
  • 网络coaxial-cable transmission
  1. CATV同轴电缆传输系统的设计与选型

    How to Design or Choose the Correct CATV Coaxial Cable Transmission System

  2. 利用时域有限差分法(FDTD)研究了同轴电缆传输数字脉冲信号时的孔缝辐射效应。

    In this paper , the radiation from the aperture on coaxial cable used as digital signals transmition is investigated using FDTD method .

  3. 另外,还对同轴电缆传输系统中ARQ的优化设计进行了探究。

    In addition , the optimization design of ARQ scheme in the coaxial cable transmission system is developed .

  4. 传输模块是实现同轴电缆传输的关键部分。

    The transmit module is the crucial part of the system .

  5. 同轴电缆传输系统投资的两个数学模型

    Two Mathematical Models of Coaxial Cable Transmission System 's Investment

  6. 这两个模型可用于同轴电缆传输系统的投资估算,也可作为和微波、光纤、卫星传输系统进行经济比较的依据。

    The two models can be used for estimating the investment of coaxial cable transmission system and contrasting the investment with that of microwave , light - wave and satellite transmission systems .

  7. EOC交换机作为一种适用于该方案的接入设备,使有线电视信号和网络数据信号可以同时在同轴电缆中传输。

    EOC switch , as a kind of access device which is applicable to the program , make the cable TV signal and internet signals can be transmitted simultaneously in coaxial cable .

  8. 电话公司呼吁用光纤/同轴电缆网络传输视频业务

    Telcos Call On Fiber / Coaxial Networks For Video Services

  9. 脉冲信号在同轴电缆中传输的分析与计算

    Analysis and Calculation of Impulse Signal in Coaxial Cables

  10. 有线电视同轴电缆的传输特性

    Transport Properties of a Coaxial Cable for the CATV

  11. 工业电视视频信号大多采用同轴电缆基带传输,钢铁企业中产生电磁辐射的电气设备很多,工业电磁辐射干扰对视频基带传输影响较大。

    Industrial TV videosignals are transmitted mostly through coaxial cable with baseband . Electromagnetic radiation caused by electrical equipment is common in iron and steel industry , which often badly influences baseband video transmission .

  12. 由于它可以沿其轴向和其径向周围空间辐射电磁能量,所以泄漏同轴电缆具有传输线和辐射天线的双重特性。

    Because LCX can radiate electromagnetism energy to the outer space along the axial and radial direction of it , Leaky Coaxial Cable can be used as a transmission line and also a radiating antenna .

  13. 目前的机器人视频传输系统普遍采用有线方式进行视频数据传输,使用光纤或同轴电缆作为传输媒介。

    It is currently a wide used technology in the field of embedded applications . Nowadays , the Robotic vehicles configured with video transmission systems widely use fiber optic or coaxial cable as a transmission medium .

  14. 频率很高的有线电视信号在同轴电缆中传输,不能采用理想导线的集中参数理论进行分析,可将传输线看作一维分布参数电路。

    The transport properties of the high-frequency television signal in a coaxial cable can ′ t be analyzed by means of the concentrated-parameter theory in a conductor , but can be explained by regarding a cable as 1-dimension distribution parameter circuit .

  15. ALICE实验中同轴电缆的信号传输特性的研究

    Study of signal transmission properties of a coaxial cable in ALICE experiment

  16. 在ALICE实验中,将大量采用同轴电缆作为信号传输线。

    Coaxial cables as signal transmission line are employed extensively in ALICE ( A Large Ion Collider Experiment ) experiment .

  17. 分析同轴电缆单向式传输CATV网的缺陷,提出建立多媒体有线电视网络的构成方案。

    Starting from an analysis on the shortcomings of coaxial cable television ( CATV ) network of unidirectional transmission , a plan for constructing multimedia wired television network is put forward .

  18. 该方案是一种基于同轴电缆的ASI传输接口方案,采用CYPRESS公司芯片实现ASI的发送和接收,并用逻辑编程器CPLD完成SPI与ASI互相转换所需的逻辑控制。

    This scheme is based on the ASI , makes the sending and receiving of ASI come true and achieve transformation between SPI and ASI with the logic programmable device CPLD .

  19. 电视信号在同轴电缆中的传输

    The Characteristic of Transmission on TV signal in a Coaxial Cable

  20. 射频同轴电缆偏心对传输质量的影响及其偏心度数值的确定

    Evaluations of Eccentricity and Its Effects on Transmission Quality for Radio-frequency Coaxial Cable

  21. 同轴电缆的远距离传输带宽扩展技术

    The Bandwidth Expanding Technology of Long Coax Cable

  22. 采用分布参数电路理论,对同轴电缆的信号传输特性进行了分析。

    This paper adopts distribution parameter circuit theory in a conductor , and analyzes the signal transmission properties of a coaxial cable , makes readers understand these clearly .

  23. 基于万米同轴电缆的图像信号传输方案设计与分析

    The Design and Analyse of Image Signal Transfer Technology Based on a Ten Thousand Meters Coaxial Cable

  24. 在较新式的同轴电缆系统中,传输信号的频率高得多,所要只每隔四英里装一个放大器。

    In the newer type coaxial system , the signals transmitted are much higher in frequency and amplifiers are required every four miles .

  25. 同轴电缆接入网是把同轴电缆作为传输介质的接入网,是基于有线电视网(CATV)的一种接入技术。

    Coaxial cable access network is the coaxial cable as a transmission medium access network , and is a access technologies based on the cable television networks ( CATV ) .