
  1. 通过本次网络调整优化,在没有增加投资的情况下,可增加2M电路195条,如果用于出租电路,每年可为公司增加收入数十万元以上。

    Through this network adjustment and optimization , without added further investment , we can increase 195 lines of 2M circuits . If these lines can be used for leasing circuits , hundreds of thousands of yuans of income can be generated for the company each year .

  2. 电信总局得指定固定通信业务市场主导者提供一定规格及数量之出租电路,其规格及数量由电信总局公告之。

    DGT may require a dominant carrier in fixed network telecommunications market to provide and make available for lease of certain circuits of such technical specifications and in such quantities promulgated by dgt .