
  • 网络The Americans
  1. 另外我想《女子监狱》(OrangeistheNewBlack)、《傲骨贤妻》(TheGoodWife)、《博斯》和《美国谍梦》(TheAmericans)这几部剧和《纸牌屋》基本上可以列在同一阵线。

    I suspect that Orange is the New Black and The Good Wife and Bosch and The Americans are all in the same basket .

  2. 但是在离开中情局二十年后,他又重返“间谍”的世界,成为FX电视台《美国谍梦》的制片人。

    But after two decades out of the CIA , he reentered his former world with FX 's The Americans as a producer .

  3. 《美国谍梦》(TheAmericans),FX,1月28日播出。这部剧精彩地将冷战间谍惊悚剧与家庭剧融为一体,第三季一开始,潜伏在华盛顿的克格勃小队感受到了苏联的阿富汗战争的压力。

    THE AMERICANS ( FX , Jan. 28 ) Season 3 of this terrific blend of Cold War spy thriller and family drama begins with Washington 's K.G.B. contingent feeling the weight of the Soviet war in Afghanistan .

  4. 马修·瑞斯则凭借在《美国谍梦》最终季中饰演的内心充满矛盾的俄罗斯间谍获剧情类最佳男主角奖,这是他首次夺得该奖项。

    Matthew Rhys took his first best drama actor Emmy for playing a conflicted Russian spy in the final season of " The Americans . "