-condition , short time of slag drainage and unstability of slag layer and so on , by the time that the authors of this paper studied such a problem , the temperature of downslag in B.

  30. 通过理论验证,本文提出的出渣沟熔渣流量实时检测的方法切实可行,可以达到设计要求。

    Which would have guiding significance during the iron production process . Finally , experiments show that the real-time slag flow detection system in the slag ditch proposed in this article is feasible , and the system can meet the designed requirements .