
hé chénɡ zǐ
  • synthon
  1. 本文以Corey的合成子和切断为手段,利用分析程序和审查程序对有机反应路线进行合理设计,并提出了一些常用的合成策略。

    In this paper , The reasonable approaches of organic synthesis have been designed to use analytic and examinatorial program by means of corey 's concept of synthon and disconnection , in the meantime , some common synthetic tactics have been suggested .

  2. 方法我们从手性合成子D-型甘露醇开始制备S-型噻吗洛尔。

    Methods The S - ( - ) - timolol is prepared from a chiral synthon D-mannitol .

  3. 光学活性C3合成子的不对称合成及应用

    Asymmetric Synthesis and Application of Optically Active C _3 Synthons

  4. C3手性合成子的合成及应用

    Syntheses and Applications of Chiral C3 Synthons

  5. 简要介绍了两种重要的C3手性合成子&环氧氯丙烷(ECH)和缩水甘油(GLD)的合成方法;

    Synthetic methods of two C3 chiral synthons [ epichlorohydrin ( ECH ) and glycidol ( GLD ) ] was introduced .

  6. 叙述了光学活性甘油醇及其衍生物等手性C3合成子的合成方法,以及这些手性化合物在不对称有机合成中的应用,参考文献24篇。

    The synthetic methods for such chiral C3 synthons as optically active glycerol and derivatives , which are widely used in asymmetric synthesis , were reviewed with 24 references .

  7. 首先对课题研究的背景做了简要的说明分析,根据论文的研究目标,对可能需要用到的关键技术做了简单的介绍,随后详细分析了电信呼叫中心里TTS语音合成子系统的具体功能需求。

    Firstly , the background information of the subject and the key technology which may related are briefly introduced , then there is a detailed analysis of TTS speech synthesis subsystem specific functional goals .

  8. 定义了天然合成子、第二级天然合成子和模式结构。

    Natural , natural Synthon ⅱ and model construction were defined .

  9. 手性环氧化物和手性氰醇是用途非常广泛的重要合成子。

    Chiral epoxides and cyanohydrins are very important and useful synthetic intermediates .

  10. 10-甲基-PGD2的合成子的合成

    The Synthesis of The Synthon For 1O-Methyl PGD_2

  11. 合成子的概念和应用

    The Concepts and Application of Synthons

  12. 盐胁迫下小麦苗叶片吡咯-5-羧酸还原酶活性和游离脯氨酸积累吡咯烷生物碱新手性合成子的合成

    Pyrroline-5-Carboxylate Reductase Activity and Free Proline Accumulation in Leaves of Triticum aestivum Seedlings Under Salt Stress

  13. 频率合成子系统采用DDS+PLL环外混频方案,实现频率的跳变。

    Frequency synthesis subsystem uses DDS + PLL loop outside the mixing program to implement frequency hopping .

  14. 综述了利用含膦酰基的开链前体合成子通过环合成来获得膦酰基杂环化合物的各种方法。

    This review deals with the progress in the studies of the synthetic methods of phosphonyl heterocyclic compounds .

  15. D-奎尼酸:一个多用途的手性合成子

    Synthesis of Some New Chiral Synthons for Pyrroline Alkaloids Synthesis D - Quinic Acid , A Versatile Chiron in Organic Synthesis

  16. 本文所做研究工作和创新性贡献主要表现如下:(1)提出了一种基于合成子空间的跟踪方法。

    Some improvements and innovations are listed as follows . ( 1 ) A composite subspace based tracking method is proposed .

  17. 病毒的核酸含有使感染细胞合成子代病毒所需的病毒特异性大分子的所有必需的信息。

    The viral nucleic acid contains information necessary for programming the infected host cell to synthesize virus-specific macromolecules required for the production of viral progeny .

  18. 由此提出接收机系统总体方案:由射频子系统、频率合成子系统、综合基带子系统构成,对各个子系统进行了详细的方案分析和比较。

    Then , we propose the general plan of receiver system composed of a RF subsystem , a frequency synthesis subsystem and a integrated baseband subsystem .

  19. 烯丙基-1,1-偕二醇二醋酸酯作为a~1、a~3合成子的研究&合成双环[3.3.1]壬烷-9-酮衍生物的简便方法及其反应机理

    Allylic Geminal Diacetates as a ~ 1 , a ~ 3 Synthon & A Convenient Synthesis of Bicyclo [ 3.3.1 ] nonan-9-one Derivatives and its Mechanism

  20. 光学活性的双氨基酸作为一类非天然的氨基酸合成子,在医药、农药和肽类合成中有着重要的作用。

    Optically active bis - α - amino acids are unnatural amino acid synthons and can be applied to the synthesis of drugs , pesticides and peptides .

  21. 光学纯的硅取代氨基酸是一类非天然的手性氨基酸合成子,在药物、植物保护剂和精细化学品的合成中具有极为广阔的应用前景。

    Optically pure silicon containing amino acids are unnatural amino acids synthons and have broad applications in the synthesis of many drugs , plant protectants and fine chemicals .

  22. 叙述了合成子法的概念和原理。并通过一些天然产物和药物合成的例子,进行具体分析,使读者了解合成子的概念和应用。

    The concept and principle of synthon method was described in this article and the concrete analysis was made through the synthetic examples of some natural products and drugs .

  23. 作为天然的生物催化剂,酶催化化学反应具有催化效率和立体选择性高、反应条件温和的特点。酶不仅适于外消旋药物及其合成子的有效拆分,而且可用于光学活性药物手性中心的直接构建。

    As natural biocatalysts , enzymes catalyze chemical reactions with high catalytic efficiency and stereoselectivity and mild conditions , which can be not only used for the efficient resolution of racemic drugs and related synthons , but also the direct construction of chiral center of optically active drugs .

  24. 本实验得到的合成启动子和增强子为提高外源基因在牛肌肉中高效表达提供了实验材料,为牛肌肉高效特异性启动子的获得和转基因肉牛的研究奠定了基础。

    The synthetic promoter and enhancer gained in the study provided important materials for expression of exogenous gene in bovine muscle and production of transgenic bovine .

  25. 离散型贝尔曼不等式F-T合成超微粒子碳化铁催化剂制备的研究

    Investigation on the Preparation of Ultrafine Particle Iron - carbonide Catalyst for F-T Synthesis

  26. 气相合成二氧化钛超细粒子光催化活性艳红X-3B脱色的研究大气气溶胶中NO ̄-_3、SO ̄(2-)_4研究

    Photocatalytic decolorization of active red X-3B by ultrafine tio_2 particles synthesized in high temperature aerosol reactor the studies of and in aerosol

  27. 但是,高频子带并不是通过2-D高通滤波原始图像,而是通过原始图像与合成的低通子带相减得到的。

    However , the HF subband is created by subtracting the synthesized LF subband from original image but not by 2-D high-pass filtering original image .

  28. 如果在病毒感染细胞后加入GLP,在病毒的生物大分子的合成完成后而子代病毒粒子还未释放出来前去掉GLP,这时GLP对病毒感染就没有抑制作用。

    There was no significant antiviral activity to be detected when the GLP was presented in the culture after beginning infection and before progeny virus release .

  29. 无机溶胶粒子的有机高分子胶囊化研究&(Ⅰ)静电相互作用机理合成胶囊化微粒子

    Study on encapsulation of organic polymers in the presence of inorganic sol particles & ⅰ . synthesis of encapsulation microparticles by electrostatic interaction method

  30. 为了模拟自然生长的单轴分枝乔木分枝处树皮纹理各向异性的效果,论文将拼接曲面的合成区域划分成子区域,各子区域采用不同的合成方法。

    In order to simulate the anisotropic effects of the bark texture on the branchings of natural growth trees with monopodial branching , this paper divides the synthetic surface region of flattened surface into the sub-regions , each sub-region using different synthesis methods .