
  • 网络choral music
  1. 他收录自世界各地的合唱音乐集取名为《声音》。

    His collection of choral music from around the world is called ' Voices ' .

  2. 一曲合唱音乐中高潮部分(通常是主旋律)。

    The highest part ( usually the melody ) in a piece of choral music .

  3. 群众性合唱音乐进步的原因与思考

    The Cause and Thinking of the Progress of Massive Chorus

  4. 第三部分:侗族合唱音乐文化构成透视。

    Part Three : Tong Nationality 's Chorus musical cultures constitute the perspective .

  5. 有一种占主导的声音(同音风格)的合唱音乐。

    Part music with one dominant voice ( in a homophonic style ) .

  6. 首先论述了侗族合唱音乐具有可考的悠久历史。

    Firstly , the article expounds that chorus music 's long history is evidential .

  7. 中国合唱音乐作品的演唱用声风格

    Style of Articulation in Chinese Chorus Works

  8. 国内外对于合唱音乐作品的创作态度一直都是充满着热情。

    No matter domestic or foreign works , they creative attitude toward choral music are always enthusiastic .

  9. 尤其是对于国外曲作家而言无伴奏合唱音乐的创作似乎更受他们的青睐。

    Especially for foreign composers who seems to more interested in the creation of a Capella music .

  10. 约德表示,对他的学生和合唱音乐的明天来说,大师班都是一个好的预兆。

    He also believes that the workshop bodes well for his students and the future of choral music .

  11. 在国外有关对西方先锋派合唱音乐的专门研究还并不多,在我国有关这方面的研究就更少了,几乎还是空白。

    Researches specialized on the chorus of Avant-garde are rare in the west , and even fewer in China .

  12. 第四部分从中国合唱音乐中的民族语言韵味审美进行研究,论述了中国合唱音乐中的民族语言韵味审美的特点。

    The fourth part , national language and Chinese chorus appreciation , focuses on the aesthetics of national language .

  13. 它是在中国侗族地区,由民间歌队演唱的一种多声部、无指挥、无伴奏的民间合唱音乐。它具有十分重要的艺术价值和学术价值。

    It is a non-accompany , multi-sound chorus folk art , It has the very important artistic values and the academic values .

  14. 第二部分研究了民族语言对中国合唱音乐的影响,分别从民族语言音调和民族语言节奏两方面进行探讨。

    The second part , national language and Chinese chorus creation , is devoted to the tone and rhythm of national language .

  15. 歌队是一个自在的、有组织的、有规律的传承体系。这种体系就是侗族合唱音乐得以流传至今长盛不衰的有力保证。

    This system is the gurantee which makes it possible for the chorus music to be handed down and be wore prosperous today .

  16. 通过合唱音乐作品可以展示国家和民族的精神风貌,可以起到激励民众、团结民众的作用。

    The choral music can display the spirit of the country and nation , can afford to inspire the people and unite people .

  17. 第一部分是对蒙古族民歌改编合唱音乐作品的作曲技法分析,也是全文的重点部分。

    The first part is the analysis of the composing skills of rearranging the choral comp from ballad , which is the key part .

  18. 我们欢迎合唱音乐爱好者,及对正统声乐有兴趣,音准,有基本乐理常识,有相当视唱听音能力的朋友参加。

    We welcome choral music lover who is interested in vocal singing with good pitch , basic music theory , and moderate sight-reading & listening abilities .

  19. 《校歌》是一首进行曲风格的多声部合唱音乐,歌词属于原创作品,其结构与《黄河》的歌词结构基本相同;

    Jimei School Song is a chorus of march style , its words are an original work , and its words structure is alike with Yellow River 's.

  20. 在伦敦金融城,许多银行、会计师事务所、咨询公司和能源集团都开始提供音乐(主要是合唱音乐)方面的资源,把这视作一项宝贵的福利。

    Banks , accountancy firms , consultancies and energy groups are among the city corporations that have started to treat music mainly choral music as a valuable perk .

  21. 第一部分主要从:中国合唱音乐中的民族语言特质的综述中研究了民族语言与合唱艺术的关系及民族语言在中国合唱发展中的纵观,总括性地探讨了民族语言对合唱艺术的影响。

    The first one , a general survey , deals with the relationships between language and chorus , and between national language and Chinese chorus , globally touching upon the theme .

  22. 摘要中、西方合唱音乐作品在演唱用声风格上存有差异,中国合唱音乐作品在演唱方法上与美声唱法、民族唱法亦有不同。

    As there are some differences in the style of articulation between the western and Chinese chorus works , so are the singing techniques of Chinese chorus works , bel canto and folk singing .

  23. 主体部分为两个篇章,其中第一章综述了合唱音乐的历史与发展、合唱基础理论以及合唱的体裁形式等基本内容。

    The main part of the two chapters , the first chapter reviews the history and development of choral music , choral singing of the genre based theory and the basic content of the form .

  24. 这一时期的合唱音乐,无论是在内容和题材上还是在表现形式和创作技法上,较之过去都有很大的变化和创新。

    During this period , the chorus music , has already got a great deal of change and innovation in terms of the manifestation and the creation technique , which regardless the content and theme .

  25. 世纪人生百年学问&为缪天瑞先生百岁诞而作中国合唱音乐是合唱艺术在中国经历近百年发展所积累形成的,中华民族语言在中国合唱音乐的发展中起着重要的作用。

    Life and Knowledge of A Century : For Hundred Years Old of Musicologist Miao Tian-rui Thus , Chinese chorus , the chorus developed for nearly one hundred years in China , is undoubtedly seriously influenced by Chinese language .

  26. 本文则通过对作曲技法以及创作意义等方面的分析,对现阶段的蒙古族民歌改编合唱音乐作品做一个简单的梳理和总结,以期对以后的创作提供参考。

    Through the analysis on composing skills , composing significance and other aspects , this paper has summarized the current choral comp rearranged from the Mongolian ballad and made a simple conclusion . I hope it can propose some suggestions towards the latter creation .

  27. 第二部分是对蒙古族民歌改编合唱音乐作品的意义从音乐创作,音乐教育以及民族音乐学的角度做深入分析。并提出现有的不足之处,希望取得更大的进步。

    In the second part the author makes a thorough analysis of the significance of rearranging the choral comp from the Mongolian ballad in perspectives of musical creation , musical teaching and national music and puts forward the current deficiency so that we can have more progresses .

  28. 研究者设计了一套提高地震灾区初中生心理弹性的团体音乐辅导方案,包括社会支持、情绪管理、应对方式和目标定向四个主题,并以合唱、音乐讨论等为主要形式。

    Group music counseling was used to improve the resilience of the junior students in the stricken area . Social Support , Emotional Management , Coping Style and Goal Orientation are the four topic of the counseling program .

  29. 合唱教学是音乐教育中的重要部分。

    Chorusing the teaching is in music education of importance part .

  30. 类比合唱指挥与音乐教师之间的关系

    The Relationship between a Chorus Director and a Music Teacher