
  • 网络restricted free agent
  1. 圣安东尼奥马刺队没有提前续约科怀-伦纳德,如果续约的话将会锁死马刺队2015年的薪金空间,所以球队让他成为了一名受限制自由球员,并且占了720万美元的空间。

    Instead of giving Kawhi Leonard an extension , which would have limited the San Antonio Spurs ' spending power in 2015 , the team let him become a restricted free agent with a $ 7.2 million cap hold .

  2. 还有很多的受限制自由球员,比如说安德烈伊戈达拉、罗尔邓、奥卡福和约什史密斯,同样也获得了一份很好的合约。

    A number of restricted free agents , such as Andre Iguodala , Luol Deng , Emeka Okafor and Josh Smith , scored nice deals as well .

  3. 根据ESPN记者波比马克解释的一种情况,凯尔特人可以放弃受限制自由球员莫里斯同时拒绝给罗奇尔续约。

    In one scenario that Bobby Marks of ESPN explains , the Celtics could walk away from unrestricted free agent Mark Morris and decline to extend a qualifying offer to Terry Rozier .

  4. 最重要的是,对于自由球员的管理制度也不会发展成我们今天这样,在1995-1998年,三年的停摆期间受限制自由球员的制度消失了。

    Perhaps most consequentially , the very rules governing free agency might never have become what they are . During a three-year window between lockouts in 1995 and 1998 , restricted free agency disappeared .

  5. 伦纳德此前拒绝了一份报价2.13亿美元的成为不受限制自由球员的合同,他打算在做出关乎未来的决定之前与一些球队会面-包括猛龙队。

    Leonard , who declined his $ 21.3 million player option to become an unrestricted free agent , plans to meet with a handful of teams - including the Raptors - before making a decision about his future .

  6. 这个夏天,诺埃尔将成为受限制自由球员,考虑到他公认的防守能力、未开发的潜力和乐透秀身份,他期望得到一份慷慨的补偿合同,即使他的职业生涯上场时间还不足5000分钟。

    This summer , Noel will enter restricted free agency expecting to be compensated handsomely given his demonstrated defensive impact , untapped potential and lottery pick pedigree , even though he 's logged fewer than 5000 minutes during his career .

  7. 乔治,最后一个和科比一起拿下三连冠的球员,将成为不受限制自由球员,他可能不会回来,除非他愿意降薪(本赛季他年薪500万)。

    Devean george , the last link besides Bryant to the three-championship teams earlier in the decade , is an unrestricted free agent who will not be back unless he takes a pay cut from the $ 5 million he made this season .

  8. 波特今夏是受限制的自由球员,奇才队可以匹配任何报价。

    Porter will be a restricted free agent in the summer , allowing Washington to match any offer .

  9. 所谓受限制的自由球员,是指他可以自由和任何队签约,但他的母队有7天时间考虑,如果母队能提供相同的薪水那就可以优先得到他,而且可以为此超过工资帽。

    A restricted free agent is free to sign with any team , but his previous team has seven days to match the offer and can exceed the salary cap in doing so .

  10. 没有足够的薪资操作空间是勇士面临的问题,克莱-汤普森将在明年夏天成为不受限制的自由球员,并有望与勇士续下长约。

    It 's a matter of not having enough salary cap space to go around . Klay Thompson will become an unrestricted free agent next summer , and is expected to re-sign with the Warriors .