
  • 网络Leather Dyes;leather colour
  1. 皮革染料是皮革加工过程中的一种重要的化工材料。

    The leather dyes is a kind of important chemical materials in the process of .

  2. 高坚牢度特性的皮革染料

    Leather dyes of high fastness

  3. 无偶氮黑色皮革染料PGD的染色技术

    Technology on Dyeing of PGD Nonpoisonous Dyes of Black Leather

  4. 本文主要论述了皮革染料栗棕DSG的工艺合成路线,影响因素及合成过程中的注意事项。

    The processing , the affecting factors and announcements in the process of Leather Olive Brown DSG are primarily discussed in the paper .

  5. 皮革染料栗棕DSG的合成

    Synthesis of Leather Olive Brown DSG

  6. 介绍1种新型皮革染料,含金属染料合成鞣剂,简称为三合一染料。并对其应用条件进行了探索研究。

    This paper introduces a new leather dyestuff and also discusses its application conditions .

  7. 多功能无污染皮革染料及其应用

    A Multifunctional and Pollution-free Leather Dyestuff Its Application

  8. 两种季铵盐絮凝剂对皮革染料废水处理效果的研究

    Study on two kinds of quaternary ammonium salt flocculant for leather dye wastewater treatment

  9. 茋-偶氮型皮革染料的合成

    Synthesis of stilbene type dye for leather

  10. 黑色皮革染料的筛选

    Selection of black dyestuffs for leather

  11. 结果表明,该染料不仅可替代直接黑BN(C.I直接黑38)和直接耐晒黑G(C.I直接黑19),而且其性能和进口皮革黑染料相当。

    Results show it can not only replaces Direct Black BN ( Direct Black C.I 38 ) and Litht_fast Direct Black C. I 19 ), but also has the equal properties to the foreign black dyestuffs .

  12. 皮革专用染料-皮革黄棕的合成

    Synthesis of Leather Yellowish Brown-A Special Dye for Leather Use

  13. 无公害多功能皮革专用染料的应用

    Application of Environment Friendly Multi ─ functional Leather Dyes

  14. 无致癌性皮革专用染料的调研

    Investigation about Non-carcinogenic Leather Specialized Dyestuff

  15. 皮革专用染料生产技术

    Production Technology for Leather Special Dye

  16. 8种不含致癌芳香胺的皮革专用染料分别用于猪革、牛革、羊革浸染染色,并可用于喷染。

    Kinds of special leather dyestuffs containing no aromatic amines causing cancers may be used for impregnating dyeings , as well as , spraying dyeings of pigskin leathers , cattlehide leathers and sheepskin leathers .

  17. 通过对洛阳瑞丰工业有限公司研制生产的皮革专用无毒染料皮革黑ATS与国外同类产品进行的试验对比,指出了该染料的优缺点。

    The control tests were carried between ATS , a leather special and nonpoisonous dyestuff produced by Luoyang Ruifeng Industrial and Limited Company , and foreign similar products .

  18. 本文利用色度色差分析及紫外可见吸收光谱等研究了非偶氮皮革专用新型染料一皮革黑LR-N的染色性能。

    The dyeing properties of new non-azo dye ( Leather Black LR-N ) for leather were studied by Color Difference analysis and UV-Vis spectroscopy .

  19. 皮革禁用直接染料综述

    The Survey of Prohibiting the Direct Dyestuffs for Leather

  20. 对皮革中禁用偶氮染料的情况及相关标准作了介绍;

    Prohibited certain azo dyes in leather and relative standards were introduced .

  21. 皮革中禁用偶氮染料测量不确定度的评定

    Uncertainty Evaluation in Determination of Banned Azo Dyes in Leather

  22. 关于着色皮革中的偶氮染料问题

    Questions about certain azo dyes in dyed leather

  23. 本文研究了金属离子Zr4+与皮革染色常用黑色染料的作用机理。

    In this paper , action mechanism on metal ion ( Zr 4 + ) and black dyestuffs in leather dyeing was studied .

  24. 皮革黑GN、皮革黑NT是两个染色性能较好,产品质量稳定,售后服务及时的皮革专用染料新品种。

    Tests results showed that black GN , black NT were two new products special for leather , which have good dyeing capacities , stable quality and good sale service .