
  • 网络UPi;united press international
  1. 据美国合众国际社14日报道,当地时间13日,约100名通过微博“推特”和社交网站“脸谱”召集在一起的年轻人聚集在美国加利福尼亚州圣何塞市,举行了一场枕头大战。

    According to the UPI on February 14 , around 100 youngsters brought together by Twitter feeds and Facebook postings gathered in downtown San Jose , California on Sunday - for a pillow fight .

  2. 《中国日报》周二确认说这家西方媒体正是美国合众国际新闻社。

    The state-run China Daily newspaper on Tuesday identified the Western outlet as the United Press International news agency .