
  • 网络called party
  1. 这个漏洞会使FaceTime受话方的电话还在响铃的时候变成一个麦克风。

    The bug turns the phone of the recipient of a FaceTime call into a microphone while the call is still ringing .

  2. 如果受话方按下位于iPhone侧面的电源键--这通常是用来让来电静音或是忽略来电的一个操作--这会使得他们的手机开始给拨打方直播视频。

    If the recipient of the call presses the power button on the side of the iPhone -- an action that is typically used to silence or ignore an incoming call -- their phone will begin broadcasting video to the initial caller .

  3. 苹果的FaceTime出现了一个严重漏洞,即拨话方打电话时可在受话方未接听的情况下听到对方的声音。

    A serious bug in Apple 's FaceTime application allows users to listen in on the people they are calling when they do not pick up the call .

  4. 受话方付费的一种电话。

    A phone call that the receiving party is asked to pay for .

  5. 在某些情况下,还能让拨话方在受话方接听前看到对方的视频。

    Under certain circumstances , the glitch also allows callers to see video of the person they are calling before they pick up .