
  1. 这两个耶鲁大学57届毕业生每次同学聚会都参加。

    These two members of Yale 's Class of ' 57 never miss a reunion .

  2. 老同学聚会在一起,分外亲热。

    The meeting of the old classmates was extremely cordial .

  3. 你能否帮我为这次老同学聚会做好准备工作?

    Will you help me prepare for the get - together of the old classmates ?

  4. 同学聚会上,他们要“与1.0版的自己合影”。每人要带张学生时代的照片到场。穿着与照片中相同的衣服,摆相同的姿势,或者跟相同的几个人一起,聚会现场拿着当年的照片再拍一张。

    Everyone has to bring a photo of his / her school days to the gathering , wearing the same clothes , striking the same pose , or taking a photo with the same people from the “ version 1.0 ” .

  5. 在高中同学聚会或者Facebook上隐身浏览时,你可能已经意识到:

    Here 's something you might have figured out at your high school reunion or by Facebook-stalking your old classmates :

  6. 我正在为这次老同学聚会做准备。

    I am preparing for the get-together of the old classmates .

  7. 每年寒假,我们都举行高中同学聚会。

    We have a senior high school reunion every winter holiday .

  8. 但是,上个月我去了一个同学聚会。

    But , last month I went to a classmates reunion .

  9. 我一想起你就想起喝得烂醉的同学聚会。

    A : I associate you with drunken student parties .

  10. 那次同学聚会令人忆起许多往事。

    The class reunion brought back a lot of memories .

  11. 本周五是1995届毕业班的5周年同学聚会。

    This Friday is the fifth year reunion for the Class of1995 .

  12. 没有几款炒热气氛的游戏怎么能叫同学聚会呢?

    A class reunion event would be incomplete without a few exciting games .

  13. 他参加了闪奈尔大学的同学聚会。

    He attended his class reunion at Cornell university .

  14. 昨天晚上是我们第一次同学聚会。

    It 's time for us to study hard .

  15. 上一次同学聚会时,你为什么没有告诉我们这个故事?

    Why didn 't you tell us this story at our last reunion ?

  16. 我希望也能很快参加同学聚会。

    I hope to have a class get-together soon .

  17. 这么说你是去参加小学同学聚会?

    So you were at your elementary school reunion ?

  18. 2.【范例1】你能否帮我为这次老同学聚会做好准备工作?

    Will you help me prepare for the get-together of the old classmates ?

  19. 这是高中同学聚会的主题曲

    It was the theme song at homecoming my senior year of high school .

  20. 另外,同学聚会应该充满欢笑和泪水。

    Additionally , the class reunion party should be filled with smiles and tears .

  21. 我们每年都同学聚会的。

    We have an assembly every year .

  22. 在11月,我参加了一个高中毕业五周年的同学聚会,但没有任何惊喜。

    In November , I went to my five-year high school reunion and was not pleasantly surprised .

  23. 大学毕业一年后同学聚会,地点选了在动物园。

    The organizer chose the zoo as a place for classmate party after a year of graduation .

  24. 那你那个需要带着商业项目参加的豪华同学聚会怎么办?

    But what about your " class reunion " where everybody brings a " business offer " ?

  25. 还有一些人则出于一些更普通的原因滥用全国警用在线档案,比如策划同学聚会。

    Others abuse the online national police files for more prosaic reasons , like planning class reunions .

  26. 贝基生活在另一个城市,这次特意赶来参加同学聚会。这时她说:

    Then Becky , who lived in another city but had returned for the reunion , said ,

  27. 好了,首先我不会说我到底会不会参加像这样的同学聚会。

    I won 't say that whether I will take part in the classmates gathering like this first .

  28. 我认识一个人他要搞一个完全新的豪华…同学聚会

    It 's a guy I know . And he 's opening up a brandnew luxury class reunion .

  29. 晚上大学同学聚会,我跟猪头都不想去,真郁闷。

    University students gathering at night , I do not want to go with the pig , really depressing .

  30. 但我们大多数都还在并且我们一起两天后,有了同学聚会的消息。

    But mostly we are all here and , after two days together , the reunion settles on a message .