
  1. 也是最美丽的大学之一看看周围这些美丽的面孔

    and most beautiful universities in the world and look around all these beautiful faces

  2. 众所周知,武汉大学是中国历史最悠久、最美丽的大学之一。

    As is known to all , Wuhan University is one of the most beautiful universities in China with a long history .

  3. 武汉的大学也很多,武汉大学被列为中国最出名的大学之一,她也是一所非常美丽的大学。

    Then it has great number of universities , Wuhan University is ranked as one of the top universities in China and is also very beautiful .

  4. 这是一个很高兴能够访问你们美丽的大学和遇到那么多种那些让我感到宾至如归。

    It is a great pleasure to be able to visit your beautiful university and to meet so many kind people who make me feel at home .

  5. 哥伦比亚大学以顶级学者和高昂价格标签而闻名,但它也有一个古典美丽的大学校园,其额外的好处是位在纽约市。

    Columbia University is known for its top academics and high price tag , but it also has a classically beautiful college campus with the added bonus of being in New York City .