
  • 网络receptor regulation;regulation of receptor
  1. 虽然AT2受体在肾脏的近端小管、远端小管和血管系统都存在表达,AT2受体刺激诱导肾脏的缓激肽(bradykinin)/NO通道,但很少有关AT2受体调节肾功能和钠外排方面有价值的研究。

    Although the AT_2 receptor is expressed in renal proximal and distal tubules and vasculature , and AT_2 receptor stimulation induces a bradykinin / NO pathway within the kidney , little information is available concerning AT_2 receptor regulation of renal function and sodium excretion .

  2. 家兔H1受体调节的升压作用亦可被阿托品所阻断。

    In addition , the pressor effect mediated by H_1-receptors in rabbits could beantagonised by atropine .

  3. pH对心脏κ-阿片受体调节Ca~(2+)瞬变作用的影响

    Effects of pH on the calcium transient upon κ - opioid receptor stimulation in the rat heart

  4. G蛋白对阿片受体调节延迟整流钾通道的影响

    Effect of G Protein in the Dual Regulation of Opioid Receptor Agonist on the Delayed Rectified Potassium Channels △

  5. 目的研究pH对κ-阿片受体调节心肌细胞内钙瞬变作用的影响。

    AIM To investigate the effect of pH on the calcium transient upon the κ opioid receptor stimulation in the rat heart .

  6. G蛋白介导组胺H3受体调节垂体瘤AtT-20细胞分泌ACTH

    G protein involved in histamine H_3 receptor mediating ACTH release from AtT-20 cells

  7. ANG参与血管生成的各个阶段,是其他血管生成因子诱导新血管生成的枢纽,其作用受到受体调节。

    It is nearly involved in every step in angiogenesis and its inducing angiogenesis is regulated via receptor modulation .

  8. 非经典HLAⅠ类分子(HLA-Ⅰb)HLA-G参与抗原递呈,通过相应受体调节NK细胞及T淋巴细胞功能,是一个重要的免疫调节分子。

    Non-classical HLA class ⅰ antigen HLA-G is an important immuno-regulator involving antigen presentation and interacting with particular receptors to regulate NK cell and T cell function .

  9. 5-羟色胺(5-hydroxytryptamine,5-HT或seroto-nin)作为一种重要的神经递质,可通过其受体调节呼吸中枢的节律性变化。

    5-hydroxytryptamine ( 5-HT ) or serotonin , as an important neurotransmitter , modulates respiratory frequency in the PBC via its receptors .

  10. 那些没有THRB突变、表达相同表型的人被认为存在能被核TH受体调节活性的辅助因子的缺陷。

    Individuals who express an identical phenotype without THRB mutations are believed to have defects in cofactors for the actions mediated by the nuclear TH receptor .

  11. 在胞外,ProTα通过潜在的膜受体调节免疫应答,促进IFN-γ、TNF-α、IL-2等细胞因子的产生,进而增强细胞和体液免疫应答。

    The functions for extracellular ProT α are mainly regulating immune response through the potential receptor on cell membrane , which increases the production of some cell factors such as IFN - α, TNF - α and IL-2 . Furthermore , these factors potentiate cellular and humoral immunity .

  12. 小柴胡汤对糖皮质激素受体调节作用的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Regulation of Glucocorticoid Receptor by Minor Bupleurum Decoction

  13. 目前,核受体调节基因表达的机制正处于广泛的研究中。

    The mechanism by which the nuclear receptors regulate gene expression is currently under extensive investigation .

  14. 现就组胺通过3种组胺受体调节胃肠功能的机制作一综述。

    This paper reviewed the mechanisms through which histamine receptors regulate the function of gastrointestinal tract .

  15. 食管鳞癌中TGF-β及其受体调节成分Endoglin/CD105的表达

    Overexpressions of TGF - β and its receptor regulatory component Endoglin / CD105 in esophageal squamous cell cancer

  16. 化合物筛选的高效率和基因指纹技术的进步,如微阵列技术和蛋白质组学,将加速有效的选择性受体调节子鉴定。

    Advancement in high throughput compound screening and gene fingerprinting technologies , such as microarrays and proteomics , will facilitate and accelerate identification of effective SARMs .

  17. 脑缺血时多种机制参与了谷氨酸释放的的调节,如Ca2+依赖性的出胞式释放、谷氨酸转运体调节的释放、水肿诱发的释放和受体调节的释放等。

    Several mechanisms contribute to modulation of glutamate release during cerebral ischemia , such as vesicular release dependent on calcium , release by reversed operation of glutamate transporters , release through swelling-activated anion channel and receptor-modulating release , etc.

  18. 北京鸭红细胞膜G-蛋白与磷酯酶C的偶联及腺苷受体的调节

    The Coupling of G-Protein and Phospholipase C in Peking Duck Erythrocytes Membrane and the Regulation of Adenine Receptors

  19. 哮喘豚鼠脑内组胺含量的变化及中枢组胺H3受体的调节作用

    Changes of brain histamine content and regulating role of centre H_3 receptor in asthmatic guinea pigs

  20. 鼠睾丸间质细胞膜LH/hCG受体减量调节机理的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Down-Regulation Mechanism of Membrane LH / hCG Receptors on Murine Leydig Cells

  21. 地黄活性成分梓醇对转基因CHO细胞M2受体的调节作用

    Regulatory effect of catalpol from Radix Rehmanniae on M_2 receptor density in M_2 receptor transfected CHO cells

  22. 近来在动物模型中的研究表明胰高血糖素通过胰高血糖素受体在调节肝脏甘油三酯(TG)中发挥重要作用。

    Recent studies in animal models suggest an important role for glucagon acting via the glucagon receptor in regulating hepatic triglyceride ( TG ) secretion .

  23. 本文研究了小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞极低密度脂蛋白(VLDL)受体的调节。

    The regulation of the VLDL receptor on mouse peritoneal macrophages was studied .

  24. 1α,25-二羟基维生素D3对人卵巢癌细胞株表皮生长因子受体的调节

    Down regulation of epidermal growth factor receptor in human ovarian cancer cells by 1 α, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3

  25. 在体内钠负荷过载的情况下,刺激肾脏D1受体可调节超过50%的钠排量。

    Stimulation of D_1 receptor can control more than 50 % of sodium excretion from the body in the sodium-replete states .

  26. 近年研究表明VIP能通过与树突状细胞(DC)表面的受体结合调节DC的表型和功能成熟,在DC体内迁移和功能成熟中发挥重要作用。

    Researches in recent years demonstrate that VIP can affect the phenotypic and functional maturation of dendritic cells ( DC ) . It plays an important role in DC migration and maturation .

  27. 目的:研究CNTF对a-受体的调节作用及它对靶器官营养作用的机理。

    Objective : To study of the role of CNTF in regulation of a - receptor and neurotrophic mechanism on targeted muscle .

  28. 以上结果表明,组胺H3受体参与调节心交感神经冲动的传递,H3受体可能与G0/Gi蛋白相耦联,内源性组胺经H3受体介导参与调节心交感神经冲动的传递。

    Our findings indicate that the endogenous histamine might be involved in the modulation of cardiac sympathetic neurotransmission by interacting with histamine H3-receptors and the receptors are probably coupled to a G0 / Gi protein .

  29. 核苷酸类物质是新近阐明的细胞间通讯载体,它们结合细胞膜上的P2家族嘌呤受体,调节细胞的生存和功能。

    Nucleotides , which bind to P2 family receptors on cell membrane to regulate survival and function of cells , are novel carriers in intercellular communication .

  30. Wnt蛋白及其受体、调节蛋白等一起组成了复杂的信号通路,调控细胞的分化,参与发育的多个重要过程。

    Wnts , its receptors and regulators compose complex signaling pathways to regulate cell differentiation , and thus play important roles in the developmental processes .