
  • 网络com;APP;location;City;ONS
  1. 目前,我们的客户有远在冰岛上的好朋友LILY,也有近在同城的朋友。

    Now , our customers are in Iceland on good friend LILY , also have close friends in the city .

  2. AC米兰的胜利将提出在一个同城对手国际米兰,谁是在佛罗伦萨举行2-2战平他们昨晚一点。

    An AC Milan victory would have put them within a point of city rivals Inter Milan , who were held to a2-2 draw at Fiorentina last night .

  3. 两支相互竞争的球队之间的足球比赛有时也叫做德比。足球比赛中的德比相当于北美体育比赛中的“同城竞技”。

    A soccer game between two rival teams is also sometimes referred to as a " derby . " A derby is the soccer equivalent of the sort of game that is called a " crosstown rivalry2 " in North American sports .

  4. 上个月,AC米兰的同城死敌国际米兰就被出售给了中国电子零售商苏宁云商集团。

    Local rival Inter Milan was sold to Chinese electronics retailer Suning Commerce Group last month .

  5. 事实表明,谷歌目前高调招募的许多人才都来自同城竞争对手甲骨文公司(Oracle)。

    It turns out that a lot of the high profile people Google is recruiting are coming from cross-town rival Oracle ( orcl ) .

  6. AC米兰通过对尤文图斯的一场3:0的胜利保持了对领头羊&同城死敌国际米兰的压力。而此结果使主场教练费拉拉大发雷霆。

    AC Milan kept up the pressure on table-toppers and city rivals Inter Milan with a3-0 win away to Juventus-a result which turns the heat firmly on home coach Ciro Ferrara .

  7. 作为富士康的同城竞争对手,规模较小的和硕在2011年成为iPhone的次要制造商,并从去年开始生产iPadMini平板电脑。

    Foxconn 's smaller rival across town became a minor producer of iPhones in 2011 and began making iPad Mini tablet computers last year .

  8. 近日,意大利两大豪门足球俱乐部--国际米兰和其同城死敌AC米兰均表示,已与中国财团进行过接触,它们或寻求入股,或想达成战略合作伙伴关系。

    Two of Italy 's top soccer clubs , Inter Milan and its rival AC Milan , said they have been approached by Chinese groups either seeking a stake or offering strategic partnerships .

  9. Craigslist风格的58同城(58.com)以及送餐应用美团点评(Meituan-Dianping)。

    the Craigslist-style 58.Com ; and food delivery app Meituan-Dianping .

  10. 中国版Craigslist——58同城(58.com)去年11月在美上市,如今其股价自上市以来几乎上涨了一倍。

    Shares in 58.com , a Chinese version of Craigslist that listed in November , has nearly doubled since its debut .

  11. LG此举的目的是在这个可能带来丰厚盈利的市场上抢占先机,超过同城的韩国对手、全球业界领袖三星显示(SamsungDisplay)。后者的战略与LG不同,他们把主要精力放在了改善LCD面板以适应超高清电视的需要上。

    LG aims to steal a march in the potentially lucrative market on crosstown South Korean rival and world leader Samsung Display , which is instead focusing on improving LCD panels for ultra high-definition TVs .

  12. 上个月,AC米兰的同城对手国际米兰(Internazionale)被中国电商巨头苏宁(Suning)收购,英国俱乐部阿斯顿维拉(AstonVilla)也被中国科技商人夏建统买下。

    Last month , AC Milan 's city rival Internazionale was sold to Chinese electronics retail giant Suning , while British club Aston Villa was bought by Chinese technology businessman Tony Xia .

  13. 首先,引入卷烟辅料同城联运VMI成本模型,推导出最佳经济订货批量和供应链最低总成本。

    Firstly , the thesis introduces cigarette auxiliary materials cost model of vendor managed inventory with combined transport in one city , and deduces the optimal economic order quantity and the lowest total cost of supply chain .

  14. 腾讯将买入在纳斯达克(Nasdaq)上市的58同城(58.com)19.9%的股份。这家中国集团表示,此举将扩大其微信(WeChat)及QQ在线聊天服务客户的在线购物选择。

    Tencent will snap up a 19.9 per cent stake in Nasdaq-listed 58 . com , a move the Chinese group said would expand online shopping options for customers of its WeChat and QQ online messaging services .

  15. 58同城常被称为中国版的Craigslist,该网站去年11月在美国上市,自那以来股价上涨一倍多。

    The 58.com site , often described as China 's equivalent of Craigslist , floated in the US last November and has since seen its share price more than double .

  16. 去年,互联网集团腾讯(Tencent)购入58同城20%股权,而58同城上月宣布,已通过大约2.67亿美元的现金加股票交易,收购总部位于上海的房地产租售信息平台安居客(AnjukeInc)。

    Last year , internet group Tencent bought a 20 per cent stake in 58.com , and the online marketplace announced last month it had acquired Shanghai-based property-listing platform Anjuke Inc for about $ 267m in cash and shares .

  17. 阿里巴巴(Alibaba),腾讯(Tencent),京东(JD.com),58同城(58.com)、滴滴出行(DidiChuxing)以及百度(Baidu)都已同意支持这一举措,此举旨在提高消费者在网上的信任感。

    Alibaba , Tencent , JD.com , 58.com , Didi Chuxing and Baidu have all agreed to support the initiative , which aims to improve consumer trust online in a country where faking sales and reviews is commonplace in ecommerce .

  18. 知情人士表示,3月14日,58同城(58.com)和赶集网(Ganji.com)在北京签署了一份谅解备忘录,两家网站的功能很像美国的分类广告网站Craigslist。

    A memorandum of understanding between 58.com and Ganji.com , which both function much like US site Craigslist , was signed in Beijing on March 14 , people familiar with the matter said .

  19. 从城域网的架构和业务分析入手,根据V-SWITCH技术原理和优势,提出了采用V-SWITCH技术实现同城互联业务的方案以及BRAS侧挂于SR的组网模型。

    This paper firstly analyses the architecture and services of MAN . Then according to the technologic principle and advantages of V-SWITCH , the paper puts forward a metropolitan interconnection solution based on V-SWITCH and the network module mode with BRAS aside by SR.

  20. 一个同城清算系统的设计和实现

    The Design and Implement of a Clearing System in a City

  21. 这条新公路把我们村同城市连结起来。

    The new highway has joined our village to the city .

  22. 建立同城银企会计互联网络的构想

    On Establishing Accounting Network of Bank Companies in the Same City

  23. 同城化的社会功能分析及社会规划视点

    Social function analysis and social planing viewpoint of cities ' synchronization

  24. 第三部分是同城待遇路径探索。

    Part three is an exploration of identical treatment route .

  25. 本论文主要研究同城数据实时备份的技术实现。

    The thesis is about that research mainly technology implementation of DRBC .

  26. 同城收费系统中数据传输的安全性分析

    Data Communication Security Analysis in Same City Collect Fees System

  27. 58同城招聘负责人刘侃表示,高薪是和背后的艰辛成正比的。

    Liu Kan from 58.com says high wages are associated with hardship .

  28. 东亚银行西安分行设立同城营业网点研究

    Research on Establish City-Sites of the Bank East Asia , Ltd. Xi'an Branch

  29. 你认为你会在同城约会上遇见白马王子吗?

    Did you think you 'd meet Prince Charming on a blind date ?

  30. 地下空间开发同城市建设相结合的途径研究

    A Study on the Way of Combining Underground Space Development with Urban Construction