
tónɡ bān tónɡ xué
  • classmate
同班同学 [tóng bān tóng xué]
  • [classmate] 在中小学或大学里属于同一班级的同学

  1. 她觉得自己就像一个告发了同班同学的五年级学生。

    She felt like a fifth-grader who had snitched on a classmate .

  2. 虽然他们已从大学毕业十年了,但所有的同班同学都设法相互保持联系。

    Though they graduated from the university ten years ago , all the classmates try to keep up with one another .

  3. 汤姆和玛丽不是同班同学。

    Tom and Mary are not classmate .

  4. 我挑出几条英语习语(idiom),考了一下我的同班同学。

    I picked out some English idioms and tried them on my classmates .

  5. 当中国的大学1977年恢复招生的时候,张晓刚是全省仅有的两名被位于重庆的四川美术学院(SichuanFineArtsInstitute)录取的学生之一,他比其他20名同班同学年轻10岁。

    When China reopened its colleges in 1977 , Mr. Zhang was one of only two students in his province admitted to the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute in Chongqing . He was a decade younger than his 20 classmates .

  6. 伍德在俄克拉荷马基督教会大学的同班同学特德•诺顿(TedNorton)回忆道,伍德也有艺术的一面,喜欢涂涂画画。

    He has an artistic side , though , loving to paint and draw , recalls Ted Norton , a classmate at Oklahoma Christian University .

  7. 她12岁的女儿亚历山德拉(Alexandra)最近告诉她,有几个同班同学伤害了另一个女孩的感情,因为她们阻止她在Instagram上关注她们。

    Her 12-year-old daughter Alexandra recently told her that several classmates had hurt another girl 's feelings by blocking her from following them on Instagram .

  8. 没有测出oxon的同系物。你和同班同学关系如何?

    How did you make out with your classmates ?

  9. 山姆(Sam)是我儿子的同班同学,他们都就读于曼哈顿的学习源泉学校(LearningSpring),这所学校是自闭症孩子的救星。他的妈妈妮科尔·科尔伯特(NicoleColbert)说,

    Nicole Colbert , whose son , Sam , is in my son 's class at LearningSpring , a ( lifesaving ) school for autistic children in Manhattan , said :

  10. 沃顿商学院(Wharton)MBA大卫•吉尔波亚和尼尔•布卢门撒尔想建立一个富有生活气息的眼镜品牌。他们请同班同学来帮忙定价,甚至帮他们给公司取名字——WarbyParker——取自美国小说家杰克•凯鲁亚克笔下的两个人物。

    Wharton MBAs David Gilboa and Neil Blumenthal came up with the idea to create a lifestyle brand of eyeglasses , using their classmates to help them establish pricing and even come up with the company name , a hybrid of Jack Kerouac characters .

  11. 你和我姐姐以前是同班同学吗?

    Did you and my elder sister use to be classmates ?

  12. 湘琴是袁先生的女儿,与直树是同班同学。

    Ariel is Mr yuan 's daughter , joe 's classmate .

  13. 在刘凯的27名同班同学中,已有三人被研究生院录取。

    Of Liu's27 classmates , three have gotten into graduate schools .

  14. 你们以前不是同班同学吗?

    Weren 't you two in the same class at school ?

  15. 我的大儿子和他的大学同班同学订婚了。

    My eldest son is engaged to his classmate from college .

  16. 刚才我们看到的女孩是我同班同学。

    The girl who we saw just now is my classmate .

  17. 当时,朱哲和3名同班同学正在上海参加面试。

    She and three classmates were sitting for interviews in Shanghai .

  18. 同班同学相互间应该真心地热情和友好。

    Classmates should be spontaneously warm or friendly toward each other .

  19. 他帮助一位没有按时完成作业的同班同学。

    He helped a classmate who was behind with his homework .

  20. 运气好的话,他们俩还能成为同班同学。

    With any luck they would be in the same class .

  21. 说谎的学生为同班同学所轻视。

    despise Students who tell lies are despised by their classmates .

  22. 你在干什么?我在观察我的同班同学。

    What are you doing ? I 'm watching my classmate .

  23. 李明或者是他的同班同学在打扫房间。

    Li Ming or his classmates are cleaning the room .

  24. 他是我的同班同学也是我最好的朋友。

    He is my classmate and also my best friend .

  25. 她有个同班同学叫做康民的吗?

    Was there a boy named Kang min in the same class ?

  26. 我和吉尔中小学同班同学。

    Jill and I were in the same class at primary school .

  27. 你可以请求你的同班同学帮助你学英语。

    You can ask your classmates to help you with your English .

  28. 这个女孩子有非凡的毅力使她不同于她的同班同学。

    The girl is distinguished by her classmates for her outstanding willpower .

  29. 他的一位同班同学现在在阅读兴趣小组。

    A classmates of his is in the reading hobby group now .

  30. 我中学时的同班同学,来打个招呼吧。

    A classmate from middle school . say " hi ", guys .