
shòu jiào yù zhě
  • the educated
  1. 正确的谈吐是受教育者的特征。

    Correct speech is an earmark of the educated man .

  2. 受教育者是具有自主性、主动性和创造性的主体。

    The educated is a principal body with independence , initiative and creativeness .

  3. 这纯粹是未受教育者的一种粗俗说法。

    It is the uneducated vulgarity of expression at all .

  4. 让孩子们学习所有受教育者必须学习的东西,学习如何衡量他们自己的理解力,如何知道他们知道或不知道的东西。

    Let the children learn what all educated persons must learn , how to measure their own understanding , how to know what they know or do not know .

  5. 第六条国家在受教育者中进行爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义的教育,进行理想、道德、纪律、法制、国防和民族团结的教育。

    Article 6 The State conducts education among educatees in patriotism .

  6. 对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,依法给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。第七十八条学校及其他教育机构违反国家有关规定向受教育者收取费用的,由教育行政部门责令退还所收费用;

    Article 78 Where schools or other institutions of education , in violation of the relevant regulations of the State , collect fees from educatees , such schools or institutions shall be ordered by the relevant administrative department of education to return the fees thus collected ;

  7. 在计算机技术普及的今天,PID控制技术得到了进一步的完善。促使每个受教育者获得最大限度的发展。

    Today when computer technology be widely used , PID control method gains farther development .

  8. 其中,主体包括管理组织者、教育者、受教育者;

    Subjects include management organizers , educators , and education recipients .

  9. 英语和法语是埃及受教育者的常用第二语言。

    English and French are common second languages among educated Egyptians .

  10. 文章从现代教育观点出发,阐述了教育的最终目标是要教会受教育者学习。

    Learning to learn is the final goal of education .

  11. 受教育者对职业道德的认识水平有所提高。

    The level of acknowledge to vocation-ethic are be improved .

  12. 第四,重视尊重、理解、关心受教育者。

    Four , respect , understand and care about educatee .

  13. 论大学生党员受教育者的主体地位

    On the Principal Status of the Undergraduate Party Members

  14. 落实以人为本的科学发展观,关怀受教育者的职业生涯。

    Carrying out humanism-based scientific development view and caring educatees ' professional career .

  15. 医德教育要重视和发挥受教育者的主体性

    Emphatically giving to full play subjectivity of the educated in medical ethics education

  16. 我国高等教育受教育者投资风险研究

    The Research on the Higher Education Investment Risk of the Educated in China

  17. 膏火,体现了受教育者个人的教育成本分担;

    Tuition represents individuals sharing the cost of education .

  18. 教育收益的受益主体是受教育者和社会。

    The individuals and society are the main body who get benefit from education .

  19. 通过设置特定道德情境,对受教育者起到了道德提升作用。

    By setting certain moral situation , the educationees moral standard will be improved .

  20. 教育是使受教育者能动地对教育内容选择、吸纳的活动。

    Education is an activity of educatee 's active choosing and absorbing education content .

  21. 每一位受教者都应该公平的接受教育,它面向每一位受教育者。

    Every recipients of education should be fair , it is for every educated .

  22. 严格说来,每一位受教育者都应有各自独特的发展目标。

    Strictly speaking , each educate alternative should set their own unique development objective .

  23. 思想品德教育的实质是将一定社会的思想道德转化为受教育者个体的思想道德。

    Moral education is the essence of social moral transformation for educatees individual moral .

  24. 传道就是要使受教育者懂得如何做人,而做人的基本应从爱祖国教育、爱家乡教育、孝敬父母教育抓起。

    Preaching means enabling the recipients of education to know how to be a man .

  25. 充分利用现代教育技术手段,拓宽受教育者的学习途径。

    And finally , take advantages of modern educational technology to expand the learning ways .

  26. 每项教育活动都会对受教育者产生短期或长期影响。

    Every educational activity exercises a short - or long-term influence upon those being educated .

  27. 道德教育最根本的任务是使受教育者学会做人。

    Moral education of the most fundamental task is to make learning to be educated .

  28. 具有特定思想基础和心理基础的受教育者决定了民族性教育的客观存在;

    The educatees with their particular thinking and psychology determine the existence of nationality education .

  29. 我们的教育方针,应该使受教育者在德育、智育、体育几方面都得到发展。

    Our educational policy must enable the educated to develop morally , intellectually and physically .

  30. 二是受教育者的道德信念外化为自觉自愿的实践行为。

    Second , the moral faith of pedagogue is changed into the practice behavior voluntarily .