
  • 网络synthetic natural gas;sng;E-Gas
  1. 新的模型中,主产品为燃料乙醇和合成天然气,副产品为硫和丙醇以上的低碳醇。

    The products of new designed model are fuel ethanol , SNG , with sulfur and C3 + alcohols as by-products .

  2. 利用可视化高压流体测试装置在0.78~5.17MPa压力范围内测定了乙二醇水溶液中合成天然气(甲烷、乙烷和丙烷的混合物)水合物的形成条件。

    A set of visual high-pressure fluid measurement system is used to measure hydrate formation conditions of synthetic natural gas , mixed by methane , ethane and propane , in aqueous solutions of ethylene glycol in the pressure range of 0.78 ~ 5.17 MPa .

  3. 合成天然气水合物实验研究

    Progress in the Synthesis of Natural Gas Hydrate

  4. 介绍了戈尔薄膜液体过滤技术的原理和其在合成氨天然气脱硫系统中的现场应用。

    The technology of Gall film liquid filtration in separating the suspended matter of fluid is introduced .

  5. 第三种就是气化,在这种形式中,液体或气体燃料首先转换成合成的天然气;

    The third is gasification , in which liquid or solid fuels are first turned into synthetic natural gas ;

  6. 结果表明,合成的天然气水合物样品含气率高、分解速度小。

    It is showed from the results that the synthetic gas hydrate samples have high volumetric proportion and low decomposition rate .

  7. CO2重整CH4反应广泛应用于能量传输和Fischer-Tropsch合成,是天然气转化的重要手段之一。

    The CO2 reforming of CH4 is extensively used in the energy transference and the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis , it is an important route to utilize the natural gas .

  8. 聚乙烯醇(PVA)是一种用途广泛的水溶性高分子聚合物,其制备方法有乙烯直接合成法、天然气裂解乙炔和电石乙炔合成法。

    Polyvinyl alcohol ( PVA ) was water-soluble polymer with wide applications . Its preparation methods included direct synthesis from oil-cracked ethylene , natural gas-cracked acetylene , and synthesis method from calcium carbide-acetylene .

  9. 介绍了低温铜基NC306型甲醇合成催化剂在天然气与水煤气联合生产甲醇装置上的应用情况,总结了使用过程中的注意事项;

    The application status of low temperature Cu base NC306 type catalyst for synthetic methanol in allied production equipment using natural gas and water gas as feed gas was introduced .

  10. 传统的天然气蒸汽重整制合成气在天然气间接转化利用过程中约占总费用的60%左右。

    Traditional natural gas steam reforming for synthesis gas takes about 60 % of the total cost in natural gas indirect conversion utilization .

  11. 合成氨生产过程天然气消耗状况的诊断和调优

    Examination and Optimization of Natural Gas Consumption in Synthesis Ammonia System

  12. 由甲烷制合成气是对天然气的综合合理利用的有效途径之一。

    It is one of promising ways that producing synthesis gas from nature gas .

  13. 布朗合成氨工艺增加天然气饱和装置方案评估

    Evaluation on the revamping plan of a Brown synthetic ammonia unit with adding natural gas saturation device

  14. 介绍了天然气合成油技术、天然气合成油特征及代表性工艺过程。叙述了天然气合成油发展前景。

    The technologies , characteristics and typical processes of Gas To Liquid ( GTL ) were introduced , and its developing trend was prospected in this paper .

  15. 结果表明,CH4-Air-H2O-CO2转化工艺制备的合成气,对于二甲醚合成,其天然气消耗最低。

    The results illustrated that the consumption of natural gas per ton DME was less in the CH4-Air-H2O-CO2 process than it in other syngas production process .