
  1. 苏世民学者硕士学位项目为期一年,其遴选过程部分参照了牛津大学的罗德奖学金(Rhodesscholarships)项目。

    The yearlong Schwarzman Scholars master 's degree program has a selection process modeled partly on the Rhodes scholarships at Oxford University .

  2. 黑石集团董事长、首席执行官以及联合创始人苏世民(StephenA.Schwarzman)说,他一直沉浸在清华大学苏世民奖学金(SchwarzmanScholars)项目的细节中,这个项目于周三上午开始接受在线申请。

    Stephen A. Schwarzman , Blackstone 's chairman , chief executive and co-founder , said that he had been immersed in a welter of details for his Schwarzman Scholars program at Tsinghua University , for which applications became available online Wednesday morning .

  3. 罗德奖学金和苏世民奖学金项目有类似的捐赠基金和筹款目标。

    The Rhodes scholarships and Schwarzman Scholars programs have similar endowments and fund-raising goals .

  4. 时至今日,房地产交易几乎已经成了苏世民的第二天性。

    By now , real estate transactions were practically second nature to Mr. Schwarzman .

  5. 苏世民说自己计划参加纽约和伦敦的面试。

    Mr. Schwarzman said that he planned to participate in the interviews done in New York and London .

  6. 但在见到苏世民手下的团队后,我意识到这将是一个绝好的赚钱机会。

    But once I met the team that Steve had put together , I realized what a bonanza this could be .

  7. 苏世民说,面试在日期安排上会避免与罗德奖学金的遴选面试日期相冲突。

    Mr. Schwarzman said that the finalist interviews would be scheduled so as not to coincide with the Rhodes Scholar selection interviews .

  8. 苏世民不计回报地开展这个项目,显示了中国及其市场对华尔街的金融家和企业领导者的重大意义。

    The program was a labor of love for Mr. Schwarzman and underscores the tremendous importance of China and its market to Wall Street financiers and corporate leaders .

  9. 苏世民估计自己的时间有10%用在了奖学金项目上。他已经为该项目筹集了3.33亿美元(约合人民币20亿元),其中有1亿美元是他自己的钱。

    Mr. Schwarzman estimated that he had been spending about 10 percent of his time on the Schwarzman Scholars program , for which he has already raised $ 333 million , including $ 100 million of his own money .

  10. 这个研究生项目为期一年,清华大学正在修建一个学院,以安置该项目的学生,并提供会议室。虽然施工在按时按预算地进行,但该项目其他方面的费用实际上都高于预期,苏世民说。

    Although the construction of a college at Tsinghua to house scholars and provide meeting rooms for the yearlong graduate program has proceeded on schedule and on budget , other aspects of the program have proved more expensive than expected , Mr. Schwarzman said .

  11. 在如此遥远的地方开展项目,统筹安排上终归是个挑战,苏世民说妻子时常问他:“为什么会选半个地球之外的地方?你就不能找个同时区的吗?”

    The logistical issues of setting up a program so far away have nonetheless been challenging , Mr. Schwarzman said , adding that his wife keeps asking him : " Why did you pick something half a globe away ? Couldn 't you find something in the same time zone ? "