
shòu jiè
  • Be disciplined;be initiated into monkhood or nunhood
受戒 [shòu jiè]
  • [be initiated into monkhood or nunhood] 佛教徒通过一定的宗教仪式接受戒律

  • 也亏我救你性命,摩顶受戒,做了我的徒弟。--《西游记》

受戒[shòu jiè]
  1. CANDIOTTI:BradleyGinsburg刚刚进行了受戒仪式,是刚满18岁的大一新生。他的父母表示,他一直是非常优秀的学生,非常喜欢康奈尔大学,也没有表现出任何有压力的迹象,每天都往家里打电话。

    CANDIOTTI : Bradley Ginsburg , seen here at his Bar Mitzvah , was an 18-year-old freshman , a straight A student , his parents say , who loved Cornell , showed no signs of stress , called home daily .

  2. 不受戒是真“自由”吗?

    Will " not receiving precepts " give you true freedom ?

  3. 我想他可能是在曼谷受戒的。

    I think he might get ordained from bangkok .

  4. 于是他靠近佛陀,请求受戒成为比丘。

    So he approached the Lord Buddha and requested ordination as a Bhikkhu .

  5. 可是在因果上来说,不管有没有受戒,因果都是存在的;

    However , causes and effects exist regardless of whether one has received the precepts .

  6. 我将永不做一个苦行者,假如她不和我一同受戒。

    I shall never be an ascetic if she does not take the vow with me .

  7. 小和尚还不到受戒年龄,就叫做沙弥。

    A little monk who is not old enough to get ordained is called a novice monk .

  8. 并有保留完好的康德十年受戒弟子609人的《癸未坛登真录》。

    And still remained completely " Kui wei tan deng zhen lu " of609 followers in ten years of Kangde .

  9. 日据时期台湾僧人赴福州鼓山涌泉寺受戒原因初探

    Why Taiwan Monks Take Bodhisattva Vows at Yongquan Temple in Drum Mountain in Fuzhou During the Period of Japanese Occupation of Taiwan

  10. 本文旨在探讨玄奘法师随兄入蜀,在成都五年的参学之地和受戒之事,详论多宝寺与大慈寺的深厚渊源,力求破解玄奘法师在成都大慈寺受戒的千古悬案。

    It discusses in detail on the tie between Duobaosi and Dacisi , trying to solve the age-old unsettled issues of Venerable Hsuan Chuang 's ordainment in Chengdu Dacisi .

  11. 情佛两难的矛盾与天性自然的和谐&苏曼殊《断鸿零雁记》与汪曾祺《受戒》文化意识比较

    Contradiction between Love and Buddha and Harmonious Natural Instinct & Comparison between Su Man-shu 's " Lonely Wild Goose " and Wang Zeng-qi 's " Shou Jie " in Cultural Awareness

  12. 此后,由师傅向其传授的十戒、十问、十答,规范了受戒者在以后的人生中所要承担的角色,所要履行的责任和义务。

    Then , masters will teach him Ten Commandments , Ten Questions , Ten Answer to regulate his role to be undertaken , responsibilities and obligations to be fulfill in the future life .

  13. 通常说来,他与寺里其他一些高僧就能决定谁能受戒当和尚,并随后在省级宗教事务局登记备案。

    Ordinarily , the abbot and other senior monks at the temple will decide who can be ordained as a monk and the temple will then register them with the provincial Religious Affairs Bureau .

  14. 天主教的教义对她只是一套清规戒律罢了。无有众苦,但受诸乐&从《受戒》看汪曾祺的佛教文化意识

    The Catholic dogma was to her nothing more than a set of rules . " No People have Suffered , but All are Living Happily "── Buddhist Cultural Awareness of Wang Zeng-qi from Initiated into Monkhood

  15. 寺庙学经、辩经、晋升学位、受戒、灌顶、修行等传统宗教活动正常进行,每逢重大宗教节日都循例举行各种活动。

    Traditional religious activities such as scripture learning and debate , degree promotion , initiation into monkhood or nunhood , abhisheka ( empowerment ceremony ) and self-cultivation are held on a regular basis , while ceremonial activities are also held at important religious festivals .

  16. 摘要信佛妇女在接受信仰的同时势必受到信仰的约束,这种约束也一定会对她们的家庭生活带来影响,而这种约束与随之产生的影响主要体现在她们的受戒遵戒上面。

    The women who believed in Buddhism would be at the same time restricted by their faith , by which their family life must be influenced , while such restriction and its following influence would be chiefly embodied in their receiving of and abiding by the disciplines and regulations .