
pí fū sōnɡ chí
  • Skin laxity;dermatolysis
  1. E-PTFE补片增强眶隔膜在下睑眼袋整复中的运用及疗效评价提上睑肌折叠术联合眼睑皮肤松弛矫正术治疗老年性上睑下垂

    E-PTFE Patch Orbital Septum Strengthening Technique in Low-lid Blepharoplasty ; Senile ptosis by pleating of levator palpebrae superioris combined with cutis laxa diorthosis

  2. Richard等报道射频技术具有祛皱、改善皮肤松弛和老化、改善肤质等效果,刘丽红等对射频技术已进行了较为全面的阐述。

    Richard et al reported that radio frequency technology can smooth wrinkle , improve skin laxity , aging , improve skin texture and other effects . Radio frequency technology had been carried out more comprehensive exposition by Hong Liu et al .

  3. 这些产品能短时间解决你皮肤松弛问题。

    These products can temporarily improve the look of problem areas .

  4. 中老年人上睑皮肤松弛的个体化整复

    Clinical evaluation of the blepharoplasty with middleaged and aged upper eyelid dermatolysis

  5. 肉芽肿性皮肤松弛症系一种罕见的T细胞性淋巴瘤,临床表现为皮肤松弛、斑块、结节。

    Granulomatous slack skin is a rare cutaneous T-lymphoma .

  6. 中老年人眼睑皮肤松弛矫治46例临床分析

    Clinical Analysis on 46 Cases for Blepharochalasis Correction in Middle-aged and Aged Patients

  7. 提眉整复眉下垂伴上睑皮肤松弛62例体会

    Experience of 62 eyebrow-lifting operations for eyebrow ptosis with upper eyelid skin relaxation

  8. 老年性上睑皮肤松弛伴睑内翻倒睫的手术治疗内眦赘皮与上睑皮肤松弛同期矫正的设计及效果观察

    Age-related laxity of upper eyelid skin with entropion and trichiasis of the surgical treatment

  9. 这会导致皮肤松弛,失去的坚定性和皱纹的出现。

    This leads to sagging skin , loss of firmness and the appearance of wrinkles .

  10. 胶原蛋白的丧失是导致老年人皮肤松弛和深度皱纹的原因。

    The loss of collagen is what causes sagging and deep wrinkles in older people .

  11. 35岁以下女性上睑皮肤松弛去皮重睑术

    Blepharoplasty with upper eyelid slack skin excision for young women Linder 35 years of age

  12. 常染色体显性遗传性皮肤松弛症伴重度肺部疾病:弹性蛋白原突变体的合成和基质沉积

    Autosomal dominant cutis laxa with severe lung disease : Synthesis and matrix deposition of mutant tropoelastin

  13. 上睑成形术治疗青年睑皮肤松弛症

    Upper Lid Plasty For Young Blepharochalasis

  14. 目的:探讨一种既能治疗上睑皮肤松弛又能还原重睑形态且切口隐蔽、术后恢复时间短的新方法。

    Objective We study a method that can treat eyelid skin flaccidness and return the double eyelid form .

  15. 目的:观察上睑成形术治疗青年睑皮肤松弛症的临床效果。

    · AIM : To observe the clinical effect of upper lid plasty for blepharochalasis in young people .

  16. 本方法是治疗腹壁脂肪堆积和腹壁皮肤松弛的较理想的方法。

    Emphasis is placed on the variety of techniques used for liposuction of the abdominal wall and abdominoplasty .

  17. 目的报告一例蕈样肉芽肿之极其罕见的肉芽肿性皮肤松弛。

    Objective To report a case of granulomatous slack skin which is an extremely uncommon variant of mycosis fungoides .

  18. 儿童肉芽肿性皮肤松弛症肉芽肿性松弛皮肤病&一种罕见皮肤T细胞淋巴瘤类型

    Granulomatous slack skin in children Granulomatous slack skin disease : report of a case and review of the literature

  19. 长期持续存在的肉芽肿性皮肤松弛的并发症&双侧腹股沟疝伴大隐静脉错位的1例报道

    Bilateral inguinal hernia with dislocation of great saphenous vein as complication of long-standing granulomatous slack skin : A case report

  20. 目的:观察中老年上睑皮肤松弛矫正术的临床效果。

    ObjectiveTo observe the clinical effect of the skin chalasis of upper eyelid correction in the middle-aged and elderly people .

  21. 根据中老年人的生理特点,矫治中老年人眼睑皮肤松弛有其特殊性和一定复杂性。

    There is particularity and complexity to treat blepharochalasis in middle-aged and aged patients according to physiological characteristics of them .

  22. 眉埋线结合重睑术治疗中青年上睑皮肤松弛

    Thread-burying in eyebrow combined with double eyelid construction in treatment of upper eyelid cutis laxa in the middle-aged and young

  23. 另外,我们的颈部会下垂,看起来就像火鸡一样。因为吸收太多的太阳光将会导致人类的皮肤松弛、眼皮松垂。

    We could end up with saggy turkey necks too because extra sun will cause loose skin and baggy eyelids .

  24. 目的:观察老年性上睑皮肤松弛伴睑内翻倒睫手术治疗的临床疗效。

    Objective To investigate the age-related upper eyelid skin laxity with entropion and trichiasis of the clinical effects of surgical treatment .

  25. 之后她觉得她脸部皮肤松弛,六个月后她就像一个满脸皱纹的老太太。

    Then she felt her face sag and six months later , she looked like an old lady with a wrinkled face .

  26. 目的介绍提降眉术治疗鱼尾纹、上睑皮肤松弛及纹眉失败的方法。

    Objective To introduce elevating ( removing ) eyebrow to treat temporal wrinkles , blepharochalasis of upper eyelid and eyebrow tattoo failure .

  27. 老人的皮肤松弛的下垂着并且很灰暗;松弛的起皱的皮肤;松弛的帆;松了的绳子。

    The old man 's skin hung loose and gray ; slack and wrinkled skin ; slack sails ; a slack rope .

  28. 他的父母已被告知,由于患上罕见的儿童早衰症和皮肤松弛症,巴耶济德可能活不过15岁。

    His parents have been told Bayezid is unlikely to live past the age of 15 due to rare condition Progeria and Cutis Laxa .

  29. 我记得我注意到中老年人的身体很难看:如此皮肤松弛、身材臃肿、皱纹遍布是多么可悲。

    I remember noticing old and middle-aged bodies and feeling sorry for their owners : how tragic to be so saggy , bulgy and wrinkly .

  30. 方法对于面部脂肪增生或脂肪下垂堆积及皮肤松弛者,行内窥镜额颞部上提,颊脂肪垫去除,面中、下部肿胀吸脂,深层组织的悬吊。

    Methods All patients firstly underwent the endoscopic frontal and temporal lift , then buccal excessive fat pad excised , the lower facial suction lipectomy done .